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Dawn: an anti-Pakistan newspaper ?

Why on Earth anybody expects a money making business to be patriotic and nationalistic blah blah?
Hey i got a warning today for a very benign totally non offensive irrelevant post. I am feeling so deterred in posting here. But i will still comment on ur post bahi. Its not all about money making, when you are working from a country's soil its your job to show loyalty to the country. Why we have sedition laws. And dawn is 'anti pakistan' and they are looks like paid by india to do all pro india junk. Whilst country is struck by variety of issues, moral corruption and so many other genuine issues deserving to be highlighted their main focus hovers over these things: their every next article is about ,pakistanis and indians are same, promote pak india friendship whilst they burry kashmir issue somewhere.
Secondly, agar army operation karti hai they write articles why they are doing operations ,why they are hanging terrorists. IF army doesnt do operations they still write how army created taliban they arent doing anything.
Agar army hadnt setup military courts tau kya karti. Aps massacare had many army officers kids gotten martyred in it,army is the last force facing taliban, unkay bchon ko maro gay you will emotionally break them, then who will fight wars for you.that was also the aim of indian attackers on 16 dec.
There comment sections is another cesspool of crap. They are in every way working on proindian agenda.

They will article after article write on kpk province showing all negativity towards ik. Not that i am ik fan but i am neutral in my stance. So many ik reports makes one ask dawn do we have any other provinces. I am yet to see you covering sindh and punjab province???
Theres so much more that could be said.
They are national paper and they post indians such comments:'pakistan will use her nukes on her own ppl', or ' if terrorists get hold of your nukes', or ' what if your nukes explode on you'.
Lastly, i am feeling so down by the unnecessary warning from irfan bahi, idont feel like coming to the forum again.
It is mine of course, I write regularly, almost weekly.
This article will be published in The London Post and AlRasub in a few hours.


Thanks for the reply. Good job with the article, but then you already know that.

Welcome to the forum. It is a blessing that the forum is attracting talented pakistani women. Tahnk you for representing your motherland in a positive manner on the world forum and making your voice and point of view heard.

Thank you for fighting for pakistan.
Also zaid haid is a lot better than these hypocritical media houses. He might seem like a conspiracy theory churning factory but he does have valid points in many things he say. Secondly, he is a patriot not like these sold out media houses.
Secondly, sabena this is information warfare age,not conventional,in info warfare you usemedia to mentally cripple a nation,do propaganda that west is good at but india is best ;case in point ,3million bengalis were killed in east pakistan, even some foolish pakistais buy this number, spread disinformation, create so mucb discontent that ppl start demanding a separate country out of a single homeland . Dawn and other newspapers and tv channels are doing the job of their masters very well.

@sabena siddiqi , oh yes of banners prepared by isi on judges i know that article, i had even wanted to write in comments section but then ididnt cause they mostly block me. :/
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Dawn News is Pakistan, s oldest English newspaper, in fact it was founded by Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in Delhi, India, on 26 October 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League.
Today, it is Pakistan, s most well-known newspaper and is considered an authentic, factual news source on all things Pakistani.
It earned this reputation in decades, consequently it has also incurred upon itself the responsibility that it will not mis-represent Pakistan or distort its realities.

In these trying times, when the army is at war with terrorist elements and terror attacks on a war level are taking place in Pakistan, s cities, the most brutal and barbaric being the ignominious murder of more than a 100 schoolchildren in a Peshawar army school, suddenly Dawn is coming across as oddly protective of terrorists.
It has vehemently unleashed a campaign to put a question mark on military courts, these were established after a political consensus by the government and other parties.
Dawn News, most recent views on military courts were that the execution orders of 6 TTP terrorists had 'sounded alarm bells among the country’s legal and political circles'.
It is the first time in the history of Pakistan that these Taliban mercenaries have been convicted and this newspaper has raised a ruckus in its antipathy with military courts.
It has, in a way, tried to provoke lawyers and judges to clamour against military courts, even though military courts are the need of the hour and established for just two years to control the rampant wave of terrorism.
The 'secrecy' of military courts irks Dawn newspaper instead of being relieved that terrorists will meet their well-deserved end.

It looks more like a studied stance determined by the newspaper to undermine the image of the armed forces, another particularly silly bit of news published in Dawn was that InterServices Intelligence had prepared banners accusing a senior judge of blasphemy.
This allegation could never be proven but it was still news.

In another Dawn report , it was claimed that Pakistan is the largest importer of Chinese arms, without reporting that India is the largest importer of arms from all over the world. This partial reporting only favored India.

Not only that, Dawn is playing a very dangerous game by providing a platform to separatists.
Recently, Mama Qadeer, a Baloch separatist was stopped from going abroad as his name was on the exit control list, Dawn reported the whole incident as if his demand was like that of Indian Kashmiris living under occupation.
Dawn portrays those who want separation from Pakistan as those who are asking for their rights, shouldnt it be against the ethics of a Pakistani newspaper to avoid giving it front page space, such persons are also known as seditionists or traitors. :
If the Pakistan government deems it fit to stop them from going abroad, shouldnt Dawn avoid nominating the same seditionist as Person of the Year 2014 ?
Now this looks like confirmed endorsement and approval by Dawn news group for Baluchi separatist proxies.

Lately, Dawn even glorified the Indian border force BSF which keeps firing on Pakistani troops on an international border.
The launch of the Indian BSF All Women Camel Safari, at BSF Head Quarters in Bhuj was highlighted and promoted with such gusto that visitors on the Dawn.com Facebook page commented that they followed Dawn to catch a glimpse of Pakistan but it looked more like an Indian newspaper.

The liberal Dawn newspaper also gives space to the miscreants of Lal Masjid and ample coverage.
With overflowing magnanimity, Dawn always shows Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as part of India on maps used in its publications.
Isnt it strange that Pakistan, s largest selling and well-known English daily does not have a correct map of Pakistan?

Lately, the Dawn news group also deemed it suitable to publish a piece by Husain Haqqani, erstwhile ambassador to the U.S. , in which he asked Pakistan to abandon the Kashmir issue as it is a small pesky country and America does not need it anymore after getting a mighty ally like India.
This stance is very passe and only approved by India, it is not a realistic analysis of the situation.
Also, he tries his best to give Pakistanis an inferiority complex on everything under the sun, is this sort of deliberately placed article suitable for Pakistan, s flag bearer in journalism to publish?
Dawn has responsibilities towards Pakistan too, it is not just a land where they print away anything to make money.

Dawn writes against an Islamic identity of Pakistan, running down the Two Nation Theory and questioning if Pakistan is indeed a Muslim country.
I ended my subscription of Dawn newspaper five years ago, and im glad I did, reading it gives one a depression.

Dawn also did an editorial against the death penalty because the ordinary people in Pakistan support the idea, the general public wants to see justice being done after losing 50, 000 lives to terrorism.
The Peshawar attack was Pakistan, s 9/11 and people want to see results, they want to see good winning over evil, and dont need decorative talk about human rights of terrorists who kill babies.

Newspapers in Pakistan should represent it with sincerity and honesty, exercising caution regarding its foreign policy, its defense and its future.
Is it possible for a newspaper to go against the interests of a country it is identified with and undermine the efforts of the government and security agencies in checking crime and ensuring terrorists are punished.
This is not freedom of speech, it is negative propaganda and a senseless bias, sorry to say but the next largest English newspaper Express Tribune also follows Dawn, s example.
Pakistan does not have the honest, sincere, patriotic media it deserves.
How can a newspaper go against what is good for the country and still claim to represent the same country?
Pakistan, s newspaper and television media need a code of conduct as they do not understand the ethos of Pakistan.

I agree most English News Papers are puppets of west and always talk crap against Islam and Pakistan. You can clearly see there western agenda by reading them. They are mostly liked by those who are in more love with west than west themselves.
Hey i got a warning today for a very benign totally non offensive irrelevant post. I am feeling so deterred in posting here. But i will still comment on ur post bahi. Its not all about money making, when you are working from a country's soil its your job to show loyalty to the country. Why we have sedition laws. And dawn is 'anti pakistan' and they are looks like paid by india to do all pro india junk. Whilst country is struck by variety of issues, moral corruption and so many other genuine issues deserving to be highlighted their main focus hovers over these things: their every next article is about ,pakistanis and indians are same, promote pak india friendship whilst they burry kashmir issue somewhere.
Secondly, agar army operation karti hai they write articles why they are doing operations ,why they are hanging terrorists. IF army doesnt do operations they still write how army created taliban they arent doing anything.
Agar army hadnt setup military courts tau kya karti. Aps massacare had many army officers kids gotten martyred in it,army is the last force facing taliban, unkay bchon ko maro gay you will emotionally break them, then who will fight wars for you.that was also the aim of indian attackers on 16 dec.
There comment sections is another cesspool of crap. They are in every way working on proindian agenda.

They will article after article write on kpk province showing all negativity towards ik. Not that i am ik fan but i am neutral in my stance. So many ik reports makes one ask dawn do we have any other provinces. I am yet to see you covering sindh and punjab province???
Theres so much more that could be said.
They are national paper and they post indians such comments:'pakistan will use her nukes on her own ppl', or ' if terrorists get hold of your nukes', or ' what if your nukes explode on you'.
Lastly, i am feeling so down by the unnecessary warning from irfan bahi, idont feel like coming to the forum again.


I hardly ever comment in urdu and i would reccomend others do the same because of our worldwide readers, but then i once a while i also slip, so here is that once

Tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra tu aiy oqab
yeh tau chalti hai tujhay ooncha oranay kay liay.

And if Irfan Baloch recommended, dont take it to heart, it is just like water rolling off your back.

Just remember you are writing for pakistan, so keep on plugging.

I hardly ever comment in urdu and i would reccomend others do the same because of our worldwide readers, but then i once a while i also slip, so here is that once

Tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra tu aiy oqab
yeh tau chalti hai tujhay ooncha oranay kay liay.

And if Irfan Baloch recommended, dont take it to heart, it is just like water rolling off your back.

Just remember you are writing for pakistan, so keep on plugging.
Nahi nahi yey baat nai hai. Woh in introduction forum i had a thread ,'so i was asking an 'apparently' friendly memeber akheilos where are you can we talk,as i cant open my own threads and i had wanted to discuss an article, someother memeber came and wrote she that is akheilos is hibernating ,which is a normal comment, so i wrote not hibernating, its aestivation, aestivation is summer sleep ,opposite of hiberntion which is winters sleep.whats offensive in this. But maybe akheilos got offended and reported me and my thread got locked and i recieved warning for trolling from irfan baloch and that its a 3 strike system ,this warning is first strike then iwill be banned. Was that something offensive?? I wrote in normal sense. i mean who on earth will ever get offended on such thing???atleast educate yourselves on meaning of words.
There are lot of patriotic pakistanis here and thats why i came here. And if just cuz someone is a new member has to be given warnings over stupid stuff then it just means new ppl arent welcome.
And someone recently had opened a thread on emotional quotient. Duh.

@MastanKhan bahii @Color_Less_Sky bahi, aur kon hai han 45' 22 and some more ppl, may ban ho gayi tau aap logon ko miss karoon gee aur may bhoot ban kay proxy use kar kay multi ban kay nai aaoon gee. But iwil remember you guys.
Aur kon kon hai jo yaad aey ga,abhi tau nicks bhi nahi yaad arahay.
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Hey i got a warning today for a very benign totally non offensive irrelevant post. I am feeling so deterred in posting here. But i will still comment on ur post bahi. Its not all about money making, when you are working from a country's soil its your job to show loyalty to the country. Why we have sedition laws. And dawn is 'anti pakistan' and they are looks like paid by india to do all pro india junk. Whilst country is struck by variety of issues, moral corruption and so many other genuine issues deserving to be highlighted their main focus hovers over these things: their every next article is about ,pakistanis and indians are same, promote pak india friendship whilst they burry kashmir issue somewhere.
Secondly, agar army operation karti hai they write articles why they are doing operations ,why they are hanging terrorists. IF army doesnt do operations they still write how army created taliban they arent doing anything.
Agar army hadnt setup military courts tau kya karti. Aps massacare had many army officers kids gotten martyred in it,army is the last force facing taliban, unkay bchon ko maro gay you will emotionally break them, then who will fight wars for you.that was also the aim of indian attackers on 16 dec.
There comment sections is another cesspool of crap. They are in every way working on proindian agenda.

They will article after article write on kpk province showing all negativity towards ik. Not that i am ik fan but i am neutral in my stance. So many ik reports makes one ask dawn do we have any other provinces. I am yet to see you covering sindh and punjab province???
Theres so much more that could be said.
They are national paper and they post indians such comments:'pakistan will use her nukes on her own ppl', or ' if terrorists get hold of your nukes', or ' what if your nukes explode on you'.
Lastly, i am feeling so down by the unnecessary warning from irfan bahi, idont feel like coming to the forum again.

For the warning part I don't know what you wrote that attracted it, but if it helps just be yourself Appa and this forum is not the last thing.

Regarding rest of your post I would never expect a money making business to promote patriotism and start public service free of cost, not especially in current times. What I don't understand is idiocy of our people, when you don't like something don't use it "Meer Jaffar" and "Meer Sadiq" are nothing new for us.

And laws of this country are joke as much as law enforcement agency (Police) are.
I agree most English News Papers are puppets of west and always talk crap against Islam and Pakistan. You can clearly see there western agenda by reading them. They are mostly liked by those who are in more love with west than west themselves.

Thee shall start writing, typing and speaking in Arabic from now on !

Thanks for the reply. Good job with the article, but then you already know that.

Welcome to the forum. It is a blessing that the forum is attracting talented pakistani women. Tahnk you for representing your motherland in a positive manner on the world forum and making your voice and point of view heard.

Thank you for fighting for pakistan.
Thank you :)

And don't talk to me in this language of the infidels you infidel.....you shall only address to me in the pure and heavenly language of Arabic....capiche?
Go and learn Islam man than talk
Even Indian media use to criticize India and praise China many time. But we cant say that they are anti indian. It is about how you look. Do you want to improve or just want to be a day dreamer?
Go and learn Islam man than talk


And again because of your infidelity my eyes are committing sin and kufr by reading your infidel English typing; you infidel !!.....Address me in Arabic you al-moron !!
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