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Dalit Women's Aspirations in Bangladesh

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Well the hindus here typically thinks of india as being the paradise(insert mecca of asia, well no offense to anyone) thats why they prefer to shift there anytime. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything 'cos they enjoy all of the privileges that minorities are supposed to enjoy.
Whatever the news reports may say but we don't point out anyone. Goto old town any day and you'd see muslims going to mosques during magrib and hindus going to the temple for puja and no one even notices anyone. It has been like this for hundreds of years. But if they think they are being discriminated I wouldn't care 'cos we don't.

Anyways continue with the discussion ..................

That is not only the reason... many hindu did not return after 1971 war... so this has created an effect... n that is now most of the hisdus has some relatives in India... n those relatives ask hindus to migrate to india... and due to religious and some times economical reason they migrate to india with the direct help from Indian Politicians...

N some guys those who are saying many bangladeshis are living in slum of delhi or bombay or sleep at the street... if that is true then most of them are dalit hindu of bangladesh those who did not return after 1971 war or later went to India with the help of their relatives in India and Indian politicians... As usual you can not expect the dalits to live in a mansion or luxurious apartment... this is as simple as this.... after all they are lower class and untouchable according to the Indian social system...
Can any bd member tell me how dalit discrimination in BD is India's fault?
Also, bangladesh being muslim majority country, should have uplifted them long ago. Why is it still there?

In India, it is still there, and it is definitely our fault.
But what is the point of being muslim, if you keep worst of hindu practice, and add worst of arab ones.
Can any bd member tell me how dalit discrimination in BD is India's fault?
Also, bangladesh being muslim majority country, should have uplifted them long ago. Why is it still there?

In India, it is still there, and it is definitely our fault.
But what is the point of being muslim, if you keep worst of hindu practice, and add worst of arab ones.

BD government can not just just ban the dalit system as it is part of hindu religion.... I do not know whether you know it or not christian missionaries are converting whole hindu villages in bd and also in india capitalizing this caste system.... But d people and government would be more than happy to abolish this caste system... but 1st initiative should have been come from the hindus ... as hindus has raised voice about it ..so definitely it will be abolished soon... but alas in india there are no such initiative...

N remember another thing ... bd may be a muslim majority country but it is a democratric country and every religious people are free to practice their religion.... unlike India where politicians do religion based vote bank politics and start hate speech and ranting on the minorities during election period and discriminate the minorities... n that is the reason communal riot always happen in India where as no such thing happen inpakistan and bd...
Can any bd member tell me how dalit discrimination in BD is India's fault?
Also, bangladesh being muslim majority country, should have uplifted them long ago. Why is it still there?

In India, it is still there, and it is definitely our fault.
But what is the point of being muslim, if you keep worst of hindu practice, and add worst of arab ones.

Well in Bangladesh Dalits are mostly discriminated due to their economic and living condition. They are mostly discriminated within their own hindu community for the religious reason. But in Muslim community they have fairly good access if not full access.

Its hard to enact law targeting minorities. We couldnt make Hindus to register their marriage nor we could give Hindu women the right to inheritance. Everytime govt try to reform Hindu laws they come out in the street protesting... :coffee:
Well in Bangladesh Dalits are mostly discriminated due to their economic and living condition. They are mostly discriminated within their own hindu community for the religious reason. But in Muslim community they have fairly good access if not full access.

Its hard to enact law targeting minorities. We couldnt make Hindus to register their marriage nor we could give Hindu women the right to inheritance. Everytime govt try to reform Hindu laws they come out in the street protesting... :coffee:

Well I can understand that, we have same experience with Muslim personal laws, however Hindu laws are reformed.

However we shouldn't blame Pakistan or Bangladesh when one Shahbano fails to get her due justice(or more like we failed her). It was entirely our fault.
Well the hindus here typically thinks of india as being the paradise(insert mecca of asia, well no offense to anyone) thats why they prefer to shift there anytime. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything 'cos they enjoy all of the privileges that minorities are supposed to enjoy.
Whatever the news reports may say but we don't point out anyone. Goto old town any day and you'd see muslims going to mosques during magrib and hindus going to the temple for puja and no one even notices anyone. It has been like this for hundreds of years. But if they think they are being discriminated I wouldn't care 'cos we don't.

Anyways continue with the discussion ..................

I do believe that, but why do you think it is different across the border?
Then how come it is still practiced in India... why a big chunk of people are still untouchable and international media need to produce news to raise voice for this racism and human right violation.... why none of your right wing hindu politicians are raising voice for this.... can you deny as pointed out by eastwatch your higher caste people are not allowed to marry lower caste people??? all of you are ust like empty vessel.... sound much but do less...

Our president is a dalit, the chief minister of most populous and powerful state is dalit, a dalit wrote our constitution.

However it doesn't mean dalits are not getting discriminated, even when I'm writing this post, someone at some corner of India getting discriminated. But we are striving to eradicate this menace and have laws and active media support against it. With more education and urbanization this evil also will be eradicated.
I thought castism is social evil only within hindus. Is not bangladesh a predominantly muslim country?

Anyway, good to see dalits being uplifted.
Are there dalits in pak too, can any pak member tell me?

Perhaps you did not read the article properly. It says about Dalits, but they are part of our Hindu society. They are not muslims.
While some scholars theorize that the Muslim Castes are not as acute in their discrimination as that among Hindus, Dr B.R.Ambedkar argued otherwise, writing that the social evils in Muslim society were "worse than those seen in Hindu society"


Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well well keep on drinking dude, good for you.
Anyways quoted from your own source
Sources indicate that the castes among Muslims developed as the result of close contact with Hindu culture and Hindu converts to Islam.[1][2][3][4] Religious scholar Yoginder Sikand elaborates that the caste system among Muslims was not due to the "influence of Hinduism among a previously 'pure', 'uncontaminated' Muslim community," but rather to "the continued impact of Hindu beliefs and customs on the converts who still remained within a largely Hindu cultural universe and retained many of its associated beliefs and practices"

and I wuldn call them Muslims in the first place.:pop:
well well keep on drinking dude, good for you.
Anyways quoted from your own source

and I wuldn call them Muslims in the first place.:pop:

Your thoughts does not matter.

Even If a Muslim prays to Ganesha, then he is still a Muslim(by Law):rolleyes:
Your thoughts does not matter.

Even If a Muslim prays to Ganesha, then he is still a Muslim(by Law):rolleyes:

Pls don't expose your stupidity like this if you don't know
'bout something. Unfortunately if a muslim prays to an elephant then he isn't a muslim in the first place.
Pls don't expose your stupidity like this if you don't know
'bout something. Unfortunately if a muslim prays to an elephant then he isn't a muslim in the first place.

Shame on people like you.

Who gave you the authority to decide who is Muslim or not?
Perhaps you did not read the article properly. It says about Dalits, but they are part of our Hindu society. They are not muslims.

Sorry, I missed the point. My apologies. Your point of hindus in BD not allowing reforms makes sense to me. We got minorities here too. Is it same minority appeasement policy (appeasing them in matter of politics and religion but not doing much for their real betterment) over there too?
Sorry, I missed the point. My apologies. Your point of hindus in BD not allowing reforms makes sense to me. We got minorities here too. Is it same minority appeasement policy (appeasing them in matter of politics and religion but not doing much for their real betterment) over there too?

Muslims are taught that all humans are equal in the eyes of Allah. Allah created all of us equal. So, we cannot really understand all the social unequalities in the Hindu society. In case of India it is their problem. But, in case of Bangladesh, if some social groups work on the matter of upgrading the status of these Dalit Hindus, Muslims will not resist the effort only because it is in line with the teaching of our Prophet.

These Dalits usually do jobs like cleaning of toilets or streets. Some of them become also cobblers. It is true that when some of their kids go to school they are ridiculed and other students do not want to sit with them. However, it is changing little by little. A much wider social awakening is needed and our social activists are working on that.

However, since the Dalits are a part of Hindu society, therefore, the non-Dalit Hindus should come forward to change their status and help them. But, this is not happening at this moment.

I have read somewhere that when a Dalit child educates himself he does not usually speak about his root. When we (Muslims) come to know about it, we usually say his root in the past tense like his family WAS dome before. Dome is the usual term for a Dalit in BD, but less deregatory than the term Methor.

I have heard that a few highly qualified Dalits are working also in the govt civil service, but they do not say about their root and their Muslim colleagues just say/think they are Hindus.

However, it is not true if I say everything is that bright. I know a Muslim man who fell in love with a dome woman and married her. But, their daughters could not be married because the mother was a dome.
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