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Dalit Women's Aspirations in Bangladesh

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Sad to see Bangladeshis suffering from such discrimination in society when West Bengal is almost devoid of such evil.

Also I'm not sure why Dalits discriminated in Bangladesh should be a fault of India?

Yes, we already know why west Bengal is the FATHERLAND of communism, Maobadi and many other ISMS needed to wipe out your social discrimination. We also know why the Assamese just like to hate your west Bengali hindu babus. You guys cannot even marry your fellow Hindus born in lower religious-social rung. What a marvelleous society you have built in the name of religion, and here you are pretending equality. We are not foreigners not to know what your society is and what it is not.

You have a tendency to deny historical facts because it does not suit your mindless ego. Now, I find your illogical mind trying to overlook or hide the dirts in your society. Read more and broaden your mind and try to accept facts that are written prominently across your society.
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BD per capita GDP was always higher than India before 1971. Following independence people witnessed their buying power went down substantially and rather rapidly. Thats one of the reason many people despised AL after independence.

I already posted a comparison of per capita GDP of BD, India and Pakistan.


It shows BD's per capita income decreased following 71 but that of Pakistan and India increased even more.

Anyway BD having higher per capita income in 60s make sense as almost all her land is arable, and India was yet to see the green revolution.
Yes, we already know why west Bengal is the FATHERLAND of communism, Maobadi and many other ISMS needed to wipe out your social discrimination. We also know why the Assamese just like to hate your west Bengali hindu babus. You guys cannot even marry your fellow Hindus born in lower religious-social rung. What a marvelleous society you have built in the name of religion, and here you are pretending equality. We are not foreigners not to know what your society is and what it is not.

You have a tendency to deny historical facts because it does not suit your mindless ego. Now, I find your illogical mind trying to overlook or hide the dirts in your society. Read more and broaden your mind and try to accept facts that are written prominently across your society.

I don't live in Assam so I don't care whether or not they hate us or love us. But you should care as you share border with Assam and you have an immigration problem with Assamese.

The topic is about social discrimination in BD, so stick to it, although the whole purpose of creating the topic is to bash India. Poor Moni Rani Das, her effort goes down the drain as her countrymen are more busy to pull off religious supremacy card rather than appreciate her for her tremendous work.

Come to think of it, no effort is lost as those Dalits will find some solace, you all don't matter much anyway.
Thank you so much sir for your reply... I am really glad that you replied me... even I do not worth a reply...

Yes partly... but the reason for posting the videos to show the backward culture and practice in many part of India and to support eastwatch bros post.

If you want to post any video related to social issue please open a thread and post it... Let us see whether we are aware of it or not... If not then it would be better to take care of that one...

But post from credible sources .. not from any propaganda news outlet..

Bangladesh has 12% minority people ... you are still saying we have no people to look at in a racist manner...???

Just look at India.. how communal riot and tension remain high in all parts of India... what is the percentile of christians in India but still they are not immune from this racial hate... in india...

Just look at the following news... how radicals hindus promote hate, terrorism and target minorities in India...but you will not see any such event in bangladesh and pakistan...

OpEdNews - Article: Swami Aseemanand exposes Hindu terrorism

No one blamed India but the practice of those culture by the Indians... Bd people does not want any dalit system ... this is as simple as that.... BD people will be more happy to abolish dalit system as it is some sort of racism... human right violation... but it is part of hinduism.. So, hindu people need to take 1st initiative.. n they are taking ... it will be abolished once and for all... then bangladesh will be in a good position to concentrate on the dalits of India....

This is inter related thread.... dalit system mainly practiced in India.... if it is abolished from there... then it will be abolished from all other places...

As I said before bd people has concern for each and every citizen.... n bd is taking initiative to abolish it... it may hurt some right wing hindu... but it does not a matter...

If India is not a thekadar of hinduism them why your politicians are wanting to give citizenship of bangladeshi hindu of India??? and want to expell bengali muslim saying they are bangladeshi when they are Indian...

Nest time, don't just copy paste same post again and again. Write something comprehensible with proper punctuation.
I already posted a comparison of per capita GDP of BD, India and Pakistan.


It shows BD's per capita income decreased following 71 but that of Pakistan and India increased even more.

Anyway BD having higher per capita income in 60s make sense as almost all her land is arable, and India was yet to see the green revolution.

One more thing I forgot to mention, it was the GDP contribution of East Pakistan to whole GDP of Pakistan, but how much of it actually being spent on East Pakistan? ;)
I already posted a comparison of per capita GDP of BD, India and Pakistan.


It shows BD's per capita income decreased following 71 but that of Pakistan and India increased even more.

Anyway BD having higher per capita income in 60s make sense as almost all her land is arable, and India was yet to see the green revolution.

I told you indians couple of time.. the main reason of decreasing GDP... is that most of the infrastructure was destroyed... pakistan moved reserve and changed currency to destroy bd economy... famine broke out in 1972... these all describe the reason of lower gdp but neither pakistan or india suffered any such set back... you can compare the situation of iraq with bd.... iraq will need decades to go back to their previous position... iraq had always higher per capita gdp then Syria and jordan... but now they have couple of time higher per capita gdp than iraq... but to the iraqis syria and ordan are still backwards... same case is also here... india may have gain higher gdp for the time being but the transformation of bd will happen much faster than india due to its small size.... by 2021 bd is hoping to almost eradicate poverty and reduce it to 0 by 2030... but there are still high probability india still will have significant number of poor at that time... due to its bigger size...despite it may have higher per capita gdp than bd in 2030....
Nest time, don't just copy paste same post again and again. Write something comprehensible with proper punctuation.

what copy paste did you find abir babu.... you ust failed to mention why despite of having 12% minority bangladesh has no communal tension and why india always has communal tension, riot, religious bigotry by radical hindus towards minority, targeting minorities with hate speech during election... ust wondering why you are quite about those issues... usually you tend to have a big mouth every time... ust to illustrate "Mera Bharat Mohan"....
I don't live in Assam so I don't care whether or not they hate us or love us. But you should care as you share border with Assam and you have an immigration problem with Assamese.

I think assam is still ( as in the future it is like to be separated from india) part of India...so you better care what they think about all of you west bengal hindu babu..

N what migration issue??? Are you talking about right wing radical hindu ranting during election time???

The topic is about social discrimination in BD, so stick to it, although the whole purpose of creating the topic is to bash India. Poor Moni Rani Das, her effort goes down the drain as her countrymen are more busy to pull off religious supremacy card rather than appreciate her for her tremendous work.

The article is about social discrimination in hindu society among the hindu community in bangladesh.... bd people would be more than happy to abolish dalit system...unlike India where many people still support and practice this caste system. Still did not heard from any hindu indian here who raised voice to abolish this racist system...

Come to think of it, no effort is lost as those Dalits will find some solace, you all don't matter much anyway.

nothing to comment...
what copy paste did you find abir babu.... you ust failed to mention why despite of having 12% minority bangladesh has no communal tension and why india always has communal tension, riot, religious bigotry by radical hindus towards minority, targeting minorities with hate speech during election... ust wondering why you are quite about those issues... usually you tend to have a big mouth every time... ust to illustrate "Mera Bharat Mohan"....

It's 9.1 % according to 2001 census and probably even less in present time. You seemed have found out a better way, social discrimination in a way so that they leave their ancestral home and take refuge in an alien country.

Once again the thread is not about religious bigotry of various Indian society, you need to open a thread related to it to know my opinion. Or you can dig old archive as well, there are plentiful of such threads in this forum.
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I think assam is still ( as in the future it is like to be separated from india) part of India...so you better care what they think about all of you west bengal hindu babu..

N what migration issue??? Are you talking about right wing radical hindu ranting during election time???

Sorry I don't understand, why should we care what Assamese think about Bengalis in Assam? Do Tamil care about what Punjabis think about them? I don't see ourselves migrating to Assam in my lifetime.

Also seeing the hero's welcome that the Debojit guy got some years ago, I'd not agree with your idea. ;)

However this is not the same case with Bangladesh who are migrating to Assam because of various of reasons and Assamese seem to be xenophobic towards them.

The article is about social discrimination in hindu society among the hindu community in bangladesh.... bd people would be more than happy to abolish dalit system...unlike India where many people still support and practice this caste system. Still did not heard from any hindu indian here who raised voice to abolish this racist system...

Read slowly so that you can remember it next time.

It's an issue of hindu communities in Bamgladesh, so Bangladesh should express concern to hindus living in Bangladesh.

And if you are so happy to abolish caste system, why didn't you despite being a majority Muslim country? Why a Hindu has to come forward and do the dirty work for you? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves but you dare to blame us!
Sorry I don't understand, why should we care what Assamese think about Bengalis in Assam? Do Tamil care about what Punjabis think about them? I don't see ourselves migrating to Assam in my lifetime.

This is the reason in the coming decades india is likely to be separated in to more smaller pieces... as one group of people does not care about others and think them as of different origin and ethnicity... rather than a same country man...

Also seeing the hero's welcome that the Debojit guy got some years ago, I'd not agree with your idea. ;)

when AR rahman got the award he also got a hero's welcome ... but it does not necessarily mean all indians like their fellow muslim indian.... as hate ranting against muslim, discrimination and killing is a common phenomena in indian society..

However this is not the same case with Bangladesh who are migrating to Assam because of various of reasons and Assamese seem to be xenophobic towards them.

what reason.... assam is in much backward then bd itself... even the chief minister of assam is crying for bds help for the development of the assam... n all the bangalis are living their for centuries... just during election period they start hate speeches and ranting against muslims... and bengalis...'

The following is a nice article which debunk this theory...

Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into India

It's an issue of hindu communities in Bamgladesh, so Bangladesh should express concern to hindus living in Bangladesh.

Because this is part of hindu religion... if it would not then bd government could do this long ago... as hindu people has already raised voice... about it so it will be abolished sooner then later... but no such sign in india...

And if you are so happy to abolish caste system, why didn't you despite being a majority Muslim country? Why a Hindu has to come forward and do the dirty work for you? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves but you dare to blame us!
Because this is part of hindu religion... if it would not then bd government could do this long ago... as hindu people has already raised voice... about it so it will be abolished sooner then later... but no such sign in india...

You people just can't seem to think anything out of India, do you?

Caste system is abolished in India since the inception of Republic of India.
You people just can't seem to think anything out of India, do you?

Caste system is abolished in India since the inception of Republic of India.

Then how come it is still practiced in India... why a big chunk of people are still untouchable and international media need to produce news to raise voice for this racism and human right violation.... why none of your right wing hindu politicians are raising voice for this.... can you deny as pointed out by eastwatch your higher caste people are not allowed to marry lower caste people??? all of you are ust like empty vessel.... sound much but do less...
It's 9.1 % according to 2001 census and probably even less in present time. You seemed have found out a better way, social discrimination in a way so that they leave their ancestral home and take refuge in an alien country.

Once again the thread is not about religious bigotry of various Indian society, you need to open a thread related to it to know my opinion. Or you can dig old archive as well, there are plentiful of such threads in this forum.

What the muslims in BD can do if our Hindu citizens keep on producing lesser number of children than other religionists as always? This is how their number has come down in terms of percentage. Their number itself is not coming down.
Well the hindus here typically thinks of india as being the paradise(insert mecca of asia, well no offense to anyone) thats why they prefer to shift there anytime. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything 'cos they enjoy all of the privileges that minorities are supposed to enjoy.
Whatever the news reports may say but we don't point out anyone. Goto old town any day and you'd see muslims going to mosques during magrib and hindus going to the temple for puja and no one even notices anyone. It has been like this for hundreds of years. But if they think they are being discriminated I wouldn't care 'cos we don't.

Anyways continue with the discussion ..................
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