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'Cyber-Hindus': India's new breed of political activists

So now from 'Savior' from corruption, it is 'knowing where to stop'. To the best of my knowledge nothing has stopped BSY from anything (his last haul was about 2B) or Gadakari. Modi has a slush fund that he can dip into even though he has no children.
What kinds of weird hallucinations are you in? If you had told me that you support AAP, then my position on corruption would have been indefensible. AK is truly uncorruptibale and will work towards removing it. Instead you field a bunch of people who are just as corrupt and have beautiful allegations like women stalking against them...and your problem is that I'm not accepting your POV?

When did I say Modi will be a "Savior"? I don't suffer from such hallucination. And if you think AAP is uncorruptable, then you are wrong, they will not remain clean for long. But as I said earlier, fully accepting that politicians & parties are corrupt by default; first there is a limit to such corruption that Congress has crossed long back, and when in Govt. they must do their basic duty of Governance, which Congress failed to do miserably. Instead of always bickering against everybody else, why don't you post some good valid points, positive ones, about why should one vote for Congress?
When did I say Modi will be a "Savior"? I don't suffer from such hallucination. And if you think AAP is uncorruptable, then you are wrong, they will not remain clean for long. But as I said earlier, fully accepting that politicians & parties are corrupt by default; first there is a limit to such corruption that Congress has crossed long back, and when in Govt. they must do their basic duty of Governance, which Congress failed to do miserably. Instead of always bickering against everybody else, why don't you post some good valid points, positive ones, about why should one vote for Congress?
He can't post that. Simply because UPA 2 did nothing to show to people. Hence the mud slinging and character assasinations.
When did I say Modi will be a "Savior"? I don't suffer from such hallucination. And if you think AAP is uncorruptable, then you are wrong, they will not remain clean for long. But as I said earlier, fully accepting that politicians & parties are corrupt by default; first there is a limit to such corruption that Congress has crossed long back, and when in Govt. they must do their basic duty of Governance, which Congress failed to do miserably. Instead of always bickering against everybody else, why don't you post some good valid points, positive ones, about why should one vote for Congress?

I 100% endorse your post. You have hit all the points perfectly.
When did I say Modi will be a "Savior"? I don't suffer from such hallucination. And if you think AAP is uncorruptable, then you are wrong, they will not remain clean for long. But as I said earlier, fully accepting that politicians & parties are corrupt by default; first there is a limit to such corruption that Congress has crossed long back, and when in Govt. they must do their basic duty of Governance, which Congress failed to do miserably. Instead of always bickering against everybody else, why don't you post some good valid points, positive ones, about why should one vote for Congress?

WHy don't you tell me why one should vote for BJP when they're as corrupt as congress and will also get into all sorts of social engineering. BJP's statistics of economic growth are FALSE. They opposed economic reforms, still oppose FDI in retail and pension. All that they did is take credit for the momentum in economy which came after the reforms and sit pretty on it. You have a p-arty that is basically out of the stone age, just as corrupt and engineers and riots. You tell me why should anyone vote for BJP?
So now from 'Savior' from corruption, it is 'knowing where to stop'. To the best of my knowledge nothing has stopped BSY from anything (his last haul was about 2B) or Gadakari. Modi has a slush fund that he can dip into even though he has no children.What kinds of weird hallucinations are you in? If you had told me that you support AAP, then my position on corruption would have been indefensible. AK is truly uncorruptibale and will work towards removing it. Instead you field a bunch of people who are just as corrupt and have beautiful allegations like women stalking against them...and your problem is that I'm not accepting your POV?
Woman stalking...There isn't any proof that Saheb was Modi...No surety it was Amit Shah as voice analysis or any investigation has not been done.

Even Rahul Gandhi was accused of rape case of Sukanya. But here you accept SC ruling

Congress rule gave us lakhs of crores worth of scams.

CBI gave clean chit to Amit Shah in Isharat Jahan case and she was a terrorist.

SC rejected plea of Sajjan Kumar and will face charges of murder of Sikhs.

You guys talk of 2002 riots, but avoid 1984 riots.

Your favorite Rajiv Gandhi said When tree falls the earth shakes. Congress goons killed over 3000 Sikhs, which was a genocide...sorry..not a riot.
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Woman stalking...There isn't any proof that Saheb was Modi...No surety it was Amit Shah as voice analysis or any investigation has not been done.

Even Rahul Gandhi was accused of rape case of Sukanya. But here you accept SC ruling

Congress rule gave us lakhs of crores worth of scams.

CBI gave clean chit to Amit Shah in Isharat Jahan case and she was a terrorist.

SC rejected plea of Sajjan Kumar and will face charges of murder of Sikhs.

You guys talk of 2002 riots, but avoid 1984 riots.

Your favorite Rajiv Gandhi said When tree falls the earth shakes. Congress goons killed over 3000 Sikhs, which was a genocide...sorry..not a riot.

Woman stalking- even BJP has accepted that it was modi. BJP goons killed about a 1000 in Gujarat. and you want to elevate the rioter in chief to PM, and lie and BS your way to it.Gandhi said something don't mean he did something. You wanna BS, find someone else.
Woman stalking- even BJP has accepted that it was modi. BJP goons killed about a 1000 in Gujarat. and you want to elevate the rioter in chief to PM, and lie and BS your way to it.Gandhi said something don't mean he did something. You wanna BS, find someone else.
BJP goons ? Dude it was Mob attack. And he contained the riots in 3 days. What happened in Delhi, the Capital of India, slaughter of 3000 people, it has to be safest city in the country.

Gujarat riot was a riot, Sikh killings was Genocide. You do understand the difference ?

For ten years there has be no riot in Gujarat. Now go and look at past of Gujarat. Before 2001.
I'm a Cyber Hindu and proud of it

And my main purpose of joining PDF was to bash the Indian non Hindus such as @Seiko

He's a sellout to India ...He's a Secret Agent Vatican Man, Sonia Bibi's own personal wealth acquirer :D

Dude, I am on a roll here.. Do not ruin my business :angel:

Don't worry, I'm snooping on Seiko. I heard on pigpost that there is a CD of me and Seiko out already.

So you are that Saheb??:angry:
BJP goons ? Dude it was Mob attack. And he contained the riots in 3 days. What happened in Delhi, the Capital of India, slaughter of 3000 people, it has to be safest city in the country.

Gujarat riot was a riot, Sikh killings was Genocide. You do understand the difference ?

For ten years there has be no riot in Gujarat. Now go and look at past of Gujarat. Before 2001.

Mob attack my A$$. Tehelka has clearly recorded statements of Babu Bajrangi not only violating but targeting specifically pregannt women at amit shah's orders (and don't tell me that the investigation goes out because of Tejpal- like all BJP clowns who will use one thing to defame another). Truth- Your man is a rioter, murderer, woman stalker and viceral liar.Rahul Gandhi, for all his faults has never been accused of any of these. It's the lowlines of your contendor that makes him look good, not the other way around.
So you are that Saheb??:angry:

Don't make be take out my Trishul! I am under obligation not to sheath it unless it tastes the blood of a vidharmi!

@KRAIT are we still repeating the foetus on a skewer story after doctors refuted it in court? Damn these Khaki chaddi doctors!
Actually everoyone is happy with the congress but saying it needs to for more to tackle corruption. A few malcontents making a big noise, that's all.
Off all the posts in this thread, this one takes the cake.. Dude, just because some of us hate Modi does not mean we are very much happy with congress.. They needed to be kicked out of power as soon as possible.. They think they can get away with corruption and mismanagement.. Its high time people booted them out so that looteribahu should learn that its not her Husband's private property..

Don't make be take out my Trishul! I am under obligation not to sheath it unless it tastes the blood of a vidharmi!

Trishul is against secularism, and we banned it.. Try a cross instead :D
Mob attack my A$$. Tehelka has clearly recorded statements of Babu Bajrangi not only violating but targeting specifically pregannt women at amit shah's orders (and don't tell me that the investigation goes out because of Tejpal- like all BJP clowns who will use one thing to defame another). Truth- Your man is a rioter, murderer, woman stalker and viceral liar.Rahul Gandhi, for all his faults has never been accused of any of these. It's the lowlines of your contendor that makes him look good, not the other way around.
Babu Bajrangi is behind bars for life and the evidence was thrown out. No concrete proof of Modi telling him. SC and SIT is much more intelligent then you.

RG was accused of rape charges and don't even have basic knowledge of India. He was also arrested in US and has gf who is daughter of drug lord.

But why are you avoiding 1984 genocide case ?
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