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'Cyber-Hindus': India's new breed of political activists

Well he has his own reasons for supporting Congress i respect that but it would be great if we all (from both parties) would keep the discussion civil for as long as it takes.

His reason is anti Hindu. You are free to experience more of him and discover this on your own sweet time. Respect is earned, not given in charity.
Arnab Goswi made a great point today asking Congress spokeperson....Who was taping the phone and on whose orders ?
Another question I have is that does Saheb means Narendra Modi ? It can be Nitin Gadkari or anyone..

Actually everoyone is happy with the congress but saying it needs to for more to tackle corruption. A few malcontents making a big noise, that's all.
Who told you everyone is happy with Congress ? Care to explain more ?
His reason is anti Hindu. You are free to experience more of him and discover this on your own sweet time. Respect is earned, not given in charity.
Let it be man, one can't fight desperation with name calling. Congress is desperate and fanning useless issues just to divert the attention from the real debate. What's more important for the nation today? a corruption free government who is future driven or a self proclaimed secular and dynastic party. Focus on what we want rather than getting into a mud sling competition with someone who can't see beyond power and money.

Arnab Goswi made a great point today asking Congress spokeperson....Who was taping the phone and on whose orders ?
Another question I have is that does Saheb means Narendra Modi ? It can be Nitin Gadkari or anyone..
Who told you everyone is happy with Congress ? Care to explain more ?
He meant everyone in Congress is happy. :p:
Yeah watched the whole debate and I guess it was the only question asked by Arnab to the congress spokesperson. And she could only stutter through her answer.
PS. she looks really weird tho .... Rita Bahuguna gives me creep.
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As I was telling Jha sahib, good rains, good farm produce, good subsidies and food security- more than enough to get majority of Indian votes.
Actually everoyone is happy with the congress but saying it needs to for more to tackle corruption. A few malcontents making a big noise, that's all.

I tend to agree with you this time, though not everyone, but many are actually really happy with Congress no matter what opposition says. This time not only the Congress politicians, but regional parties in UPA got a chance to loot the country at will, and what more, there was no upper limit for scams this time, one got to set a new record of scam everyday and then proudly break it the next day, just like Sergei Bubka!! As there was no real leader in control of the Govt. everybody got a chance to act like whimsical corrupt Sultans of their personal kingdom, and ministers got a chance to enjoy long holidays for that brilliant "policy paralysis" reducing there work load. Even the bankers in Swiss Banks are jubilant, probably we saved EU economy from sinking with our black money!! Yes, they all are singing "Thank you Congress".
I tend to agree with you this time, though not everyone, but many are actually really happy with Congress no matter what opposition says. This time not only the Congress politicians, but regional parties in UPA got a chance to loot the country at will, and what more, there was no upper limit for scams this time, one got to set a new record of scam everyday and then proudly break it the next day, just like Sergei Bubka!! As there was no real leader in control of the Govt. everybody got a chance to act like whimsical corrupt Sultans of personal kingdom, and ministers got a chance to enjoy long holidays for that brilliant "policy paralysis" reducing there work load. Even the bankers in Swiss Banks are jubilant, probably we saved EU economy from sinking with our black money!! Yes, they all are singing "Thank you Congress".

Talk to me when Modi dumps gadakari and Yeddy hell, the PRIDE with which Modi bhakts deckared that Modi is building bridges with YEddy shows how gloriously corruption will be welcomed.
Talk to me when Modi dumps gadakari and Yeddy hell, the PRIDE with which Modi bhakts deckared that Modi is building bridges with YEddy shows how gloriously corruption will be welcomed.

Politicians, political parties are corrupt, not only in India but in every country. But normally they know how much is too much and where to stop, Congress forgot that this time. To make matters worse, they forgot to work also as an elected Govt., maybe they got too occupied with corruption planning.
I thought the term that Sagarika Ghose coined was "internet hindus". There were long discussions on pdf about this a few months ago with both cyber jihadis and internet hindus slugging it out. :lol:
Politicians, political parties are corrupt, not only in India but in every country. But normally they know how much is too much and where to stop, Congress forgot that this time. To make matters worse, they forgot to work also as an elected Govt., maybe they got too occupied with corruption planning.

So now from 'Savior' from corruption, it is 'knowing where to stop'. To the best of my knowledge nothing has stopped BSY from anything (his last haul was about 2B) or Gadakari. Modi has a slush fund that he can dip into even though he has no children.
What kinds of weird hallucinations are you in? If you had told me that you support AAP, then my position on corruption would have been indefensible. AK is truly uncorruptibale and will work towards removing it. Instead you field a bunch of people who are just as corrupt and have beautiful allegations like women stalking against them...and your problem is that I'm not accepting your POV?
I'm a Cyber Hindu and proud of it

And my main purpose of joining PDF was to bash the Indian non Hindus such as @Seiko

He's a sellout to India ...He's a Secret Agent Vatican Man, Sonia Bibi's own personal wealth acquirer :D
I hate congress open corruption, misrule and subversion of democratic system. I must be a cyber Hindu. I certainly can not have legitimate concerns about corruption, misrule, mafia, dalal and boot licking culture in delhi.

@Bang Galore are you a cyber Hindu? This certainly puts you in a tight spot :)

And how exactly did you come to that conclusion?

He got his share of the largesse, hence the conclusion.

I'm a Cyber Hindu and proud of it

And my main purpose of joining PDF was to bash the Indian non Hindus such as @Seiko

He's a sellout to India ...He's a Secret Agent Vatican Man, Sonia Bibi's own personal wealth acquirer :D

Don't worry, I'm snooping on Seiko. I heard on pigpost that there is a CD of me and Seiko out already.
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