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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Congratulations to all Chinese members.

BTW what is the status on the 3rd Chinese AC ?? have any firm design specifications been announced by PLAN ??

PLA watchers said Steel cutting already begin at Jiangnan Changxing Shipyard in Shanghai. so soon we will probability see something there. This is for Type 002 carrier which will be 85,000 tons with CATOBAR.
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Congratulations :china: :-)

Any idea when it will be fully operational?
Fast, end of year 2017.

Slow, 2018 end of year.

Type001A ship is so similar to CV-16 becos they want to quickly induct into operation. As many well train crew and pilot can easily migrate into Type001A and gain operations status.

In order to be a true navy power able to project power overseas, it need minimal 2 carrier. One for training and one for operation if needed.

Not even France fits the criteria. Enemy of France might strike French when their carrier goes shipyard and French with their carrier in the middle of a refit/maintenance,it will not able to call upon the carrier for action for few months.

End of the game
yes, but this will be done at "China speed". the crew is basically already trained on CV-17 Liaoning.
Liaoning will remain a training ship going forward, so whenever a carrier is launched, the crew is already ready.
If 001A goes yard. If crisis arises. CV-16 Liaoning can stop training on sea and call upon limited naval action on theatre of war. That is something not even French navy has the luxury.
If 001A goes yard. If crisis arises. CV-16 Liaoning can stop training on sea and call upon limited naval action on theatre of war. That is something not even French navy has the luxury.
10 years later we will have 6 carriers, now it's just the beginning.
If 001A goes yard. If crisis arises. CV-16 Liaoning can stop training on sea and call upon limited naval action on theatre of war. That is something not even French navy has the luxury.

yes, but there's not going to be naval action I think for a long time but you must always be prepared. having a strong navy itself is a deterrence to prevent conflict breakout because then American side will also suffer heavy losses so everyone will think twice.
If 001A goes yard. If crisis arises. CV-16 Liaoning can stop training on sea and call upon limited naval action on theatre of war. That is something not even French navy has the luxury.
Fast, end of year 2017.

Not even France fits the criteria. Enemy of France might strike French when their carrier goes shipyard and French with their carrier in the middle of a refit/maintenance,it will not able to call upon the carrier for action for few months.

End of the game
Regarding this part about France got to remember they have three Mistrals that can fill in for that duty, if a situation arises that needs to be done with a carrier, they would be in a coalition most likely anyhow.

That being said, congrats, the first of anything isn't easy much less an aircraft carrier! :)
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