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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Have you received the message??? LOL!!!

Did they stop painting the number or is it simply we haven't seen the final result?
test what though! test wether the paint works or not! does every single little thing need thorough testing before aproved? even the paint?
Painting is not a simple job of brushing a coat onto a surface, especially on a ship's hull that is subjected to salt, waves, high variation of temperatures etc. To most of us a paint is a paint, period. But that is not what paint specialist have in their mind.

Bonding between a fresh paint and an old coat of paint have very short life time. Normally the old paint is scrapped and the surface may be sand blasted before re-applying new primer and outer coat. In this aircraft carrier pennant number's case, I think they use chemical instead.

I think what they did was to apply white paint mixed with some kind of chemical on to the old surface, and then scrapped the white paint after the chemical has reacted with the old surface. For good bonding effect, several days are need before the treated surface can be painted again, to ensure that the outer coat of paint do not peel off in short time period.

This is what I get to know from a paint supplier for house paint. He said after applying primer paint to your house walls, normally a week is need before you can apply the second layer of paint, i.e. surface coat. Otherwise, the paint will peel off or blisters of air bubble may appear in one or two years.
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The Type 002 carrier at Dalian is still waiting no be numbered and at least I can't see any sign that there is work on it today.

(Images via @10969YUKIKAZE)

PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 1.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 2.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 3.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 4.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 5.jpg
PLN Type 002 carrier - 20191102 - 6.jpg
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You should also pay attention to Hull 89...

Yes, you are correct, on 29th October the crewship was still sitting in front of the carrier, so this cannot be from the first painting! Thanks.
HMM?? Now I'm confused since neither in Your latest post nor in those images I posted earlier this morning '89' is visible.... or am I blind? :undecided:
That is right.
But it was there on October 29, 2019.
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