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Crypto currency investors

can you suggest any good offline or online(which is safe) for ripple and sc
There is a thump drive for ripple which I use it is available on ripple site for $150 it has other wallets as well it is called Nano ledger. Don't know about SC offline wallet.
Electroneum has signed with the Next exchange which should be up and running in a few weeks
Electroneum has signed with the Next exchange which should be up and running in a few weeks
In electroneum we trust! HODL!!!! 2019 it will make me good money!

Anyone holding tron? I am thinking of dumping tron and get Ada.
No decision has been through they just did it temporarily so that no take money home through crypto because they have Olympics and many companies would like to evade taxes. They are trying to regulate exchanges just like China did few years back. the market is now resilient it can bounce back in day or 2 after any such news.

You cannot put big investments in such coins for big investments BTC is good but for small investments alts are good they make quick money. Keep an eye for Petrocoin soon to be launched by Venezuela that is a good buy but beware there many copies of it already in market. Keep an eye for the original coin.
petro is ing to be another Tethar.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and they have very high inflation so with that is mind petro will also inflate like hell that is what I am going to gamble on.
how? they are backing it with crude oil[one petro= one barrel of crude oil]. how can it explode? correct me if i am wrong
how? they are backing it with crude oil[one petro= one barrel of crude oil]. how can it explode? correct me if i am wrong
the starting price is low when it will be released. It will reach crude price over a time period and than it will also have to compensate for mining cost of crypto as well.
the starting price is low when it will be released. It will reach crude price over a time period and than it will also have to compensate for mining cost of crypto as well.
When is it releasing?
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