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CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

I am not Ranting you not so very Gentleman!! You must understand that even Muslims serve CRPF and we dont give much emphasis to religion, its national values which are more important. If this terminology is going to be implimented its our Muslim brothers who are going to reap benefits and let me remind you they are not very bothered
Wonderful you crossed all limits of Bullshit...2% Muslims in your Army...may be less even in CRPF...
And one comes to our mind called rapes, being slaves of every kind, last master was the British.

what kind of slaves and rapes ? there are countries who are having more number of cases. anyways more muslims get killed in pakistan than in india.
Sectarian problem is big in your land last time I checked, Dalits and so on, now I can point more out but I am still in pain from laughter from the usage of the word shaheed for a none Muslim.

Yes, I am personally active in these causes. I am also active, at this very moment, in the education of Muslims (about 70% of my students are Muslim).

Can you say the same for yourself?
The term ALLAH forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasurmardini. The Islamic word for God is., therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued

Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess. Many Koranic verses are the exact translation of a stanza in the Yajurveda and Samveda.

This was pointed out by the great research scholar Dr. Gamal abu Hamza of Cairo university. In March 1993, he declared his firm belief that Mohd had been to Kashmir to learn Vedanta. He was later threatened by fundamentalist. He then disappered from the scene.

Another Cairo university scholar points out that the following teaching from the Koran is exactly similar to the teaching of the Kena Upanishad (1.7).

The Koran: "Sight perceives Him not. But He perceives men's sights; for He is the knower of secrets , the Aware." Kena Upanishad: "That which cannot be seen by the eye but through which the eye itself sees, know That to be Brahman (God) and not what people worship here (in the manifested world)."

A simplified meaning of both the above verses reads: God is one and that He is beyond man's sensory experience. It will now be easy to comprehend the various Hindu customs still prevailing in West Asian countries even after the existence of Islam during the last 1300 years.

Let me review some Hindu traditions which exist as the core of Islamic practice.The lunar calendar was introduced in West Asia during the Indian rule. The Muslim month Safar signifying the extra month (Adhik Maas) in the Hindu calendar. The Muslim sanctity for Gyrahwi Sharif is nothing but the Hindu Ekadashi (Gyrah = elevan or Gyaarah). Both are identical in meaning.

Eid in Sanskrit means worship. The Islamic word Eid for festive days, signifying days of worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word.

Similarly the word Namaz derives from two Sanskrit roots Nama and Yajna (NAMa yAJna) meaning bowing and worshipping.

Vedic descriptions about the moon, the different stellar constellations and the creation of the universe have been incorporated from the Vedas in Koran part 1 chapter 2, stanza 113, 114, 115, and 158, 189, chapter 9, stanza 37 and chapter 10, stanzas 4 to 7.

Recital of the Namaz five times a day owes its origin to the Vedic injunction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship- Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the daily Vedic ritual prescribed for all individuals.

Now Farsi Words derived from Sanskrit words.
Som - Hom
Idhma - Haijam
Shaasta, Shaastaar(Ruler)-Khaastaa, Khwastkhaar.
Ashwa(Horse)- Asb
Shok(Sadness)- Sok, Sog
Mesh(Aries)- Mesh
Doh(milk)- Dog(curd)
Putra- Pisar
Pitar(Father)- Pidar
Ksheer(milk)- sheer
Durukt(lie)- Daroog
Gareeyan(costly)- Garaan

LOL!!! WTF I just read
Yes, I am personally active in these causes. I am also active, at this very moment, in the education of Muslims (about 70% of my students are Muslim).

Can you say the same for yourself?
Are you a teacher? i mean by profession?
I doubt if it was used by pagans in similar meanings as the literal meaning of word is just "Witness" - It's Quranic verses which gave this word another meaning.
You may be right but there is only one ayah in Quran in which the word Shohada (plural of Shaheed) is used for those who died in the way of Allah. Shaheed itself is not used in Quran for this purpose. Yes, the word Shaheed is used frequently in Ahadith though.

Quran did not introduce a new Arabic but has employed the same language that was commonly used in Arabian peninsula. It is not wrong to assume that the words or metaphors used in Quran were no stranger to the Arabs of that time. Hence my assumption that the word shaeed was used by the pagon in similar (not necessarily identical) meanings.
Yes, but I can teach only those who are teachable. There are some donkeys who are beyond redemption.

You shouldn't really talk about your countrymen like that, I can understand they are donkeys, devadasi and marrying dogs, I can understand your frustration these people are beyond education.
Yes, but I can teach only those who are teachable. There are some donkeys who are beyond redemption.
Man seriously by God i was thinking that if you are a teacher i will say sorry to you bcz i respect teachers,every teacher in the world but what you just said in reply you are not even worth of respect...
You shouldn't really talk about your countrymen like that, I can understand they are donkeys, devadasi and marrying dogs, I can understand your frustration.

Yes, many of them. But we try not to criticise them on grounds of religion. As I mentioned, 70% of my students are Muslims. This is a Muslim majority district.
if you had any ghairat you would never use that word again .

so , you can follow any man you want. mohammad or shah ahmad. I can take some parts your religious belief that may have a bit of goodness and incorporate it where I want to. buzz off. if you use the word allah or god you are no different from all the people who believe in god or bhagwan.

my religion is a complete guide for human beings .. It guides every aspect of life..
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