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CRPF Kills a 60 Years Old Civilian After a Militant Attack. Then Use his Grandson for Photo ops

Sir they are the people to whom that place belongs & only outsiders there are Indian Army. We need a pidepiper to take Indian Army out of Kashmir.
May be time for another fancy dress outing for your forces then, what say? maybe third time is a charm.
If there is the "jazba" then you always have the non-uniformed route, given you guys think that is legit way doing things.
And for veiled jabs, there are no apologists here, The Indian side on these forums (barring the fielded false flags) is fiercely nationalistic.

Not nationalistic enough when the Chinese cracked open the skulls of over 20 indian troops and splattered their brain matter all over the Galwan Valley and then annexed over 60 square kms of indian territory......:devil:.........:azn:..........that's already on top of the 38,000 square kms of indian territory that has already been annexed by China..........:azn:

What are indian nationalists, moti and indian military going to do about it??????..........:azn:.........:chilli:

May be time for another fancy dress outing for your forces then, what say? maybe third time is a charm.

What about the fancy dress for over 20 indian troops that had their skulls cracked open by the Chinese military and then had their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley?...............:azn:.........:devil:
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If there is the "jazba" then you always have the non-uniformed route, given you guys think that is legit way doing things.
And for veiled jabs, there are no apologists here, The Indian side on these forums (barring the fielded false flags) is fiercely nationalistic.
What veiled jab? I openly jabbed you. Do I need to be clearer? By holding an Indian passport, you support state terrorism. Got it yet?

What veiled jab? I openly jabbed you. Do I need to be clearer? By holding an Indian passport, you support state terrorism. Got it yet?
I will remember to ask Kulbushan what the appropriate "non-uniformed way" of doing things is.
. .
May be time for another fancy dress outing for your forces then, what say? maybe third time is a charm.
It has been 70 years & Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world. You think any charm can help you in Kashmir or in that regard at LOC?
Sorry my friend Kashmir is dead lock for India & under the approach of current Govt in India all you will get is more of Kashmir ideology expanding to India rather than some Indian concept going into Kashmir.
India has not just lost Kashmir but India has lost it ideology of secularism on which Gandhi created India
It has been 70 years & Kashmir is the most militarized zone in the world. You think any charm can help you in Kashmir or in that regard at LOC?
Sorry my friend Kashmir is dead lock for India & under the approach of current Govt in India all you will get is more of Kashmir ideology expanding to India rather than some Indian concept going into Kashmir.
India has not just lost Kashmir but India has lost it ideology of secularism on which Gandhi created India

Reading relevant subjects would help with the delusional narrative.
Reading relevant subjects would help with the delusional narrative.
Who is deluded?

In Hindustan, Muslims have realised that they are guilty of something by default (could be anything in a long list of charges) but every Muslim born in Hindustan is by default guilty of something until proven innocent. Contrast with Hindus, who are innocent until proven guilty of a crime.

This is the "Kashmir" that is gradually pervading Hindustan that bharwana elegantly described. All Indian Muslims have tasted some of what kashmiris go through, to varying degrees. Even other non-Hindus and even genuine moderate Hindus are uncomfortable with this. Meanwhile your kind parrot the usual tripe in your shrinking echo chambers.
Reading relevant subjects would help with the delusional narrative.
I am not giving any narrative my friend just an observation. India is your country & your democracy what ever way you want it to be is up to you. Kashmir is not yours & it will be up to us what we want there, you & I will have to fight for every inch for it till one of us kills the other. It has been up to you what you want to do. Resolve it peacefully or with aggression. Kashmir is the only reason for us to be in conflict with you & it is price we have & will pay in future as well. There is no compromise over it.
@HRK Please enlighten what rules where violated.

I am not giving any narrative my friend just an observation. India is your country & your democracy what ever way you want it to be is up to you. Kashmir is not yours & it will be up to us what we want there, you & I will have to fight for every inch for it till one of us kills the other. It has been up to you what you want to do. Resolve it peacefully or with aggression. Kashmir is the only reason for us to be in conflict with you & it is price we have & will pay in future as well. There is no compromise over it.
That is your opinion. That's it.
Kashmir is the only reason for us to be in conflict with you & it is price we have & will pay in future as well. There is no compromise over it.

The real reason is the identity crisis of Pak. Kashmir is just an alibi. In the recent years, water / rivers got added to give kashmir much more importance.

I know you will not agree with the above.
@HRK Please enlighten what rules where violated.

That is your opinion. That's it.
See your issue is you will always take the things negative & will never address the problem. Keep up with your denial try to take Kashmir the RSS way & it will never help India. Why can't you people resolve Kashmir issue peacefully?
Killing civilians what will that achieve?
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. Why can't you people resolve Kashmir issue peacefully?
Who provides PoF marked grenades, RPK's PKM's AKM's to Mujhahideens in Kashmir?
Please get off your high horse about peace in Kashmir after unilateral military actions perpetrated in Kashmir under the guise of "rebels" on multiple occasions.
The real reason is the identity crisis of Pak. Kashmir is just an alibi. In the recent years, water / rivers got added to give kashmir much more importance.

I know you will not agree with the above.
Why should I agree with you?
Pakistan don't has identity crisis. The identity crisis is in India where you want to be secular while killing secularism. The civilian killing you started in Kashmir has now a part of you & killing is justified of those who have difference of opinion. Rememver the words "goli maro saloon ko" on streets of Delhi why were they there cause you justified killing in Kashmir now it is chasing you every where in India.

You will always have 2 ways to do things & what you chose will always define you.
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