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Criticising blasphemy law does not amount to blasphemy: Justice Khosa

Why you are so much towards SAlman TAseer's murder.
There are many others like Benazir, ZA bhutto Etc.
So the thing i want to clear is Salman was trying to support alleged blasphemer only for his own political benefits. Nothing else.

Why am I so much towards? The death of salman taseers murder is the only way forward for this country mister engineer. You are not building anything for our future except for more hate, prejudice and overall indifference to a human life taken away by religious ridiculousness. This is what will pave the way for a more tolerant society in the future, its a long hard fight and I see many parhay likhay jahil on the other side of the fence with their "but he did it too" attitude.
Why am I so much towards? The death of salman taseers murder is the only way forward for this country mister engineer. You are not building anything for our future except for more hate, prejudice and overall indifference to a human life taken away by religious ridiculousness. This is what will pave the way for a more tolerant society in the future, its a long hard fight and I see many parhay likhay jahil on the other side of the fence with their "but he did it too" attitude.
Dear Sir you are trying to insult me.
He was a Political figure not Human rights activist. He tried to stand against our laws so he died a miserable death.
If you have so much hate agaisnt Murderer of Salman taseer, then shot him publically or hang him to death. I don't care.
Dear Sir you are trying to insult me.
He was a Political figure not Human rights activist. He tried to stand against our laws so he died a miserable death.
If you have so much hate agaisnt Murderer of Salman taseer, then shot him publically or hang him to death. I don't care.

I asked you which law was he standing against but you dont know if he was a blasphemer. I apologize if you feel insulted but this is very important to let go. I will try to convince you that shooting someone and hanging him with no due process is against the law and against any religion specially islam. You can not go murdering people be it taseer or qadiri just because you think you will not get justice, you stop believing in your creator to do whats best. If you do not know something it is bests to read a bit of both sides of the argument before making an informed decision. In engineering terms "breaking the complexity ceiling by numbers".
I asked you which law was he standing against but you dont know if he was a blasphemer. I apologize if you feel insulted but this is very important to let go. I will try to convince you that shooting someone and hanging him with no due process is against the law and against any religion specially islam. You can not go murdering people be it taseer or qadiri just because you think you will not get justice, you stop believing in your creator to do whats best. If you do not know something it is bests to read a bit of both sides of the argument before making an informed decision. In engineering terms "breaking the complexity ceiling by numbers".
Sir it was my personal opinion.
We are living in Islamic republic of Pakistan so we canot decide any law based on our own desires. We should follow Islamic laws of Blasphemy and murder. Clearly defined in Hadiths and religious books.
I will again say Taseer was a political symbol not Innocent old man.
Sir it was my personal opinion.
We are living in Islamic republic of Pakistan so we canot decide any law based on our own desires. We should follow Islamic laws of Blasphemy and murder. Clearly defined in Hadiths and religious books.
I will again say Taseer was a political symbol not Innocent old man.

If he wasn't an innocent old man then he deserves death because of his political ambitions? What is the islamic case you are trying to propose for his murder? What law was initiated in the quran or any hadith that said to murder the person fighting the case for the blasphemer?

I want you to sit back and listen to your own arguments first. We are talking about Taseer's murder here. Not Asia bibis.
Dear Sir you are trying to insult me.
He was a Political figure not Human rights activist. He tried to stand against our laws so he died a miserable death.

As Justice Khosa has just stated speaking against the blasphemy law is not blasphemy so Taseer did nothing wrong. Personal differences aside you can not go around killing anyone you want because you believe they are committing blasphemy. That leads to the rule of the mob and subsequently anarchy which is something Pakistan is suffering from immensly. A civilized society allows the acused to come forward and explain himself. If he belongs to the "elite class" then the civilian society needs to rise up in a peaceful manner and demand he be held accountable for his views in front of a court of law. You may laugh at this, say I live in la la land but Murdering one human who is posing no physical threat to you is like murdering "the whole of mankind" (if defence of our religion is such a big issue for supporters of Qadri then they should know this very well). Qadri is one such murderer and defending him is simply inexecusable.

If you have so much hate agaisnt Murderer of Salman taseer, then shot him publically or hang him to death. I don't care.

You, him or me have no right to do that. The death penalty is the prerogative of the state based on the decision of the courts of this nation. No matter how much I hate Qadri I have no right to take his life lest I be responsible for symbolically having killed the whole of mankind as well.
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I asked you which law was he standing against but you dont know if he was a blasphemer. I apologize if you feel insulted but this is very important to let go. I will try to convince you that shooting someone and hanging him with no due process is against the law and against any religion specially islam. You can not go murdering people be it taseer or qadiri just because you think you will not get justice, you stop believing in your creator to do whats best. If you do not know something it is bests to read a bit of both sides of the argument before making an informed decision. In engineering terms "breaking the complexity ceiling by numbers".

Those who are trying to justify this cold-blooded murderer are just as guilty of hatred and intolerance.
Sorry this law will never be scrapped and most Muslim countries give punishment of death on abusing PROPHET SAW.
My dear friend When Prophet PBUH was in this world people stone him a old women use to throw thing on him but Our Prophet PBUH not killed her not ordered any one to kill her but when she got ill he visited her treat her with politeness this causes her change of heart and she accepted Islam why we are not following Sunna of our beloved Prophet PBUH.

I spit at Blasphemy law.
That is very harsh from u r side. very sad and very poor choice of words i strongly condemn that even i am in favoure of debating this law but what u said totally unacceptable.
@Icarus @Slav Defence @Horus
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My dear friend When Prophet PBUH was in this world people stone him a old women use to throw thing on him but Our Prophet PBUH not killed her not ordered any one to kill her but when she got ill he visited her treat her with politeness this causes her change of heart and she accepted Islam why we are not following Sunna of our beloved Prophet PBUH.

That is very harsh from u r side. very sad and very poor choice of words i strongly condemn that even i am in favoure of debating this law but what u said totally unacceptable.
@Icarus @Slav Defence
You need to read life of PROPHET SAW again.
I don't know why liberals are supporting Taseer too much, there are many other cases like Benzair Bhutto, etc.
We are living in Islamic republic of Pakistan and we have to obey Several sections of Pakistan's Criminal Code comprise its blasphemy laws.
295C Use of derogatory remarks, spoken, written, directly or indirectly, etc. defiles the name of Muhammad SAW. Mandatory Death and fine.
Trial must take place in a Court of Session with a Muslim judge presiding.

If any one violate or try to remove this law will be punished accordingly.
Since Mumtaz Qadri shot Mr. taseer, all of the sudden all the debate regarding specific law are disappeared.

No one sud have right to critize our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) if you will then face the concequence

He was just supporting a alleged blasphemer.
If Asia Bibi was involved in blasphemy than Salman was on wrong track.

So mentally insane people should be held to the same accords as a sane person?

When did it become illegal, i'm sorry, FORBIDDEN for a christian to drink from the same cup as a muslim?
When did it become legal for a muslim to force Islam upon someone? And then cry Blasphemy when they failed?
When did it become legal to beat up an entire family because of the actions of 1 member?

You're holding her a blasphemer for saying this:

"I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. What did your Prophet Mohammed ever do to save mankind?"

That too recalled from a biased neighbor who had a feud with the accused.

We are living in Islamic republic of Pakistan so we canot decide any law based on our own desires. We should follow Islamic laws of Blasphemy and murder. Clearly defined in Hadiths and religious books.

Please correct your statement of "Living in Islamic Republic" to the following: A hypocritical "Islamic Republic".

You need to read life of PROPHET SAW again.

You're welcome to make a fool of yourself, but go ahead and educate me.

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