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Criticising blasphemy law does not amount to blasphemy: Justice Khosa

So mentally insane people should be held to the same accords as a sane person?

When did it become illegal, i'm sorry, FORBIDDEN for a christian to drink from the same cup as a muslim?
When did it become legal for a muslim to force Islam upon someone? And then cry Blasphemy when they failed?
When did it become legal to beat up an entire family because of the actions of 1 member?

You're holding her a blasphemer for saying this:

That too recalled from a biased neighbor who had a feud with the accused.

Please correct your statement of "Living in Islamic Republic" to the following: A hypocritical "Islamic Republic".

You're welcome to make a fool of yourself, but go ahead and educate me.
There are several examples in which blasphmours were killed in life of RASOOL SAW and on his orders
Look a genius giving this one liberal tag a usual try to convert discussion for religious fundos, think about that day when liberals take guns in hand run after molvi Tolla or wear jackets to blow up bunch of them.
Gustakh-e-Rasool ki 1 saza
sar dhar say juda :pakistan:
Through fear even wild animals can rule if you have it in you to rule through love then you will have respect of not only Muslims but of all humanity
There are several examples in which blasphmours were killed in life of RASOOL SAW and on his orders

Ok, go bring the Prophet (PBUH) back and have him decide this case.

Bring those examples up, and you'll see the concrete evidence and not just allegations by 1 individual who had a property dispute with the accused.

Remember that girl collecting trash, forgot her name, accused by an Imam of burning pages of the Qur'an. The entire Christian families in the town had to run away to protect themselves. You know what?

It turns out the Imam himself BURN THE PAGES OF THE QUR'AN!

If the Blasphemy law is equal, this Imam should be hanged himself, and his entire family exiled from their homes under fear of being lynched, because the Christian had to do the same.

Every Pakistani regardless of Religion should memorize Surah Al-Kafirun.

"For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. Ayat 6"
Ok, go bring the Prophet (PBUH) back and have him decide this case.

Bring those examples up, and you'll see the concrete evidence and not just allegations by 1 individual who had a property dispute with the accused.

Remember that girl collecting trash, forgot her name, accused by an Imam of burning pages of the Qur'an. The entire Christian families in the town had to run away to protect themselves. You know what?

It turns out the Imam himself BURN THE PAGES OF THE QUR'AN!

If the Blasphemy law is equal, this Imam should be hanged himself, and his entire family exiled from their homes under fear of being lynched, because the Christian had to do the same.

Every Pakistani regardless of Religion should memorize Surah Al-Kafirun.
Yes again go read Why and When Surah Kafiroon is revealed and what is context before talking Sir
I have not read the comments associated with this thread. Just read the OPs post. And yet I know what kind of hate most of members will post about this law.
Yeah criticising blasphemy law is not blasphemy but this sentence is very close to the boundaries of blasphemy which some people will cross without knowing it. So please think before you write. Its for your own good.

"O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not."
Surah Al hujurat Verse 2
Yes again go read Why and When Surah Kafiroon is revealed and what is context before talking Sir

Revealed when Muslims were being prosecuted by the Qurashi in Mecca.

So, you believe this Surah only applies when Muslims are being prosecuted?
The law should be struck off permanently from the constitution. It is a regressive and oppressive stain on the constitution. People should able to voice their own opinions without the fear of death hanging over their heads. If you don't like what they're saying stop listening to them. No one's forcing you.
Majority of Muslim countries do not have the blasphemy law, does it mean they're not Muslims? I'm sure your prophet Muhammed never killed anyone who criticized his religion, and they were a lot more aggressive in their opposition.
In today's world, this is where Muslims have to return to their roots and figure out that your religion begins and ends with your personal freedoms. Your beliefs cannot compel others and vice versa.
Kindly enlighten us about your status in Pakistan. Have you got Pakistani citizenship. If not than you have no right to discuss our internal matters.

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