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Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder

sadly it is, Al-Zakir not only talks $hit but puts such a bad image on each and every Bangladeshi on here, good ones like you seem to get lost in the mountain of bull$hit and hate propaganda he spits out. Any other member would have been banned long ago but he survives only because he speaks the way many here want him to speak, a convenient proxy on here to make it seem like Bangladesh is hostile to India and running around hand in hand with Pakistan. He is not only racist but heavily prejudiced and even after breaking ever single rule in the book he continues to be on here. When I joined this place about an year ago, we had some great members who made this place a very engaging experience but all of them are gone now, and sadly we are stuck with the likes of Zakir. Its truly saddening.

A person who is not agreeing with your opinion/B*llSh!t is propagandist and all others are innocent?? Peoples opinion is not a mutable play-doh that you can change it with your own way. Many BD's hate Pakistan and many not but one thing is for sure that Mostly BD's hate India for their continuous propaganda and their effort to take full control over BD's policies. Even likes of Skies, who is clearly anti-Pakistan on many occasions seems to be agreeing with Al-Zakir!

It has become habit of Indians to blame Mods, when they come across any member having opinion different to what they were expecting. For a reminder, you are here despite of your b8lls!ts because you are Elite Member. Policy of throwing out members is applicable to juniors strictly. Think...!

Now Back to the topic. Discuss topic in hand instead of discussing a member.
If Bangladeshis were happy before and Un happy now, Its a Strategic Blunder.... But if its the other way around its Shining Moment
Originally Posted by Al-zakir View Post
"We were pakistani then so it was pakistani forces that went after gaddars and anti pakistani element. It was fair and right things to do at that time. It was your propaganda that misguided neutral people. As a result, we may have dissolved united Pakistan but connection still here.

Here is a info for you. If any **** occurred then it was Hindu women by Awami dogs and Bharati scums yet you Bharati still pledge your support for Awami. Now go eat it. We have nothing to do with Awami dogs and Bharati scums. "

This individual seems to revel in using lofty language like this liberally in the forum. If the Mods. and Amins consider this to be within acceptable limits....
I saw veteran freedom fighter who met Pakistani soldiers fought in then East Pakistan hugging each other with nostalgia. They respect each other as a true soldier but you wont find any who had respect for Rajakars. Neither a freedom fighter nor a true Pakistani soldier ever liked Rajakars. They are the hated ones from both sides.:no:

For starters, it was the people of Bangladesh who created Bangladesh. If some idiot, whatever his nationality, thinks it was a gift handed over on a platter, he needs his arse kicked, and I would be happy to do the honours. I don't mind checking if it is Sheru Thapliyal and travelling to Delhi for the express purpose.

Second, it is unbelievable that a friendly neighbour's struggle for independence is seen in terms of what difference it has made to yet another neighbour's military capability. What was Bangladesh supposed to have done? Said something on the lines of, "Oops, sorry, nearly goofed up bad on that one, we'll stay on with Pakistan after all and let them stumble along handling us along with every other problem. No worries about the couple of hundred thousand people they've killed, and twice that number of women they've raped, we'll just kiss and make up, wouldn't like to unbalance your military disposition, would we?"

This is pathetic. At the time of Bangladesh liberation, when Tajuddin Ahmed and Col. Osmany, later General Osmany, demanded help from the Indian military in terms of direct intervention, it was said to them that there were no dedicated forces for moving against Bangladesh; that XXXIII Corps, for instance, was guarding the northern frontier, and that III and IV Corps was distributed across Dibrugarh, Bomdila, Rangia and Leimakhong, with one, count it, one division rear-echeloned in Ranchi? Was this why Jake Jacob used Mountain Divisions for his campaign, for the thrust west from Agartala? With this disposition, what difference did it make whether Pakistan had one or a dozen divisions within Bangladesh, East Pakistan as it then was?

Next we are told that by creating Bangladesh, we made an implacable enemy of Pakistan. OK, this guy won't learn, he's got it fixed, hardwired in the PCBs that he insists are his brains. Let's not even try to explain to him that when a people half the size of the total Arab population in the world decide on a course of action, they generally get what they want.

Let's concentrate on the implacable enemy of Pakistan bit. There's always been Pakistanis who've been implacable enemies of India, and always will be. And there's always Pakistanis who are glad to be Pakistanis, but unless there is gross provocation, are peace-loving citizens and good denizens of the world like everyone else.

This particular piece of bitching comes from a fixed impression that the author could have taken from the novel Animal Farm,"Two feet bad, four feet good!" Pakistanis bad, repeat after me. Give me a break. This is not to say that problems between India and Pakistan will go away, not at all. But to imagine that ALL the people of Pakistan are committed to breaking up India is as delusional as imagining ALL people of India are committed to breaking up Pakistan.

And what's next? Bangladesh is firmly in the enemy camp? I think Sri Lankan reads a lot, much more than is good for him. And also that he posts a lot, much more than is good for us. Maybe he should clearly indicate the dates of his third-party posted pieces. This was so obviously written during a particularly bad day during Begum Khaleda's regime. If it is intended to refer to the current situation, I can only shake my head in wonder.

Then he goes on to describe one of the most wholesome developments, the handing over to a third party administration the government of the state until the elections scheduled are over, in his own incredulous language as a 'farce', as something that happens in no democratic country. Is he aware that under the merciless gaze of the Indian Election Commission, any Indian government in power is allowed to do nothing substantial till the election results are declared. What's the difference?

The one single solitary thing that was said was that Indira Gandhi's regime made investments in individuals rather than in institutions. Fair enough. We need to convey in unmistakable terms that our relationship with Bangladesh is with the country, with its sovereign people, and not with transient political regimes.

The article should never have been reproduced. It is wholly unrepresentative of the general feeling among Indians for Bangladesh, leave alone the swelling pride in a Bengali's heart, even an Indian Bengali, when he sees a free Bangladesh' flag. It is also very mischievous to have reproduced it and posted it .
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This individual seems to revel in using lofty language like this liberally in the forum. If the Mods. and Amins consider this to be within acceptable limits....

He and many other BD's seems to be obsessed with usual Indian efforts to create hatred in their heats for Pakistan. His reply is usual and can happen to anyone. Infact, members who are provoking them should be banned and this is what you call a troll in Internet Language.

As I said before! Back to the topic please (otherwise it will be treated as trolling/provoking).
A person who is not agreeing with your opinion/B*llSh!t is propagandist and all others are innocent?? Peoples opinion is not a mutable play-doh that you can change it with your own way. Many BD's hate Pakistan and many not but one thing is for sure that Mostly BD's hate India for their continuous propaganda and their effort to take full control over BD's policies. Even likes of Skies, who is clearly anti-Pakistan on many occasions seems to be agreeing with Al-Zakir!

It has become habit of Indians to blame Mods, when they come across any member having opinion different to what they were expecting. For a reminder, you are here despite of your b8lls!ts because you are Elite Member. Policy of throwing out members is applicable to juniors strictly. Think...!

Now Back to the topic. Discuss topic in hand instead of discussing a member.

Not agreeing one thing and using foul languge, calling names, raping my sister is another thing. Do you understand the difference??? Or you not?
I saw veteran freedom fighter who met Pakistani soldiers fought in then East Pakistan hugging each other with nostalgia. They respect each other as a true soldier but you wont find any who had respect for Rajakars. Neither a freedom fighter nor a true Pakistani soldier ever liked Rajakars. They are the hated ones from both sides.:no:

We can see many of those razakars or their descendents in this forum. These foul-mouthed criminals are despised by all other groups of people. Even Pakistanis here do not share their views.

But, I would also like to say Indian posters should refrain from posting all those war time killing/**** stories at random. War time propaganda in any country is not all true, although there are some grains of truths in it.

Think of the killings. We assumed the figure at around 100,000 when the war was going on. In fact, about 10,000 people were killed on the 1st night of barbarism. The other big occurrence was after three days, when the army killed more than 2000 innocent people on a false information that rebels were hiding on the other side of Buriganga.

But, India and the GoB in exile were claiming it to be 300,000. But, then Sk. Mujib, by slip of the tongue, raised it to 3 million. This is all propaganda. We must stick to the true history. Being a proud nation we must throw away pretenses.
We can see many of those razakars or their descendents in this forum. These foul-mouthed criminals are despised by all other groups of people. Even Pakistanis here do not share their views.

But, I would also like to say Indian posters should refrain from posting all those war time killing/**** stories at random. War time propaganda in any country is not all true, although there are some grains of truths in it.

Think of the killings. We assumed the figure at around 100,000 when the war was going on. In fact, about 10,000 people were killed on the 1st night of barbarism. The other big occurrence was after three days, when the army killed more than 2000 innocent people on a false information that rebels were hiding on the other side of Buriganga.

But, India and the GoB in exile were claiming it to be 300,000. But, then Sk. Mujib, by slip of the tongue, raised it to 3 million. This is all propaganda. We must stick to the true history. Being a proud nation we must throw away pretenses.

I saw veteran freedom fighter who met Pakistani soldiers fought in then East Pakistan hugging each other with nostalgia. They respect each other as a true soldier but you wont find any who had respect for Rajakars. Neither a freedom fighter nor a true Pakistani soldier ever liked Rajakars. They are the hated ones from both sides.:no:

Excellent point.

Why, when we have such a balance of truth and rightness on our side, should we allow the slightest merest exaggeration, even a minor one, to allow envious and motivated opponents to blemish these truths?

Incidentally, from all accounts, the number is considerably higher than the total from the two cases that have been enumerated; my personal evaluation of the number of deaths and the number of rapes is somewhere else. But it is not a matter for discussion here, so we shall keep it aside.

It is also a valid point to say that Indian posters should not fling the crimes of the Pakistan Army in the face of Pakistani posters to win their own points. It is quite one thing when a Bangladeshi rises in anger and reminds us all of it, another thing if we use these undeniable truths in our own battles. The record stands. Comment is superfluous.

Lastly, a warning for the unwary. A Bengali has never taken to chains kindly. Yes, they have absorbed the best of another culture; yes, they have excelled at learning the wisdom of another body of knowledge; yes, they have turned to the ways of these others and mastered them. That never made a slave of a Bengali, whether it was Hinduism, Islam or the ways of the western colonialists. Nor is it possible to enslave a Bengali using his religion; remember Vidyasagar, Ram Mohun Roy, Debendranath, Rabindranath, Nazrul, Sher-e-Bangal Fazlul Haque, Maulana Bhashani, Mujib himself, and remember the events of our years.
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That never made a slave of a Bengali, whether it was Hinduism, Islam or the ways of the western colonialists. Nor is it possible to enslave a Bengali using his religion; remember Vidyasagar, Ram Mohun Roy, Debendranath, Rabindranath, Nazrul, Sher-e-Bangal Fazlul Haque, Maulana Bhashani, Mujib himself, and remember the events of our years.

One Muslim warrior Bakhtiyar Khilji, 12 horseman showed up with Islamic swords and all Hindu king ran away from Bengal. Put the history in prospective.

Sher e Bengal's
mother tongue was Urdu and he was speaking Urdu more than Bangla. So I do not think he was in love with Bengaliat like you or Iajdani.
One Muslim warrior Bakhtiyar Khilji, 12 horseman showed up with Islamic swords and all Hindu king ran away from Bengal. Put the history in prospective.

Sher e Bengal's
mother tongue was Urdu and he was speaking Urdu more than Bangla. So I do not think he was in love with Bengaliat like you or Iajdani.

Where did you come up with it??? Dude you are something.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Huq was born to an agricultural peasant's family to parents Qazi Muhammad Wajed, from Chakhar, and his wife Saidunnissa Khatun, in his mother's town of Saturia in Jhalokati district (present day Bangladesh).

During Fazlul Huq's premiership as the Chief Minister, Bangla Academy was founded and Bengali New Year's (Pohela Baishakh) was declared a public holiday.

A. K. Fazlul Huq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Not agreeing one thing and using foul languge, calling names, raping my sister is another thing.

100 girls(known as completing century) were raped by an Awami student thug. in Jahangir Nagor university during Awami's 96-2001 tenure. I am sure you have heard about the activity going on in Eden college in this tenure. :coffee:

I am wondering how is that you always cry about war time **** while ignoring the **** that is happening now. :cheesy:
We can see many of those razakars or their descendents in this forum. These foul-mouthed criminals are despised by all other groups of people. Even Pakistanis here do not share their views.

But, I would also like to say Indian posters should refrain from posting all those war time killing/**** stories at random. War time propaganda in any country is not all true, although there are some grains of truths in it.

Think of the killings. We assumed the figure at around 100,000 when the war was going on. In fact, about 10,000 people were killed on the 1st night of barbarism. The other big occurrence was after three days, when the army killed more than 2000 innocent people on a false information that rebels were hiding on the other side of Buriganga.

But, India and the GoB in exile were claiming it to be 300,000. But, then Sk. Mujib, by slip of the tongue, raised it to 3 million. This is all propaganda. We must stick to the true history. Being a proud nation we must throw away pretenses.

There is a comprehensive statistics by neutral observers. It covers everythingthing including Non Bengali killing which is even close to your total figure here.

The study is scientific, analyzed detailed demographics of then East Pakistan and all the breakdown. The total casualty figure of the war it put around 1.5 millions. Please go through all the tables.

100 girls(known as completing century) were raped by an Awami student thug. in Jahangir Nagor university during Awami's 96-2001 tenure. I am sure you have heard about the activity going on in Eden college in this tenure. :coffee:

I am wondering how is that you always cry about war time **** while ignoring the **** that is happening now. :cheesy:

Who can fix an ignorant? Yur source please..
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