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Creation of Bangladesh: Shining Moment or Strategic Blunder

Common man, pakistan has done alot alot for you. Remember what pakistani army did to you and your women in 1971.So never forget the Past:coffee:

Its been about 40 yrs. In 1971 India signed a security pact with Soviet Union to protect its behind from the US, now the Indian posters here on PDF after about 40 yrs can't sing enough about US.

Welcome to the world of Real Politik.
Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country politically and received more money from the common budget.

(spending in crores of Pakistani rupees)

========West Pak====East Pak(Now Bangladesh)

now u can decide what india did wrong.....

Source:Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its been about 40 yrs. In 1971 India signed a security pact with Soviet Union to protect its behind from the US, now the Indian posters here on PDF after about 40 yrs can't sing enough about US.

Welcome to the world of Real Politik.

yes come real world politics, you mean to say India betrayed a bit to Russia by hailing a bit of US
Who lost who won? It was regarding relations to be carried out by india with US and Russia
Look in your case now its about your own people, your own country, your own Women. Common give a sensible post
Personally i have no problem with my Bangladeshi brother's. What happened in 71 was the domestic problem of Pakistan and India put its leg in it, to divide the two brothers.

Now india should indure Pakistan's leg up its *** for the rest of its internal affair's life.

There was a bangladeshi brother in my home in 1971 and there is a bangladeshi brother in my home now in 2010.

So india at least failed to divide my house atleast. :cheers:
Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country politically and received more money from the common budget.

(spending in crores of Pakistani rupees)

========West Pak====East Pak(Now Bangladesh)

now u can decide what india did wrong.....

Source:Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are thinking for future good relationship forgetting past but you are disturbing us. Your bad intention is proved.
Personally i have no problem with my Bangladeshi brother's. What happened in 71 was the domestic problem of Pakistan and India put its leg in it, to divide the two brothers.

Now india should indure Pakistan's leg up its *** for the rest of its internal affair's life.

There was a bangladeshi brother in my home in 1971 and there is a bangladeshi brother in my home now in 2010.

So india at least failed to divide my house atleast. :cheers:

Your house was/is not of any strategical Importance to us??? :disagree:
I think, IMHO, that GoI and her institutions have to assert ithemselves and do what is expected of them, rather than pander to the whims and demands of others.

The demand of the author IMHO is justified. If we want to be taken seriously, then its Goddamn about time that we start acting seriously! Just imagine when India does that! Lets see people "talk" then.

My question is who the hell is he to determine at what level our armed forces should be maintained?Are we taking money from GoI to build our forces?We are sovereign nation and we determine our own destiny.

And as Iajdani pointed out his crappy research,the article looses its credibility right there.Its nothing but another BJP,VHP influenced article written by a paranoid general with sympathy towards VHP,BJP ideology.

And as for your arm twisting of Bangladesh...sure go ahead,let's see do you really have that guts to do that openly.We have seen enough of "silent arm twisting"...may be even that's not enough for the bully on the block.
We are thinking for future good relationship forgetting past but you are disturbing us. Your bad intention is proved.

we r not here to talk about future relationship B/W BD-Pak-India. we r here to talk creation of Bangladesh was right or wrong and the data which is given is real and i think creation of Bangladesh was right decision for India and Bangladesh itself.
Its been about 40 yrs. In 1971 India signed a security pact with Soviet Union to protect its behind from the US, now the Indian posters here on PDF after about 40 yrs can't sing enough about US.

Welcome to the world of Real Politik.

India was not an enemy of US at that time. But related to USSR during 1971 because of US's supports for Pakistan.

Welcome to the world of reality.
Breakup of India has always been a strategic goal of asian muslims.

Not all muslims are insecure as you. Many great muslim leaders be they Sir Syed, Allama Iqbal and even Jinnah upto the late 1930s were in favour of a united India. Not to mention other leaders like Maulana Azad, Abdul Gaffar Khan, the traditional Islamic scholars from various schools of thoughts. I could go on and on.

Ofcourse I don't see why the Zaid Hamid counterpart in India (the one who wrote the article) is even being discussed. And RAW supported think tank is laughable.

If you want to read from think tanks that are close to policy making bodies you should check out IDSA .

It is unfortunate that far from owning up tothe atrocities inBAngladesh under the Pakistani army and repenting, some Pakistanis go into denial. Maybe they can't believe that they did atrocities worse than what Indians have done in Kashmir. Noneother than the Army's own report the Hammodor Rehman Comission has accepted this. Forget about other third party reports.

The reality is India-Bangladesh is having one ofthe best relations in 30 years. The main complaint of support of terrorists and insurgents group are being tackled more than India could have asked for. Ithink now its India's turn to resolve outstanding boundary issues andcreate a favourable economic environment. Eventually good relations with Bangladesh is key for India's eastern stability. Infact, out of all SAARC countries Bangladesh after Bhutan is probably the country with which we have the least issues.
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This article was originally written in 2007 but not published by Maj Gen(rtd) Sheru Thapliyal . Therefore, the frustration showed by Sheru is understandable. However, I am little puzzled why he decided to publish it now without a revision in order to suit the reality on the ground as of 2010.

They are the Zaid Hamid/Hamid Gul versions of India. IDSA is a much better and more closer to policy circles.
Why did India do it in the first place??? :bunny:

You mean nuclear proliferation? Can you name one country who was a recipient of Indian nuclear technology? When I wrote that line, I meant the aftermath of the A Q Khan incident. Do you think Pakistan wants to go down that path again?
You mean nuclear proliferation? Can you name one country who was a recipient of Indian nuclear technology? When I wrote that line, I meant the aftermath of the A Q Khan incident. Do you think Pakistan wants to go down that path again?

No I was saying from which country it proliferated... ;)
Remember what pakistani army did to you and your women in 1971.So never forget the Past:coffee:

We were pakistani then so it was pakistani forces that went after gaddars and anti pakistani element. It was fair and right things to do at that time. It was your propaganda that misguided neutral people. As a result, we may have dissolved united Pakistan but connection still here. :hang2:

Here is a info for you. If any rape occurred then it was Hindu women by Awami dogs and Bharati scums yet you Bharati still pledge your support for Awami. Now go eat it. We have nothing to do with Awami dogs and Bharati scums. ;)
What have the Bharati learned so far... You can divide us by deception but you can not take out Islam from Muslims. :smokin:

Bharati are disliked by us many reasons and we will never treat you like brother no matter what you do while Pakistanis will be given brotherly treatment even if they do nothing for us. It's Islamic thing. Faster you understand, better it would be for you. :cool:

PATHETIC! So you would brown nose some the people who pillaged and raped your countrymen just coz they are muslims ?
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