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CPEC a double edged sword???

CPEC will link up to part of China which is far more under-development and improvised than Pakistan...this of this as an opportunity for Pakistan exports to China more than Chinese exports to Pakistan...
We should know that it is difficult to benefit from infrastructure investment. Usually the country that you live in should do this hard work. It is just like Marshall Plan. The biggest beneficiary is Pakistan.

Pakistani Industry only can be developed by enough Power, Capacity, Energy which is the purpose of CPEC. Chinese Labor intensive industry will be transferred to Pakistan, not India, so it is a chance for pakistan. Premise is a stable situation in Pakistan.
Comment by Kaptaan
Yes, your right. It's just a road. Just strip of tarmac. Just a ribbon. What will it do? Well it will flood the Pakistani market. It will destroy our industry. So what is good about it?

Everything. The problem with Pakistan is we have stuck our heads up our backsides. This has allowed the world to move on while we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies. Have you ever thought why a country of 200 million people has exports less than 3 million Ireland?

Where is our so called industry? Well we don't have industry like most of the world. We have parasites going as industry. Now this is how "parasite industry" works. The elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries. The billions that comes to Pakistan then is spent on cars, motorbikes, houses, food, fridges, electrical products etc.

Then the elite create a import restriction that either stops anything being imported or attracts high taxes. That means when you want to buy a car, fridge etc you can't buy it from abroad. Then the ruling elite give a licence to one of their favourites to make friidges. The factory that makes fridges can be utterly inefficent and the fridge could be rubbish but it still sells because onsumers have no choice. So these lame duck industries that really are just parasites and survive because of regulated market keep making money for the elite.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.)
. Reply
So that is what you think?
Let me explain to you your thought and its consequences....
You said everything is good about cPEC....Totally wrong.That is what you think, just a dream.Why would china help us.Chinese govt knows situation and level of corruption in pakistan.why would china help.why would any other country in the world help an other country without any concern.let's say china is a deeeep friend of pak .does it make any sense?do we have any kind of example in which a country helps an other country to such an extent?lets accept it for a minute that china really cares about us.but Why we always need a shoulder for support.did china asked for any help when it was striving and fighting for its existence?well! The thing that makes cPEC good for Pak is sincereity of China.After cPEC completion it depends on china that either it wants to make this project useful or harmful for Pak . And the truth is that Some kind of little financial help and cheap goods that china is giving us and that shahra e resham is not a proof that China is actually thinking about Pakistan's progress. Everything that china has done in past was only for its own good.Give me a single example of chinese help which is actually making pakistan developing.....except those aids which worth nothing...and those useless engines.
second "stuck our heads up our backsides. "Whatever u call it.

Those nations which learn nothing from the past can never ever make progress.they just keep falling because they did not stick their heads up their backsides.so sticking the head up our backsides is necessary.so that is an unvalid explaination.
we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies.
It is up to us that either we want to do something or just want to wait for a miracle.it is our chioce.why are we following such dumb politicians?Who has choosen them as our leaders? Is'nt it you?isn't it me? They were not born as our leaders,we have choosen them.Then why are we claiming that these politicians are ruining us.We are destroying ourself.than why blaming leaders?
Why we are sitting in villages swating flies?because we have accepted it.We dont want to make any change ourself but are crying for a change.Changes dont come that are brought by nation by people by youth.If we wish and work for making a change we will no more swatt flies sitting in our villages.
Every nation had a time when he was just swatting flies but they did not wait for cPEC to come and change their condition.They worked and hard worked for their progress and even china changed his condition from worst to best.Point to be noted"without anybody's help"

Forth elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries.

Why we are going abroad for slaving?why dont we make our country worth earning a living?because we are getting adopted to slavery.We think slavery is easy than making a way in our own country.Accept it or not we are all biased.We think of ourself only.to go abroad and earn a living is only for you while if u make a change it will give benefit to each person of your country but who cares.
And please explain elite.Doesnt elite consist of all the leaders plus all those rich pakistanis who are not giving a chance to poors.who want that all the treasure should be theirs.they are not happy if a poor gets rich or comes to their level.what cPEC will do in this regard.

If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese?
Better thing is always costly...so is pakistani.
And every body wants to buy a thing that is cheap.chinease products are cheap.majority of peole are poor in pakistan and they cant afford a costly and a better thing...that is one reason why chinese products will rule even if they are worst because majority is going to buy it due to cheap price.Than pkaistan industry will automatically destroy because a little no. of rich buyers can not make it stand.
So either pakistan makes excelent products,poor will only buy cheap worthless chinese products,as it is happening now a days.Than again our engineers,youth and all that talented people will have to become slaves of other countries for a living,again,as it is happening now a days.
Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world.
Competition ?what kind of competition ?the competition of an already developed country with a country who is fighting for existence?do you expect that an economicaly weak country will ba able to stand that competition? No way... we will surely loose balance.we need to strengthen our roots first and it is posaible only when we develope our industry.And cPEC is not going to help us anyway to make progress.china will not wait for us to get developed.our leaders are going to stop bringing chinese products in pakistan.we need to be sincere with our country we should buy only pakistani products and only then and only then we will make progress....
We need a leader wo does not want to rule,who wants to lead a nation.
We need a nation,a united nation,The pakistani Nation.
We need to bring a change in ourself,a positive change.
We need to be ready for any kind of sacrifice of ease,time,energy etc.
We need to learn how to live independently .
We need to learn to live with unity and need to learn to work as a team,and as a developer not as a slave.

Yes, your right. It's just a road. Just strip of tarmac. Just a ribbon. What will it do? Well it will flood the Pakistani market. It will destroy our industry. So what is good about it?

Everything. The problem with Pakistan is we have stuck our heads up our backsides. This has allowed the world to move on while we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies. Have you ever thought why a country of 200 million people has exports less than 3 million Ireland?

Where is our so called industry? Well we don't have industry like most of the world. We have parasites going as industry. Now this is how "parasite industry" works. The elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries. The billions that comes to Pakistan then is spent on cars, motorbikes, houses, food, fridges, electrical products etc.

Then the elite create a import restriction that either stops anything being imported or attracts high taxes. That means when you want to buy a car, fridge etc you can't buy it from abroad. Then the ruling elite give a licence to one of their favourites to make friidges. The factory that makes fridges can be utterly inefficent and the fridge could be rubbish but it still sells because onsumers have no choice. So these lame duck industries that really are just parasites and survive because of regulated market keep making money for the elite.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.
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I dnt think its double edge sword . i think we should concentrate on.positivity which ch8nese investment brings in.country and encourage other countries to invest pakistan . unlike usa china always support us in difficult time and never say do more
For the past few weeks i have been reading a lot about this economic corridor but only the good thing like how this road is gonna boast our economy and make lives of 20mil people better. So I feel like be the critic here. At the moment I have three Potential risks of this project.

1. Despite the positive outlook of the CPEC, we also need to understand the potentially long run negative impact it shall have on Pakistan’s industrial sector. The goods from China will likely flood Pakistan’s market more rapidly, which will potentially slow down or in worse case cripple the local industry.

2.Excess of every thing is bad, & in this case it is our reliance on china. Pakistan needs to secure its own national interests and keep the balance of its relations with both China and the West for relying on one sphere of influence can damage relations with the other. By becoming a diplomatic balancer, as pointed out previously, Pakistan can get the best from both powers and bridge their sloppy relations.

3.(very pessimistic case) If every thing get out of hand and pakistan becomes the life line of china & russia. we will be ideal target for any agressor. and yes i dont think we have enough fire power to handle such an event, and we must not , we can not allow chinese armed forces on our soil in any case. (thats how the british came, just trade). So, I think with our bugdet and resources, It is wise not to become a point of interest.

So, the conclusion would be, that we must be very careful in the negotiation, our limited focus can hurt us in the long run. And the whole thing has the potential to blow up in our face. And due to our incompetency this thing can turn out to be the worst thing thing that ever happened to pak rather than the best thing.


(+ve,-ve, neutral) reviews & views are welcomed

There are no conspiracy theories here. We should stop being cynical and looking for excuses.

From a Pakistani perspective, CPEC is meant to improve the economic situation of Pakistan. Plain and simple. Nothing more nothing less.

Whilst our so-called "allies" have done nothing for us apart from blaming us, China stood up and invested billions of dollars. China isn't Britain who is going to step in and rob us. Neither is China the US/West. Surely, China didn't invest billions due to charity or love. Of course, China has something to gain from CPEC, but so has Pakistan. We need to start appreciating our mutual benefits. CPEC is mutually beneficial and it contains no malicious secrets.

Pakistan can never have good and cordial relations with the US/West as it does with China. We can be rest assured that the US/West is never going to come into Pakistan and invest tens of billions of dollars. Anyone believing otherwise needs a serious reality check.

There is only one double edged sword in this whole story and that is the cynics who oppose any form of investment and development in Pakistan.
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at least get some little research and facts in hand before spouting comments....

Xinjiang, Kashgar and other western China area provinces had a lot more GDP and much more industrialized than Pakistan and had better parameter states in HDI and other economic and socio parameter.....

for example Xinjiang autonomous Region with just 21 million or so population got 150 billion US dollar Regional GDP and around 6000 US dollar percapita income. And most of their workforce is literate and well educated the rate is over 96 % of workorce population had achieved secondary level education
I dnt think its double edge sword . i think we should concentrate on.positivity which ch8nese investment brings in.country and encourage other countries to invest pakistan . unlike usa china always support us in difficult time and never say do more
American support in the form of IMF has bailed Pakistani economy from crash time-and-again.

I agree with the point-of-view that CPEC can be leveraged as an avenue of foreign investment.
American support in the form of IMF has bailed Pakistani economy from crash time-and-again.

I agree with the point-of-view that CPEC can be leveraged as an avenue of foreign investment.
Imf is not support i believe if they think pakisttan an aaly then they should invest their money to help economy not provide bail . Can america invest 5 billion$$ in pakistan . I belive nooooooo . They cant
There are no conspiracy theories here. We should stop being cynical and looking for excuses.

From a Pakistani perspective, CPEC is meant to improve the economic situation of Pakistan. Plain and simple. Nothing more nothing less.

Whilst our so-called "allies" have done nothing for us apart from blaming us, China stood up and invested billions of dollars. China isn't Britain who is going to step in and rob us. Neither is China the US/West. Surely, China didn't invest billions due to charity or love. Of course, China has something to gain from CPEC, but so has Pakistan. We need to start appreciating our mutual benefits. CPEC is mutually beneficial and it contains no malicious secrets.

Pakistan can never have good and cordial relation with the West/US as it does with China. We can be rest assured that the US/West is never going to come into Pakistan and invest tens of billions of dollars. Anyone believing otherwise needs a serious reality check.

There is only one double edged sword in this whole story and that is the cynics who oppose any form of investment in Pakistan.
Actually, Americans have invested over 25 billion USD in Pakistan since 9/11. Not to forget the role of IMF in stabilizing our economy. American investment have been invaluable for our economy and military capability. You are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

I agree with the rest.
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Actually, Americans have invested over 25 billion USD in Pakistan since 9/11. This is in-addition to role of IMF in stabilizing our economy. American investment have been invaluable for our economy and military capability. You are deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

I agree with the rest.
25 Billion on which projects ? Can you enlighten me please . I shall be thankful if you share some knowledge
Imf is not support i believe if they think pakisttan an aaly then they should invest their money to help economy not provide bail . Can america invest 5 billion$$ in pakistan . I belive nooooooo . They cant
Economics is not your forte I suppose?

Pakistan's economy was on the brink of collapse during the tenure of PPP-led government. When PML(N)-led government took over, it approached IMF to prevent this collapse, and IMF delivered. Try to understand how invaluable this kind of support is.

Americans have invested huge sums of money in Pakistan in different sectors (over 25 billion USD since 2001). Problem is that War on Terror and Politics have overshadowed such support, and people mostly remember negative stuff.
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