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CPEC a double edged sword???

Yes sometimes it happens and the local industries got crushed, once a small town in tamil nadu contributed to 90% of fireworks production of entire India. After chinese fireworks entered, now even well renowned local industries informed their workers they are going to shut the factory for 3months. Our local manufacturers made fireworks from aluminium powder which is less inflammable and costly, chinese fireworks are made of potassium powder which is highly inflammable and cheap.

The same town was flourishing in printing as well due to the fireworks production and contributed more than 60% of India's entire printing works, now everything got a big hit.

Ensure that you don't allow products which are well available in the local market to save your local industrial base.

For the past few weeks i have been reading a lot about this economic corridor but only the good thing like how this road is gonna boast our economy and make lives of 20mil people better. So I feel like be the critic here. At the moment I have three Potential risks of this project.

Any infrastructure development that can connect a poor country of 200 million people, without electricity, businesses or a strong economy, to a market of over 1.6+ billion people (China, Russia, some Central Russian States, Europe, etc), can NEVER be bad. I can write a book on the benefits of such a trade route. Be a critic, you are entitled to your opinion, but form your opinion based on actual, hard facts. Unless we are talking about a Movie, or Music or if you like Toyota better than a Mercedez, those are all personal feelings. This topic right here, requires serious facts as someone decided to invest $ 46 billion into Pakistan and Pakistan, decided to provide a full port to the investors. There are a LOT of complexities involved here beyond simple comprehension, so facts are required.

1. Despite the positive outlook of the CPEC, we also need to understand the potentially long run negative impact it shall have on Pakistan’s industrial sector. The goods from China will likely flood Pakistan’s market more rapidly, which will potentially slow down or in worse case cripple the local industry.

The good from Chin are ALREADY flooding the Pakistani market, the American, the French, the Dubai and every other market. Small needles, to writing Pen's, to now Jets are build in China. So this route won't pour anything more into Pakistani markets than there already is. You can't supply more stuff to a city or a country that's beyond people's buying power or reach. In fact, this road will make Chinese products cheaper as the shipping and flying routes are being cut much shorter and replaced with ordinary trucks.

This entire corridor is the future manufacturing hub, manufacturing facilities will be moving from China to Pakistan around this corridor. The Chinese labor is aging and they need someone to help them keep manufacturing. Plus, such a massive system of highways, railroads, etc will allow Pakistani products and services to go elsewhere too, like Russia, Central Asian states, Eastern Europe, and even to Europe...

2.Excess of every thing is bad, & in this case it is our reliance on china. Pakistan needs to secure its own national interests and keep the balance of its relations with both China and the West.

There is no excess of anything on here. Pakistan has good relationships with China, Russia, the ME, Korea, the US, the UK and the French. Not sure where did you think that Pakistan was all Chinese focused and nothing else. If your electric system was working right, you'd be sending billions of Textile products to the EU, due to their GSP Plus designation for Pakistan. Now that's not China. Similarly, with the US, Pakistan enjoys a MNNA status. That's how a lot of times, Pakistan get very capable stuff for like 30-40% of the actual market price!!

Once the electric issues are restored and businesses start to function, this mess of terrorism is eliminated and stability comes in, you'll also see many billions of investments coming in from the US, UK, etc (the West). Just because a country decided to do a large investment, doesn't mean they are giving Pakistan a favor. They've calculated over a 30% ROI on these projects after breaking even, every year for the next 15-20 years (when Pakistan reaches a level of maturity in her Economic growth).

3.(very pessimistic case) If every thing get out of hand and Pakistan becomes the life line of china & russia. we will be ideal target for any agressor. and yes i dont think we have enough fire power to handle such an event, and we must not , we can not allow chinese armed forces on our soil in any case. (thats how the British came, just trade). So, I think with our bugdet and resources, It is wise not to become a point of interest.

I have NO idea how to respond to the above comment. You think if a country's economy grows and they have say $ 100 or $ 200 billion sitting in their savings account, you don't think they'll increase their defense budget accordingly??? May be I should remind you, you are a country with the fastest growing numbers of Flash lights per year at this time !!!

By 2018-2019, they are estimating Pakistan's defense budget to be that of Turkey's. And that's ALSO why LM had put Pakistan into its list of "potential customers" starting 2022, for the -35!!!

Starting around or after 2020, the PAF's size will increase significantly with all 4++ gen fighters (new orders), expect a serious 30%+ growth in numbers. This has nothing to do with what you acquire between now and then. Similarly, the PN's size will easily increase well over 50%. The PN not only has to project force to protect thousands of trade vessels coming to and leaving from Pakistan for trade for China, Russia, etc.

She also needs to protect over 350 miles wide EEZ, one on side, getting close to Dawarka and Bombay, and on the other side, getting close to the Strait of Homez and Gulf of Oman. This is VERY strategic. Now if the PN had more vessels, it can literally place them within a 100 miles of Dawarka and put a serious watch on one of the much larger Naval bases there. Similarly, the distance allows the PN to avoid any blockade. If the PN had the numbers, it can ALSO block any inbound ships to India from the Gulf of Oman / Strait of Homez too as you won't be too far from it.

Also, the next obvious step should be to build a big Naval station by Jivani, which is on the border of Iran and Pakistan. And if I remember correctly, its like 20-30 miles from Chahabar. I hope someone from the PN's high command is reading this post as I've outlined a SERIOUS future Naval strategy for the PN :enjoy: :tup:, it offers both a serous deterrence and a serious offensive capability as needed :cheers:

So, the conclusion would be, that we must be very careful in the negotiation, our limited focus can hurt us in the long run. And the whole thing has the potential to blow up in our face. And due to our incompetency this thing can turn out to be the worst thing thing that ever happened to pak rather than the best thing.

I agree with the last paragraph, there should be careful negotiations. And as the economy grows, so will the defense power too. There is no potential here to blow up in your face. That's a crazy thought!!! I am not even sure where it is coming from. Out of the 6 countries with Flash lights, three are DIRECTLY involved here (China, Russia and Pakistan), so unless someone wants to start WWIII, no one's going to have issues with it. And if the WWIII starts, even if the CPEC didn't exist, everyone should naturally say good bye to their families anyway. Because shiit is going to hit the fan, and a LOT of shiit on a very big, fast running fan :rofl: :angel: :enjoy: :tup:
Any infrastructure development that can connect a poor country of 200 million people, without electricity, businesses or a strong economy, to a market of over 1.6+ billion people (China, Russia, some Central Russian States, Europe, etc), can NEVER be bad. I can write a book on the benefits of such a trade route. Be a critic, you are entitled to your opinion, but form your opinion based on actual, hard facts. Unless we are talking about a Movie, or Music or if you like Toyota better than a Mercedez, those are all personal feelings. This topic right here, requires serious facts as someone decided to invest $ 46 billion into Pakistan and Pakistan, decided to provide a full port to the investors. There are a LOT of complexities involved here beyond simple comprehension, so facts are required.

The good from Chin are ALREADY flooding the Pakistani market, the American, the French, the Dubai and every other market. Small needles, to writing Pen's, to now Jets are build in China. So this route won't pour anything more into Pakistani markets than there already is. You can't supply more stuff to a city or a country that's beyond people's buying power or reach. In fact, this road will make Chinese products cheaper as the shipping and flying routes are being cut much shorter and replaced with ordinary trucks.

This entire corridor is the future manufacturing hub, manufacturing facilities will be moving from China to Pakistan around this corridor. The Chinese labor is aging and they need someone to help them keep manufacturing. Plus, such a massive system of highways, railroads, etc will allow Pakistani products and services to go elsewhere too, like Russia, Central Asian states, Eastern Europe, and even to Europe...

There is no excess of anything on here. Pakistan has good relationships with China, Russia, the ME, Korea, the US, the UK and the French. Not sure where did you think that Pakistan was all Chinese focused and nothing else. If your electric system was working right, you'd be sending billions of Textile products to the EU, due to their GSP Plus designation for Pakistan. Now that's not China. Similarly, with the US, Pakistan enjoys a MNNA status. That's how a lot of times, Pakistan get very capable stuff for like 30-40% of the actual market price!!

Once the electric issues are restored and businesses start to function, this mess of terrorism is eliminated and stability comes in, you'll also see many billions of investments coming in from the US, UK, etc (the West). Just because a country decided to do a large investment, doesn't mean they are giving Pakistan a favor. They've calculated over a 30% ROI on these projects after breaking even, every year for the next 15-20 years (when Pakistan reaches a level of maturity in her Economic growth).

I have NO idea how to respond to the above comment. You think if a country's economy grows and they have say $ 100 or $ 200 billion sitting in their savings account, you don't think they'll increase their defense budget accordingly??? May be I should remind you, you are a country with the fastest growing numbers of Flash lights per year at this time !!!

By 2018-2019, they are estimating Pakistan's defense budget to be that of Turkey's. And that's ALSO why LM had put Pakistan into its list of "potential customers" starting 2022, for the -35!!!

Starting around or after 2020, the PAF's size will increase significantly with all 4++ gen fighters (new orders), expect a serious 30%+ growth in numbers. This has nothing to do with what you acquire between now and then. Similarly, the PN's size will easily increase well over 50%. The PN not only has to project force to protect thousands of trade vessels coming to and leaving from Pakistan for trade for China, Russia, etc.

She also needs to protect over 350 miles wide EEZ, one on side, getting close to Dawarka and Bombay, and on the other side, getting close to the Strait of Homez and Gulf of Oman. This is VERY strategic. Now if the PN had more vessels, it can literally place them within a 100 miles of Dawarka and put a serious watch on one of the much larger Naval bases there. Similarly, the distance allows the PN to avoid any blockade. If the PN had the numbers, it can ALSO block any inbound ships to India from the Gulf of Oman / Strait of Homez too as you won't be too far from it.

Also, the next obvious step should be to build a big Naval station by Jivani, which is on the border of Iran and Pakistan. And if I remember correctly, its like 20-30 miles from Chahabar. I hope someone from the PN's high command is reading this post as I've outlined a SERIOUS future Naval strategy for the PN :enjoy: :tup:, it offers both a serous deterrence and a serious offensive capability as needed :cheers:

I agree with the last paragraph, there should be careful negotiations. And as the economy grows, so will the defense power too. There is no potential here to blow up in your face. That's a crazy thought!!! I am not even sure where it is coming from. Out of the 6 countries with Flash lights, three are DIRECTLY involved here (China, Russia and Pakistan), so unless someone wants to start WWIII, no one's going to have issues with it. And if the WWIII starts, even if the CPEC didn't exist, everyone should naturally say good bye to their families anyway. Because shiit is going to hit the fan, and a LOT of shiit on a very big, fast running fan :rofl: :angel: :enjoy: :tup:

I like the idea of Jiwani base, can you please enlighten us little more on that.
I like the idea of Jiwani base, can you please enlighten us little more on that.

If you were to walk on the coastline of Pakistan, from Gawader to Chahabar, its about 80 miles away I think (its been a while I read those analysis so I am not sure if it was 80 or more, but its below 100), so as you walk towards Iran, the last part of the Pakistani coastline is on the border, a town or area called Jiwani. Then you cross into Iran within 20+ miles and in about 40 miles or so, is the port of Chahabar.

Now to monitor and keep in check, any activity from the IN or even activity around the Indian trade, you could build a naval station there and a FOB with a squadron of modern jets. You can keep both Iran and India in check big times. Now in a war if you attacked on Indian ships through long range missiles WITHIN Pakistani airspace....nothing happens in the world. Its a war.

Second, if you use this base, you could provide backup air and naval defense to Gawader (YET posing a super heavy punch to nearby Chahabar based IN ships or even cargo ships). If you have a squadrons of heavies there, you can even go as far as to the Strait of Homez or Gulf of Oman near Maskit, and pose a no fly zone for any Indian planes and take out ships. Its the end of Pakistan's new EEZ, ending at 350 NM's from the coastline of Pakistan..!!! All good things have started to happen to Pakistan it seems like :tup:. This EEZ extension killed the entire "IN blockade" concept. Now PN just need more ships and a separate branch of Coast Guard for Coastal Protection, while the PN gets more ships and extends out its range to 350 NM, from the coastline of Pakistan.

Remember, the Lion in a jungle doesn't have to show up everywhere, majority of the times, its roar makes pretty much all animal get anxious and run away from wherever they were at, thinking the Lion's close by

@Oscar @MastanKhan @Windjammer : what are your thoughts on the above scenario? Heavies are a must have or something like FC-20 would do the trick I am explaining above?
I definitely agree with POINT No. 1 in the OP. Chinese companies will over take our industry. Our poor industrial base can never hope to compete with the Chinese. Eventually our companies will become toxic and then the Chinese could acquire them at relatively low prices.

The textile sector is extremely vulnerable. Chinese have already started to acquire stakes in a few of our textile units e.g. Masood Textile. As our companies continue to become toxic due to financial distress, the Chinese will easily acquire them at low prices and then rejuvenate these industrial units.

These acquisitions will not be all bad news. Their will be certain advantages like new technology, increased efficiency, increased taxes and may be cheaper goods for customers but the profits will go to mainland China after all.
POINTS No. 2 and 3:
Well these points are the usual expressions of paranoia about NATIONAL SECURITY which has occluded our thought process since this country came into existence. They are not worth any serious comment. (apologizing to the OP)
Wonder if people are clear on what EEZ Means

In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;


Rights and duties of other States in the exclusive economic zone

In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.


Territorial Sea

Each coastal State may claim a territorial sea that extends seaward up to 12 nautical miles (nm) from its baselines. The coastal State exercises sovereignty over its territorial sea, the air space above it, and the seabed and subsoil beneath it. Foreign flag ships enjoy the right of innocent passage while transiting the territorial sea subject to laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State that are in conformity with the Law of the Sea Convention and other rules of international law relating to such passage.

EEZ is not the same as Territorial Sea and EEZ does not restrict freedom of navigation and flight.
@Viper0011. It will be a very good scenario for us and it will almost finish the naval benefits of chahbahar port.

Good Idea mate.
For the past few weeks i have been reading a lot about this economic corridor but only the good thing like how this road is gonna boast our economy and make lives of 20mil people better. So I feel like be the critic here. At the moment I have three Potential risks of this project.

1. Despite the positive outlook of the CPEC, we also need to understand the potentially long run negative impact it shall have on Pakistan’s industrial sector. The goods from China will likely flood Pakistan’s market more rapidly, which will potentially slow down or in worse case cripple the local industry.

CPEC is not an economic corridor between Pakistan and China but it is rather a route which which give China shorter access to Persian Gulf and in return Chinese investments help Pakistan build rail and road infrastructure connecting China, Russia, Central Asia far up to Europe. Cost of manufacturing in China is rising steadily and it must rise for the economic to grow and improve local living standards. Pakistan still has many competitive edges and unlike China & India, Pakistan does not market itself as a cheap pool of labor for global manufacturing. Chinese industrial units operating from Gawader free zone will be more competitive in exports to Middle East than those from mainland China and at the same time create jobs for locals..Chinese Industrial expertise will go long way to develop our own industrial base.

2.Excess of every thing is bad, & in this case it is our reliance on china. Pakistan needs to secure its own national interests and keep the balance of its relations with both China and the West for relying on one sphere of influence can damage relations with the other. By becoming a diplomatic balancer, as pointed out previously, Pakistan can get the best from both powers and bridge their sloppy relations.

China is the nearest and cheapest source for many and therefore reliance is bound to happen...just like India has certain reliance on Russia....

3.(very pessimistic case) If every thing get out of hand and pakistan becomes the life line of china & russia. we will be ideal target for any agressor. and yes i dont think we have enough fire power to handle such an event, and we must not , we can not allow chinese armed forces on our soil in any case. (thats how the british came, just trade). So, I think with our bugdet and resources, It is wise not to become a point of interest.

The British and Russians cannot be compared to Chinese because despite British came for trade they still came as aggressor..

So, the conclusion would be, that we must be very careful in the negotiation, our limited focus can hurt us in the long run. And the whole thing has the potential to blow up in our face. And due to our incompetency this thing can turn out to be the worst thing thing that ever happened to pak rather than the best thing.

CPEC in the long run will be multinational affair and we will need to beef up defenses and close co op with China and Russia to secure major chunk of world trade moving through our waters and land..
Pakistan must start producing more than donkeys and textiles to take advantage of CPEC routes. Otherwise growth will remain under 5%.
Wonder if people are clear on what EEZ Means

In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;

EEZ is not the same as Territorial Sea and EEZ does not restrict freedom of navigation and flight.

Awww, cup cake, couldn't counter my posts (as always) with strategic defense related wisdom, so you brought me these "definitions"??? Every country with an extended coastline, doing any fishing, exploration or ANY activities has a right to protect its citizens. So when Pakistani fishermen and Oil and Gas exploration companies are putting people, machinery and equipment so far out, they need protection and their country of origin provides that protection. That a basic human right by the UN charter.

The US, to provide protection to her ONE citizen, can go to war with another country. That's UN's human rights further modified to apply under the US constitution and add a lot more protection. Similarly, Pakistani citizens doing any work or exploration will be protected by the PN. Now in a war, even more need to protect their citizens so whether you like it or not, the PN will be out there, right on the edge of the 350 mile EEZ as it "wants to ensure the safety of her citizens from anyone meaning harm". I hope you can understand the meaning of what I just quoted :enjoy:

Pakistan must start producing more than donkeys and textiles to take advantage of CPEC routes. Otherwise growth will remain under 5%.

Do you have the SLITHEST clue on what's going on in Pakistan? Where the hell did you get Donkeys from, lol :yahoo: its so stupid!!:victory: and not wise at all. Textiles are your country's core products if you can sell them right. The GSP Plus, alone can add many billions to the FOREX.

How old are you? 12? Posts like these put bad image and name for Pakistan out there and people like you don't think before they open their mouth, and in that moment of stupidity, you put a black mark on the entire country!!! I see a British flag in your signatures. I think you should forget about Pakistan and JUST focus on UK, her politics,growth and all. There are plenty of people to worry about Pakistan's growth and it is going in the right direction!!
Awww, cup cake, couldn't counter my posts (as always) with strategic defense related wisdom, so you brought me these "definitions"??? Every country with an extended coastline, doing any fishing, exploration or ANY activities has a right to protect its citizens. So when Pakistani fishermen and Oil and Gas exploration companies are putting people, machinery and equipment so far out, they need protection and their country of origin provides that protection. That a basic human right by the UN charter.

The US, to provide protection to her ONE citizen, can go to war with another country. That's UN's human rights further modified to apply under the US constitution and add a lot more protection. Similarly, Pakistani citizens doing any work or exploration will be protected by the PN. Now in a war, even more need to protect their citizens so whether you like it or not, the PN will be out there, right on the edge of the 350 mile EEZ as it "wants to ensure the safety of her citizens from anyone meaning harm". I hope you can understand the meaning of what I just quoted :enjoy:

Sure protect your citizens as much as you want. Indian ships will be just sailing by peacefully. The important part is you can't enforce a no fly zone or deny freedom of movement of Indian warships.

Right till the war is declared Indian ships will be lurking in your EEZ and right outside your territorial boundaries which is 12 nautical miles or just 22.4 Kms. Once the war is declared then well BOOM!!!

Rest is all just gravy.
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Any infrastructure development that can connect a poor country of 200 million people, without electricity, businesses or a strong economy, to a market of over 1.6+ billion people (China, Russia, some Central Russian States, Europe, etc), can NEVER be bad. I can write a book on the benefits of such a trade route. Be a critic, you are entitled to your opinion, but form your opinion based on actual, hard facts. Unless we are talking about a Movie, or Music or if you like Toyota better than a Mercedez, those are all personal feelings. This topic right here, requires serious facts as someone decided to invest $ 46 billion into Pakistan and Pakistan, decided to provide a full port to the investors. There are a LOT of complexities involved here beyond simple comprehension, so facts are required.

The good from Chin are ALREADY flooding the Pakistani market, the American, the French, the Dubai and every other market. Small needles, to writing Pen's, to now Jets are build in China. So this route won't pour anything more into Pakistani markets than there already is. You can't supply more stuff to a city or a country that's beyond people's buying power or reach. In fact, this road will make Chinese products cheaper as the shipping and flying routes are being cut much shorter and replaced with ordinary trucks.

This entire corridor is the future manufacturing hub, manufacturing facilities will be moving from China to Pakistan around this corridor. The Chinese labor is aging and they need someone to help them keep manufacturing. Plus, such a massive system of highways, railroads, etc will allow Pakistani products and services to go elsewhere too, like Russia, Central Asian states, Eastern Europe, and even to Europe...

There is no excess of anything on here. Pakistan has good relationships with China, Russia, the ME, Korea, the US, the UK and the French. Not sure where did you think that Pakistan was all Chinese focused and nothing else. If your electric system was working right, you'd be sending billions of Textile products to the EU, due to their GSP Plus designation for Pakistan. Now that's not China. Similarly, with the US, Pakistan enjoys a MNNA status. That's how a lot of times, Pakistan get very capable stuff for like 30-40% of the actual market price!!

Once the electric issues are restored and businesses start to function, this mess of terrorism is eliminated and stability comes in, you'll also see many billions of investments coming in from the US, UK, etc (the West). Just because a country decided to do a large investment, doesn't mean they are giving Pakistan a favor. They've calculated over a 30% ROI on these projects after breaking even, every year for the next 15-20 years (when Pakistan reaches a level of maturity in her Economic growth).

I have NO idea how to respond to the above comment. You think if a country's economy grows and they have say $ 100 or $ 200 billion sitting in their savings account, you don't think they'll increase their defense budget accordingly??? May be I should remind you, you are a country with the fastest growing numbers of Flash lights per year at this time !!!

By 2018-2019, they are estimating Pakistan's defense budget to be that of Turkey's. And that's ALSO why LM had put Pakistan into its list of "potential customers" starting 2022, for the -35!!!

Starting around or after 2020, the PAF's size will increase significantly with all 4++ gen fighters (new orders), expect a serious 30%+ growth in numbers. This has nothing to do with what you acquire between now and then. Similarly, the PN's size will easily increase well over 50%. The PN not only has to project force to protect thousands of trade vessels coming to and leaving from Pakistan for trade for China, Russia, etc.

She also needs to protect over 350 miles wide EEZ, one on side, getting close to Dawarka and Bombay, and on the other side, getting close to the Strait of Homez and Gulf of Oman. This is VERY strategic. Now if the PN had more vessels, it can literally place them within a 100 miles of Dawarka and put a serious watch on one of the much larger Naval bases there. Similarly, the distance allows the PN to avoid any blockade. If the PN had the numbers, it can ALSO block any inbound ships to India from the Gulf of Oman / Strait of Homez too as you won't be too far from it.

Also, the next obvious step should be to build a big Naval station by Jivani, which is on the border of Iran and Pakistan. And if I remember correctly, its like 20-30 miles from Chahabar. I hope someone from the PN's high command is reading this post as I've outlined a SERIOUS future Naval strategy for the PN :enjoy: :tup:, it offers both a serous deterrence and a serious offensive capability as needed :cheers:

I agree with the last paragraph, there should be careful negotiations. And as the economy grows, so will the defense power too. There is no potential here to blow up in your face. That's a crazy thought!!! I am not even sure where it is coming from. Out of the 6 countries with Flash lights, three are DIRECTLY involved here (China, Russia and Pakistan), so unless someone wants to start WWIII, no one's going to have issues with it. And if the WWIII starts, even if the CPEC didn't exist, everyone should naturally say good bye to their families anyway. Because shiit is going to hit the fan, and a LOT of shiit on a very big, fast running fan :rofl: :angel: :enjoy: :tup:

I have always said that PN needs a massive force build up it need to see regional security with international power projection capabilities..pakistan has a narrow and highly strategic coast line and PN needs capabilities to enforce sea denial on its adversary India...in even to war..
Do you have the SLITHEST clue on what's going on in Pakistan? Where the hell did you get Donkeys from, lol :yahoo: its so stupid!!:victory: and not wise at all. Textiles are your country's core products if you can sell them right. The GSP Plus, alone can add many billions to the FOREX.

How old are you? 12? Posts like these put bad image and name for Pakistan out there and people like you don't think before they open their mouth, and in that moment of stupidity, you put a black mark on the entire country!!! I see a British flag in your signatures. I think you should forget about Pakistan and JUST focus on UK, her politics,growth and all. There are plenty of people to worry about Pakistan's growth and it is going in the right direction!!

If we look at countries like Vietnam, Brazil and South Africa they all have strong exports and are making stuff.

Consider Brazil, minus their oil and mineral exports it is roughly $75bn. Pakistan is $30bn.

Brazil has the same population as Pakistan but are on the move.

This is isn't putting things in a bad light, its reality. What we should be discussing is how to improve exports.
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