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Count Down begins for Arrival of the 100th JF17 Thunder

I hope Pentagon boys don't make this mistake!!!! For, there are some other folks who are after revenge!!! And, the last presidential election and it's aftermath is a good example!!!

It is happening as we type.
And that Brings to our origional intent

Reaching 100 fighter jets is no easy feat , and takes great amount of dedication and work to have a efficient system in place to manufacture reliable fighter Jets

And from Manufacturing achievement it is great mile stone that we have reached which has placed us on path of Self reliance on Fight Jets

Appreciate the plane first 5-7 years , fantastic job KAMRA , you have certainly suprised many and we look forward for expansion efforts

We can worry about the Cobra Clutch maneuver or the Slithering Rattlesnake move later , first we need to appreciate 100 JF17 Jets in sky and 700+ missile to safeguard Pakistani airspace (Additional stuff to what we had in 1980)

Not even counting the other Loaded crafts we got and SAM systems we bought in number


And we all know that JF17 Thunder is just 1 of many complex pieces for Natioanal Defence


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Given the state of modern SAM and radar tech, you won't be venturing very deep inside India even if you were armed with F-22. Given their multi-layer network, taking out Indian air defences would be a months' long campaign. In practice, anti-radiation missiles will be used and territory will have to be captured to ensure safe air passage. By that time, you could just as well use air to air refuelling to increase range.

You are simply not understanding the dynamic and lethal nature of all out war between India and Pakistan. Rather than buying heavy strike fighters we should be buying S-400 batteries and A-100 AEWACS.
Do u think we have any chance of getting these systems???

One more thing air refueling is time consuming and risky operation..plus we need to refuel our planes inside balochistan/KPK as punjab/sindh will be already under S-400 cover..IL-78 will be an easy target
Sorry sir, I was in little haste so i couldn't write properly for you to understand..

Because things start where when brother @CriticalThought said that " If, in 2005 PAF announced that they are going to spend 3.5 billion USD on Thunder, there would have been an almighty uproar and possibly you could have been one of the people raising hue and cry.
Today, I believe we should be ramping up production of Thunder. And here is how. Secure an economic zone in Saudi and set up the factory there. It can supply both export orders and PAF needs. And the good thing would be redundancy. In case of war, India cannot target factories inside Saudi or UAE

and in that my response was this.
" there is already a JV between Pak-China..
as for 2005, in that time JF-17 program was subjected to shutdown as at that time Mushy and PAF chief was convinced that there will not be any sanctions again on Pakistan as they were happy with F-16 and with their commissions.. but thanks to GOD that JF-17 program survived mainly because JF-17 was being made in China and Chinese continue that program...

1990 and 2000 are being called as lost decades of PAF. because in 1990 they cancelled a done deal of advanced Mirage 2000. and in 2000 they chooses what they already have(18 F-16). against Rafale, EFT and Gripen and excuse for rejecting these aircraft was that these aircraft are too advanced for PAF. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: "


and response from @CriticalThought was this.
"And the result if Chinese JV doesn't provide enough redundancy. PAC should open another factory in Saudi.
The Thunder went through 6 prototypes, with extensive inputs from PAF pilots thoroughly early to mid 2000. I don't believe in conspiracy theories.
The capital spent on operationalizing M2Ks could have made Thunder infeasible. At this point it is very hard to determine.
Thunder is a direct competitor of Gripen. No need to acquire the same platform twice.
Rafale, when it was offered had serious technical issues, due to which it was rejected. Also, Dassault could involve us on very expensive game if selling one solution to us, its counter to India, so on and so forth.
The EFT, till early 2000s, was an air superiority fighter. This is NOT what PAF required. Possibly this is the root of the perception that it was rejected for being 'too advanced

and after reading his post my reaction was like this. :cray:
So, i called you see my brethren..


Why would I be upset of 3.5 billion spent on weapons in 2005---.

I was the one pushing for it---.

Mushy knew of the sanctions---it was the Paf chief who was the traitor---. That is why Mushy went ahead and signed for 36 J10 aircraft---.

Paf should first think of filling up the needs of pakistan---.

I respect your seniority,
But i doesn't give to right to mock other on bases of their age.

Did i ever said SU-30 mki is worse than a JF.

All I said is induction of 100th jet is a proud moment.

Yes, You rightly said if my daughter will be ill , I have to buy medicine for her but its not locally produced. I will definitely import it. But You know what is more proud moment when that rare and special Medicine is made in Pakistan and other imports it thats a Proud moment.

Same is the case with JF-17.

You truely said "The bullet in the criminals gun blows the brains of a victim regardless of its origin" but i will be more Proud when our locally manufacture bullet will gun blows the brains of a victim regardless of its origin.

This form is for dicussion.Not for telling other that you are young and mocking them.

Everyone has its own opinion and you should respect it.


Pride is a killer---the weapon needs to be potent and more severe than the enemy's weapon---rehgardless of who produces it---rest is a sob story.
Do u think we have any chance of getting these systems???

One more thing air refueling is time consuming and risky operation..plus we need to refuel our planes inside balochistan/KPK as punjab/sindh will be already under S-400 cover..IL-78 will be an easy target

If we play our cards right and bring up the cash, there should be no reason why we can't get them.

The ACM's words were, if I recall correctly, "Air to air refuelling opens up many new possibilities for us" or something to that effect. It might be 'time consuming', but it is part of PAF's strategy.

And as I said in my previous post, air to air comes into play after you have captured territory. Before that, forget about deep strikes inside India.

There is a valid case for the EEZ but that wasn't the argument being presented. It will be a combination of ships carrying AAMs and fighter jets able to reach throughout our areas of interest.
The JF-17's are being pitted against the Flankers in current ongoing Exercises in China. So don't worry we are getting use to, how to handle the Indian Flanker's and being upgraded accordingly.
Is there any info how our thunders have performed against flankers in China?
By September, 84 were delivered afaik (17-234 being the latest, it can be seen in the youtube video posted in this thread earlier).
So, the 100th will be finished this time 2018, although I presume that was paid for with 2017 budget and may therefore be delivered earlier in 2018.
Last 14 jf block 2 are for 2017 plus 2 block 2 b model totalling 16 for the 6th sqn build to be completed by eoy

Already posted a link on forum from Asian defence journal block 2 end (50) 2017 as there is a gap between block 2 and 3 (2018) paf ordering additional few plus international order fulfilment in 2018 end of story
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It's,a mechanical scan radar with modest top range of 80km . The small nose Come and single engine means peak power of the radar will be much lower than the paf falcons and less than half the power if her massive pesa bars radars on mki etc.

Having no infa red search and track system or rwr rear radar warning system

No Hms
No hobs missles

The plane does some things well and adds to paf capability.

As the chinease will testify uts no J10.or J11,but a good budget fighter
Blk-2 has radar range of 130 Km:p: and do concern about your crap Tej@ss, just leave our JF-17:blah::blah:
It's,a mechanical scan radar with modest top range of 80km . The small nose Come and single engine means peak power of the radar will be much lower than the paf falcons and less than half the power if her massive pesa bars radars on mki etc.

Having no infa red search and track system or rwr rear radar warning system

No Hms
No hobs missles

The plane does some things well and adds to paf capability.

As the chinease will testify uts no J10.or J11,but a good budget fighter

The crucial thing you forget is Network Centric Warfare. It does amazing things for a fighter.
By September, 84 were delivered afaik (17-234 being the latest, it can be seen in the youtube video posted in this thread earlier).
So, the 100th will be finished this time 2018, although I presume that was paid for with 2017 budget and may therefore be delivered earlier in 2018.
nope, from videos its evident that would be completed this year as no.47 was under going assembly, but block 3 wount start production till 2019
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