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Could modi engage Pakistan to save his domestic image?

Do take into account three weeks of locking down over 1200 million folks officially - - - - -. A single fight over grocery store can turn a whole city into ashes given the cast ridden nature of Indian society

And you really believe a society of 1200 million can stick together with such lowly vulnerabilities?

debacle after debacle at every front and economy in doldrums , there's a grim possibility that modi regime could attack Pakistan to divert attention from internal issues, then there's this Corona pandemic ready to devour Indian international image and social stability - - - - - - - -

Now Sikhs do have a soft corner for Pakistan as their sacred holy sites are well within Pakistan. So under what pretext India could start a war and avoid sikh backlash too?

Let me guess, Narowal?

@MastanKhan @fitpOsitive @Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA @PakSword @Areesh @storm breaker @Max @Blacklight @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Oye Putar Pakistan dae!!!

I can imagine the greatest strategic asset from Narowal... The Arusto of the Milkyway and beyond... or we might just toss him over the border... for Peace!

I believe that the FacistRegime is exhausted and the inherit paralysis of its contradiction is now a total intertia... to break this inertia the Nazis in Nickerz need to do something very bold... to break open the Game so to speak...

The last time the ShooperPauer did try to break the Agreed Rules of The Game of Chicken ... it Killed OurTrees and Murdered OurCrow... they didn't imagine that there will be a response from a Softstate...being held at sharp edge of WeaponisedFinance Razor...

We didn't even listened to the IndianPhrandz when we did our After-Breakfast doom, boom, doom...

So it went back to The Agreed Rules of The Game of Chicken....

Now what could be The Bold Thing that the good Indians do?

IoJK 'annexation' is papper excercise... more so now than before... Why?

Mulsims of MaqboozaHindustan came out chantting Terra Merra Rishta kia... and then MuslimsWomen of MaqboozaDelhi ....

Small Genocide of the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan
with... rent-a-lyncher ...supply chain managed by the good IndianMonk Yogi...

What is the Bold Thing that Indians can do now?

KhooniVirus rather pissed at all Humanity...and those supreme-leader-loves-you-the-people evacuation for the good Indians from China @BHarwana warning then and there that this stunt no-good-no-good!!!

What we always forget in our emotional assessment that there are Himalayz...kissing the skies... FloatingDragon...Sikkim...SouthTibet... FloatingDragon!!!

Where are the two soft underbellies of

What is The Bold Thing that the good, valiant Indians can do?

This sideshow in Kabulistan is the joint enterprise of the bazari-Kabulis and the good Indians with some dont-ask-dont-tell IndiaPhrandz...

Touch-me-not-IndiaPhrand-Ghani is now a canary... wishes to confess love for IEA/AFT... Love-in-the-air because the Yanks-Call-Home ..and no more free $ for the bazari Kabulis to buy stuff in the ArabianNights... Gone!

Now Young Mentee, what is The Bold Thing that the good Indians can do to Open The Game?

Perhaps it is imperative to keep in mind that ChaiWala is actually a Construct ...

I wonder someone here on PDF could make a PschologicalProfile of the good ChaiWala ...would be nice to exchange notes...


debacle after debacle at every front and economy in doldrums , there's a grim possibility that modi regime could attack Pakistan to divert attention from internal issues, then there's this Corona pandemic ready to devour Indian international image and social stability - - - - - - - -

Now Sikhs do have a soft corner for Pakistan as their sacred holy sites are well within Pakistan. So under what pretext India could start a war and avoid sikh backlash too?

Let me guess, Narowal?

@MastanKhan @fitpOsitive @Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA @PakSword @Areesh @storm breaker @Max @Blacklight @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Sikhs are not a big issue. The real issue now are those RSS chaddi sena that day and night sees dreams of raping and plunder. They will compell modi.
This year summer should be very much cautious, and if not this year, and next year will have more chance of an attack.
Modi has made big promises to everyone, and kch tu karyga...
Entire world is fighting pandemic. Low on food, locked down, economy screwed including Pakistan and India.

Now if India's idea is to divert attention from their internal failures by some small adventurism/drama in Pak then we should simply Nuke the shyt out of them once and for all even if they do the same in return.

I mean, what is there to lose now? If we can't take care of threat like India in this scenario then we never will.
That's right, however, given the circumstances of no western support for India in case the war breaks out today due to corona scare, India will not dare to attack Pakistan.

India knows that the next war will not be a short one.. Pakistan is also facing the same economic issues and other civil problems. Pakistan may utilize the opportunity that they missed last year..

India also hasn't received their only savior.. the mighty Rafale.. and S-400s..

Very less chance of Indian attack.

Bro don't forget modi don't have a family and all that matter to him is his political legacy moreover, he's a fanatic . Now international community would not want a war in the middle of a pandemic but still
India won't start a war with Pakistan, they're not stupid. They know the cost that would entail.

I do, however, think Modi could engage in creating more drama by launching limited strikes, like the balakot incident, or present mutual cross border firing incidents as more surgical strike operations.

He may even do something even more drastic to Kashmir than he's already done, such as subsidizing hindu migrants to Kashmir, to forcibly change the regional demographic even further.

Tl;dr Anything to gain support, and quell domestic criticism, except for war.
How did such a thought enter your mind?

Modi attacks Pakistan during a pandemic and Indians would love it.

The people who voted for Modi in 2019 would vote for him again. All major political parties are supporting Modi.

I just don't get it.
UK and Canadian Sikhs do not have any "soft corner" for Pakistan. The Hindutva lunatics base their ideology on hatred of Islam and Pakistan. Too many baseless assumptions on your part.

Well, I don't know which one you were meeting. I happen to know few, they like Pakistanis and Pakistan.

Modi's game is up, he tried a shot on 26th February to show to the Indian public that India can actually do "surgical strikes" after few false claims.
The strike and response from Pakistan has taught him and his lieutenants a lesson, which would not be forgotten in a hurry. He is going to think hundred times before making the mistake again.
He would have thought thousands times if we had gone full hog on 27th Feb 19.
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How did such a thought enter your mind?

Modi attacks Pakistan during a pandemic and Indians would love it.

The people who voted for Modi in 2019 would vote for him again. All major political parties are supporting Modi.

I just don't get it.
That's what OP said. When conditions are very bad at home, then it's a perfect pretext for war. Just read in what conditions, Germany started ww2.
How did such a thought enter your mind?

Rajni you know what German people had shown reservations over Hitler's ambitions initially and many during his reign. But things are different with modi here the overwhelming segment of society is pushing him to do the unthinkable
Well, I don't know which one you were meeting. I happen to know few, they like Pakistanis and Pakistan.

May be they know you are Muslim Pakistani so they speak politically correct language. I have talked to them while they assumed I am also another Punjabi Sikh and they showed their true colors of hate of all Muslims and Pakistanis.
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