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PM Imran condemns 'new aggressive actions' by India in occupied Kashmir, asks UNSC to take notice

No matter how much we work for peace, ask intl community to mediate, keep saying we want peace; there can never be peace with Hindustan.--- Some things are as they are, if not we (Pakistanis) today, some other Muslims ( at some other time) will crush Hindustan.
Mate don't get angry at kids... if this is new normal and it is acceptable to you then I'm more than happy.. I mean how can I say NO to the deal of the century i.e. MiG 21 + weapons + pilot for one cup of tea ;):enjoy:
I love this new normal :smitten::cheers:

Don't delude yourself over Balakot. That was political theater done for election gain.
Listen Mr. America, Modi happened or not, some things happened here and the reason baniya has become emboldened. ---- DANDA for baniyas is the only way to go.

Pakistan has been giving India the DANDA for years. The time has come to return the favor. It will be interesting to see what DANDA Pakistan will show in Kashmir. Will we be seeing F-16s over Kashmir?

Past. And...

If India keeps breaking cease fire, the only new normal will be the spanking Indian Army will get in response each time.

India is paying the price and can afford it. So do your best.
Don't delude yourself over Balakot. That was political theater done for election gain.
Naah.... India attempted missile strikes..foiled, penetrate Pak waters with subs..thwarted. You tried many things ... but in vain.
India is paying the price and can afford it. So do your best.
India has not paid the price for her shenanigans. We have no false delusions of grandeur. We know about our size and economy etc but history tells many interesting things and my conclusion is that big size is not a big advantage..in fact..it can be counted as much as a con as a pro vis-a-vis war.
Don't delude yourself over Balakot. That was political theater done for election gain.

Pakistan has been giving India the DANDA for years. The time has come to return the favor. It will be interesting to see what DANDA Pakistan will show in Kashmir. Will we be seeing F-16s over Kashmir?

India is paying the price and can afford it. So do your best.
So finally indians admit that Balakot was a political drama.
We should aggressively expose Indian atrocities world wide by using our foreign offices.

So it was UAE and USA who mediated last time.

yes we know what happened, when Modi wanted to strike Pakistan with missiles (well we seen air Force LOL) and thru US message was sent if you send 1 missile we will send 3 and no guarantee about the warhead since we don't know what warhead you are sending...message was received perfectly
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