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Correct flags

Damn, your life must be boring that you cry over people's profile on the internet.

Damn, your life must be boring that you cry over people's profile on the internet.


I was expecting this response from you, including that cliched meme (which has been posted on this very thread, BTW- so much for originality). As you can see, this is the 18th page of this thead, meant solely for members to report people like you. I have not yet reported a single person, so all these 18 pages are filled with other people who have reported, and these include senior members, think tanks, mods and staff. Maybe that meme applies to all of us. Or maybe it fits you more, as I shall demonstrate later in this post.

Now, to clarify why I reported you - I dont usually care about the nationality or gender or religion, and prefer to address the contents of a person's post. But over the past few days, you have been continuously making fun of other members for their nationality while being ashamed to reveal yours. You have kept calling Pakistan and India as "shitty countries", yet refuse to reveal your own. I had to put an end to this hypocritical behaviour of yours, which is why you are the first person I have reported on this thread.

Here is one such post from you:

Pakistan Better Off Than India on World Misery Index | Page 2

That is just one example.In other places you have said that Indians are only above Somalians (as if Somalians are the lowest creatures in the world), and many other such statements insulting other countries.

So if you want to continue this sort of behaviour, be prepared to reveal your own country and expect the same sort of comments directed at yours. You are taking advantage of knowing other people's nationalities and ridiculing them for that, so it's only fair that you are forced to proclaim yours.

Sorry, but the attitude of that kid in the meme is much more apt for you. So is that jibe about your life being sad - that explains why you think it fit to sit in your mother's basement and make fun of people for their nationalities and race. People who have little personal accomplishments usually engage in such behaviour, trying to take collective pride in nationality or ethnicity or race or other such accidents of birth.

@WebMaster : Please see to it that this person is made to show his flags. He can't keep abusing our countries while being ashamed to reveal his own.
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Now, to clarify why I reported you - I dont usually care about the nationality or gender or religion, and prefer to address the contents of a person's post. But over the past few days, you have been continuously making fun of other members for their nationality while being ashamed to reveal yours. You have kept calling Pakistan and India as "shitty countries", yet refuse to reveal your own. I had to put an end to this hypocritical behaviour of yours, which is why you are the first person I have reported on this thread.
What's wrong with that statement? How are those two not shitty countries? They both tick every criteria of a shitty country if there ever was one. South Asia is a dump, every sane person in the world knows that. If you disagree, well, each to their own. Maybe you're used to it.

Regarding Somalia comment; again what's wrong? Somalia is the worst country in the world. Are you trying to be politically correct or something?

And if you're so inclined, ask Webby to do an IP check. I've been born, and living since in Europe. If ridiculing Europe makes you happy, go ahead, I guess.
What's wrong with that statement? How are those two not shitty countries? They both tick every criteria of a shitty country if there ever was one. South Asia is a dump, every sane person in the world knows that. If you disagree, well, each to their own. Maybe you're used to it.

Regarding Somalia comment; again what's wrong? Somalia is the worst country in the world. Are you trying to be politically correct or something?

And if you're so inclined, ask Webby to do an IP check. I've been born, and living since in Europe. If ridiculing Europe makes you happy, go ahead, I guess.

Unlike you, I am mature enough to not go around ridiculing countries to get a modicum of self worth. Regardless of your opinions about other contries being shitty, the forum has a rule that everybody is expected to follow - put up your flags.

The point of my post was not whether certain countries are shitty or not, but that you are too ashamed to show your flag. And I don't expect you to honestly tell us your country of origin, but anyway I have made my point.
Unlike you, I am mature enough to not go around ridiculing countries to get a modicum of self worth. Regardless of your opinions about other contries being shitty, the forum has a rule that everybody is expected to follow - put up your flags.

The point of my post was not whether certain countries are shitty or not, but that you are too ashamed to show your flag. And I don't expect you to honestly tell us your country of origin, but anyway I have made my point.
Why would I be trying to show self worth over the internet, especially when I am completely anonymous? And please - stop with the 'ashamed'. I already ignored you once but you bring it up again. Only South Asians are ashamed of themselves. This is why there is a massive business of whitening products and such there. I don't really wish to carry on bickering anyway. I've got some things to do. See you later.
@Eternal Ring

He is Iranian and using british flags. Only Iranians spell turk as "Tork". This is also someones 2nd or 3rd account.

No body is asking you people to buy anything. I think you already bought enough considering the amount of nonsense fed to you by your propaganda state. Calling a A-129 T-129 and claiming it's torkish designed. :lol:

You have no ability to understand the truth.

I'll say it again, this picture was taken at an exhibition, learn to read Persian then you can translate what's written on there.
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