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‘Coronavirus Coverup’ – Is America Hiding the Real Scale of Outbreak?


Nov 4, 2011
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‘Coronavirus Coverup’ – Is America Hiding the Real Scale of Outbreak?
The CDC has reportedly removed the number of patients tested for COVID-19 from its website in a move that has sparked accusations of a coverup.

Ben Brown @_ben_brown


US President Donald Trump lashied at the media for spreading panic but the CDC is facing questions about its after it . (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)

  • The CDC has reportedly removed the number of people tested for COVID-19 from its official website.
  • Congressman Mark Pocan sent a letter to the CDC demanding answers.
  • The move has fuelled fears of a coverup to hide the true spread of the virus.
A U.S. Congressman is demanding answers after official authorities appear to have hidden coronavirus figures.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) no longer displays the number of patients tested for COVID-19 on its official website. The data appears to have been removed overnight between March 1st and March 2nd.

Rep. Mark Pocan demanded:

Americans are dying. We deserve to know how many Americans have perished from COVID-19, and we deserve to know how many people have been tested for it.

Is America Covering Up The Coronavirus?
The oversight was first noticed by journalist Judd Legum of Popular Information. In a tweet yesterday, he revealed the omission with two screenshots from the CDC website.

In no uncertain terms he called it a “coverup.”

This lack of transparency is also why it’s so difficult to come up with a clear fatality rate.

At the time of writing, the number of patients tested for COVID-19 in the U.S. is still not published on the CDC website. And the number of published deaths (two) lags figures widely reported elsewhere (six).

Congressman Demands Answers
Mark Pocan, U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district, wrote to the CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield asking why the authorities removed the figures.

I just sent a letter to [CDC Director] demanding answers to why their website removed public data on the number of patients tested in the United States.

Trump accused of cover up over number of coronavirus cases in US as deaths mount
FEARS are growing that the Trump administration is trying to cover up the real number of coronavirus cases in the US, after the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) stopped publishing the number of tests that have been given for COVID-19 from its website.
PUBLISHED: 00:37, Wed, Mar 4, 2020 | UPDATED: 01:05, Wed, Mar 4, 2020

On Sunday the government site clearly published the total number of people tested for the deadly virus, but by the next day had removed that information from its reporting data. The discrepancy was picked up by an eagle-eyed social media user, Judd Legum, who immediately posted his observations to Twitter. In a post, he wrote: “BREAKING: The CDC has stopped disclosing the number of Americans tested for coronavirus.

“On the left is how the website looked last night. On the right is what it looks like now, with the testing info removed.

“The lack of testing is a scandal. This is the coverup.”

This has led to speculation that the CDC has been ordered by the Trump administration to hide the fact that few tests are being done.

The fewer tests carried out inevitably makes it more difficult to gain an accurate picture of the true scale of the problem, and potentially creates a false perception that the virus is limited in number and location.

Last Thursday, the US President announced that Vice-President Mike Pence would assume the role of coronavirus Czar, as he sought to calm fears about the spread of the virus.

Trump insisted that the US was “very, very ready for anything” and would even put large cities into lockdown if necessary.

He said his administration was prepared to spend whatever it took to stop the virus and had asked Congress for $2.5 billion in extra funding.

At a rally on Tuesday the US President also claimed that the US could develop treatment for the deadly Coronavirus before the true vaccine is released.

Mr Trump was speaking at a Keep America Great rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

He praised pharmaceutical companies that were working on treatment for Coronavirus.

The US President then suggested that some treatments may be ready before a true vaccine is available.

He told supporters: “They’re really working hard and they’re working smart.

“We had a great meeting with a lot of great companies.

“They’re going to have vaccines, I think, relatively soon, and they’re going to have something that makes you better, and that’s actually going to take place even sooner.”

Mr Trump added that the US “knows what it is doing” to treat the deadly disease, which has now killed six people in the country.

He said: “We’re going to reduce the severity of what’s happening, the duration of the virus. We discussed all of these things.

“We will bring these therapies to market as rapidly as possible.

“I have to say, with thriving economy the way it is and the most advanced health system on earth, America is so resilient. We know what we’re doing.”

This comes as the number of deaths in the US from COVID-19 rose to 9.

Moreover, the World Health Organization said that the lethal virus has killed about 3.4 percent of those diagnosed with the illness globally — higher than what has previously been estimated.

According to the website worldometers.info there have been a total globally of 92,880 confirmed cases, with 3,168 deaths.

Americans don't respond very well in bad situations, they would probably end up shooting each other while fighting for grocery supplies. They already do that time to time on black friday. Many americans are stocking up on guns and ammo to prepare for the coronavirus

Americans prefer solving all problems with guns and bullets.

Summers: U.S. Is Hugely Ill-Prepared for Coronavirus
Americans prefer solving all problems with guns and bullets.

Summers: U.S. Is Hugely Ill-Prepared for Coronavirus

If coronavirus hits America in a big way you would see a huge chaos and mayhem. Especially in the southern states. All trigger happy hillbillies in there. White folk in general do not respod well to adversity. I was in the subway a few days ago, a lady was coughing and sneezing. Literally all passengers were glaring at her in anger and then started moving away from her towards the other carriages.
If coronavirus hits America in a big way you would see a huge chaos and mayhem. Especially in the southern states. All trigger happy hillbillies in there. White folk in general do not respod well to adversity. I was in the subway a few days ago, a lady was coughing and sneezing. Literally all passengers were glaring at her in anger and then started moving away from her towards the other carriages.

Lmao this virus isn't even that big of a deal but people are acting like it's WW3.
Lmao this virus isn't even that big of a deal but people are acting like it's WW3.
You are correct, but you have to see things from their perspective. These people have faced literally no adversity, so the virus is a big thing for them. They haven't faced malaria/dengue/tuberculosis. They are easily frightened. Plus the media is doing a great job scaring them. On cp24, the main Toronto news channel, all i see all day is updates regarding the virus.
‘Coronavirus Coverup’ – Is America Hiding the Real Scale of Outbreak?
The CDC has reportedly removed the number of patients tested for COVID-19 from its website in a move that has sparked accusations of a coverup.

Ben Brown @_ben_brown


US President Donald Trump lashied at the media for spreading panic but the CDC is facing questions about its after it . (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)

  • The CDC has reportedly removed the number of people tested for COVID-19 from its official website.
  • Congressman Mark Pocan sent a letter to the CDC demanding answers.
  • The move has fuelled fears of a coverup to hide the true spread of the virus.
A U.S. Congressman is demanding answers after official authorities appear to have hidden coronavirus figures.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) no longer displays the number of patients tested for COVID-19 on its official website. The data appears to have been removed overnight between March 1st and March 2nd.

Rep. Mark Pocan demanded:

Americans are dying. We deserve to know how many Americans have perished from COVID-19, and we deserve to know how many people have been tested for it.

Is America Covering Up The Coronavirus?
The oversight was first noticed by journalist Judd Legum of Popular Information. In a tweet yesterday, he revealed the omission with two screenshots from the CDC website.

In no uncertain terms he called it a “coverup.”

This lack of transparency is also why it’s so difficult to come up with a clear fatality rate.

At the time of writing, the number of patients tested for COVID-19 in the U.S. is still not published on the CDC website. And the number of published deaths (two) lags figures widely reported elsewhere (six).

Congressman Demands Answers
Mark Pocan, U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 2nd congressional district, wrote to the CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield asking why the authorities removed the figures.

I just sent a letter to [CDC Director] demanding answers to why their website removed public data on the number of patients tested in the United States.


Your favourite country action? Any comment!
If coronavirus hits America in a big way you would see a huge chaos and mayhem. Especially in the southern states. All trigger happy hillbillies in there. White folk in general do not respod well to adversity. I was in the subway a few days ago, a lady was coughing and sneezing. Literally all passengers were glaring at her in anger and then started moving away from her towards the other carriages.
In the West coast the Urgent care and critical care are already overstretched without Corona, they won't be able to cope and many would needlessly die. The private medical system in the US is private money based system with medical services leaching the insurance companies who in turn leach the populace.
You are correct, but you have to see things from their perspective. These people have faced literally no adversity, so the virus is a big thing for them. They haven't faced malaria/dengue/tuberculosis. They are easily frightened. Plus the media is doing a great job scaring them. On cp24, the main Toronto news channel, all i see all day is updates regarding the virus.
There is this American invention call 'the Internet'. There is a learning curve but you should be able to handle it.

There is this American invention call 'the Internet'. There is a learning curve but you should be able to handle it.

Huh, hows that even relevant? What are you trying to show here. Fact is that people are shit scared about the virus here. Many people have even stopped visiting Chinatown for dumplings. I have personally seen people shout and abuse old people who were coughing and not wearing masks.
Huh, hows that even relevant? What are you trying to show here. Fact is that people are shit scared about the virus here. Many people have even stopped visiting Chinatown for dumplings. I have personally seen people shout and abuse old people who were coughing and not wearing masks.
It is never a mark of pride to have faced diseases -- as a nation. It means something is seriously wrong if your people continuously have to fight for survival. So go and see how silly is your post 7. I just think it is hilarious and ironic that a Chinese who often mocked India for national hygiene is now cheering on India for being so tough in living with diseases. :lol:
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