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SARS-Like Virus: 17 Now Dead From Coronavirus In Saudi Arabia

Can't believe some of you are really debating with that guy wether or not silver,carrots and salad can cure aids.
What's next ? Wondering if Crassus instantly rejuvenated when those persians stuffed molten gold down his throat? :))
Why we did not see people suffering with these deadly disease in the past because they were not common may be in 1 in 100,000 was suffering but from last 100 years we are seeing them grow in tremendous rate its a epidemic .

if those libraries worked at the times of Egyptian kings then yes as some of the Egyptian mummies have diagnosed with cancer
So my friend have heard of Scurvy i guess not so you don't know what causes and what is the treatment simple Vitamin C
but because we have lots of intelligent people like you who are responsible for millions of dead because they don't believe that nature can cure for you short story.

A Short History of Scury

© Mark R. Anderson, M.D. 2000

I think it's particularly amazing that the information on the cure of scurvy was available a long time before it was acted upon.

Hippocrates described Scurvy: bleeding gums, hemorrhaging and death, as early as the 5th c. BC. During the Crusades the disease became widespread. In 1250 it forced the retreat and capture of St. Louis with all his knights. It didn't become a major problem, however, until the age of exploration. Long sea voyages lacking in fresh food led to vitamin C deficiency.

There is a legend that during one of Christopher Columbus's voyages some Portuguese sailors had scurvy and wanted to be dropped off at one of the nearby islands and die there rather then dying on board and being fed to the fish. While the men were on the island they ate some of the island's fresh fruits and plants and to their amazement began to recover. When Columbus's ships passed by several months later, the pilot was surprised to see the men waving from land alive and healthy. The island was named Curacao, meaning Cure.

During Jacques Cartier's second voyage (1535-36), he used two indian interpreter-guides to pilot him up the St. Lawrence River to Stadacona (the site of modern Quebec). Wintering in Stadacona, 25 members of his crew died from scurvy before the indians taught them to drink a brew of white cedar which saved the rest.

As early as 1593, during a voyage to the South Pacific, Sir Richard Hawkins recommended the following treatment for scurvy: "That which I have seen most fruitfull for this sicknesse, is sower [sour] oranges and lemmons." In 1601 Captain James Lancaster unintentionally performed a controlled study of lemon juice as a preventive for scurvy. His fleet of four ships departed an April 21, 1601, and scurvy bagan to appear in three of the ships by August 1 (4 months after sailing). By the time of arrival, September 9, the three ships were so devastated by scurvy that the men of Lancaster's ship had to assist the rest of the fleet into the harbor. Lancaster's men remained in better health than the men on the other ships because he brought to sea bottles of lemon juice, which he gave to each one as long as it would last, three spoonfuls every morning. The Admiralty received Lancaster's report.

John Woodall, the 'father of naval hygiene', a "Master in Chirurgerie" published "The Surgeon's Mate" in 1636. He unequivocally wrote that scurvy could be prevented by the use of fresh vegetables and the use of lemons and oranges. "The juyce of lemmons is a precious medicine and well tried; being sound and good. Let it have the chief place for it will deserve it. The use whereof is: It is to be taken each morning two or three teaspoonfuls, and fast after it two hours., Some chirurgeons also give of the juyce daily to the men in health as preservative."

This was 111 years before Lind's famous experiment on the Salisbury in 1747 and 159 yrs. before lemon juice was made a requisit in the British Navy. "It is estimated that 5000 lives a year were needlessly lost from scurvy during this period: that is a total of nearly 800,000. In the 200 years from 1600 to 1800 nearly 1,000,000 men died of an easily preventable disease. There are in the whole of human history few more notable examples of official indifference and stupidity producing such disastrous consequence to human life." (Louis H. Roddis, A Short History of Nautical Medicine)

In 1740 George A. Anson set off on a circumnavigation with six ships and 1,955 men. By the end of his voyage 1,051 sailors had died, mostly of scurvy!

In 1747, James Lind, a Scottish physician performed the following experiment aboard the Salisbury: He took several groups of sailors dying of scurvy. He prescribed several diets, one of which consisted of: "two oranges and one lemon given every day". Within a week or so, these sailors had recovered so much that they were caring for the others, all of which died. The results were presented to the admiralty.

In the 1768-9, Cook circumnavigated the world in 3 years and only lost one man from disease, TB. His diet relied on malt and sauerkraut, but treated cases of scurvy with orange and lemon juice that the surgeon kept.

In 1795 the Admiralty finally mandated lemon juice for all sailors.

Can't believe some of you are really debating with that guy wether or not silver,carrots and salad can cure aids.
What's next ? Wondering if Crassus instantly rejuvenated when those persians stuffed molten gold down his throat? :))

Have you seen or heard anybody dead of taking silver and now compare how many people die of pharmaceutical drugs .

Side Effects and Risks

Silver builds up in the tissues of the body. This buildup of silver can lead to a side effect called argyria, a grayish or bluish discoloration of the skin, conjunctiva (the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye), nails, and gums. In 2009, the FDA issued a warning to consumers about the risk of argyria associated with the use of dietary supplements containing silver, including colloidal silver.

Argyria is usually permanent and may discolor large portions of the body, especially those exposed to the sun. Attempts to reverse the discoloration have usually been unsuccessful, except in instances where only small areas of skin needed to be treated. Argyria has occurred in people who drank homemade colloidal silver liquids as well as in people who used commercial colloidal silver products.

Although argyria is the most common adverse effect of consuming colloidal silver, some cases have been reported where colloidal silver may have caused kidney, liver, or nervous system problems. Colloidal silver may interfere with the body’s absorption of some drugs, such as certain antibiotics, thyroxine (used to treat thyroid disorders), and penicillamine (used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and metal poisoning).

Colloidal Silver | NCCAM
Why we did not see people suffering with these deadly disease in the past because they were not common may be in 1 in 100,000 was suffering but from last 100 years we are seeing them grow in tremendous rate its a epidemic .

because in last a lucky average guy lived up to 50 year but now he lives 70 years
because then there was no such amount of pollutant in the air.
because then people didn't ate high caloric and low bulk food .
because then people made their body work but now they wale up sit at table and eat then go to their car and drive to their work and sit behind the table and don't move from there till evening and then they go to their car and drive home and sit on the sofa and watch tv then go to bed and sleep

and about airborne epidemics in last centuries we didn't have such overcrowded , we didn't had such easy mean of transportation , ad also they had their own epidemics for example at early years of 20th century we had an influenza epidemic that killed by millions
Scurvy is a deficiency , its clear when you provide the person with what he is deficient on he will be cured .
so its like comparing orange and apple

by the way it's my profession and I can tell you tens of disease that will be cured by providing an element that the person diet lack
Because we have industrial pollution AIR,Under Ground water resources ,
Because of pesticide in agriculture polluting over water supply.
Because of preservative used in food industries.
Because of food we eat is malnourished like us gives us no energy.because of over farming and using modified seeds.
Because of stress

If Deficiency of vitamin C can cause Scurvy so we human are deficient in all the vitamin and mineral all the problem is that our immune system is very weak and can be over power by any disease cause by Virus,Bacteria or microbs.

because in last a lucky average guy lived up to 50 year but now he lives 70 years
because then there was no such amount of pollutant in the air.
because then people didn't ate high caloric and low bulk food .
because then people made their body work but now they wale up sit at table and eat then go to their car and drive to their work and sit behind the table and don't move from there till evening and then they go to their car and drive home and sit on the sofa and watch tv then go to bed and sleep

and about airborne epidemics in last centuries we didn't have such overcrowded , we didn't had such easy mean of transportation , ad also they had their own epidemics for example at early years of 20th century we had an influenza epidemic that killed by millions
So my friend have heard of Scurvy i guess not so you don't know what causes and what is the treatment simple Vitamin C
but because we have lots of intelligent people like you who are responsible for millions of dead because they don't believe that nature can cure for you short story.

A Short History of Scury

© Mark R. Anderson, M.D. 2000

I think it's particularly amazing that the information on the cure of scurvy was available a long time before it was acted upon.

Hippocrates described Scurvy: bleeding gums, hemorrhaging and death, as early as the 5th c. BC. During the Crusades the disease became widespread. In 1250 it forced the retreat and capture of St. Louis with all his knights. It didn't become a major problem, however, until the age of exploration. Long sea voyages lacking in fresh food led to vitamin C deficiency.

There is a legend that during one of Christopher Columbus's voyages some Portuguese sailors had scurvy and wanted to be dropped off at one of the nearby islands and die there rather then dying on board and being fed to the fish. While the men were on the island they ate some of the island's fresh fruits and plants and to their amazement began to recover. When Columbus's ships passed by several months later, the pilot was surprised to see the men waving from land alive and healthy. The island was named Curacao, meaning Cure.

During Jacques Cartier's second voyage (1535-36), he used two indian interpreter-guides to pilot him up the St. Lawrence River to Stadacona (the site of modern Quebec). Wintering in Stadacona, 25 members of his crew died from scurvy before the indians taught them to drink a brew of white cedar which saved the rest.

As early as 1593, during a voyage to the South Pacific, Sir Richard Hawkins recommended the following treatment for scurvy: "That which I have seen most fruitfull for this sicknesse, is sower [sour] oranges and lemmons." In 1601 Captain James Lancaster unintentionally performed a controlled study of lemon juice as a preventive for scurvy. His fleet of four ships departed an April 21, 1601, and scurvy bagan to appear in three of the ships by August 1 (4 months after sailing). By the time of arrival, September 9, the three ships were so devastated by scurvy that the men of Lancaster's ship had to assist the rest of the fleet into the harbor. Lancaster's men remained in better health than the men on the other ships because he brought to sea bottles of lemon juice, which he gave to each one as long as it would last, three spoonfuls every morning. The Admiralty received Lancaster's report.

John Woodall, the 'father of naval hygiene', a "Master in Chirurgerie" published "The Surgeon's Mate" in 1636. He unequivocally wrote that scurvy could be prevented by the use of fresh vegetables and the use of lemons and oranges. "The juyce of lemmons is a precious medicine and well tried; being sound and good. Let it have the chief place for it will deserve it. The use whereof is: It is to be taken each morning two or three teaspoonfuls, and fast after it two hours., Some chirurgeons also give of the juyce daily to the men in health as preservative."

This was 111 years before Lind's famous experiment on the Salisbury in 1747 and 159 yrs. before lemon juice was made a requisit in the British Navy. "It is estimated that 5000 lives a year were needlessly lost from scurvy during this period: that is a total of nearly 800,000. In the 200 years from 1600 to 1800 nearly 1,000,000 men died of an easily preventable disease. There are in the whole of human history few more notable examples of official indifference and stupidity producing such disastrous consequence to human life." (Louis H. Roddis, A Short History of Nautical Medicine)

In 1740 George A. Anson set off on a circumnavigation with six ships and 1,955 men. By the end of his voyage 1,051 sailors had died, mostly of scurvy!

In 1747, James Lind, a Scottish physician performed the following experiment aboard the Salisbury: He took several groups of sailors dying of scurvy. He prescribed several diets, one of which consisted of: "two oranges and one lemon given every day". Within a week or so, these sailors had recovered so much that they were caring for the others, all of which died. The results were presented to the admiralty.

In the 1768-9, Cook circumnavigated the world in 3 years and only lost one man from disease, TB. His diet relied on malt and sauerkraut, but treated cases of scurvy with orange and lemon juice that the surgeon kept.

In 1795 the Admiralty finally mandated lemon juice for all sailors.

Have you seen or heard anybody dead of taking silver and now compare how many people die of pharmaceutical drugs .

NO one is going to believe you here...trust me....95% of people here are those they say ..

"OMG He'z a Conspiracy theorist blah blah blah...." All your going to get is nonsensical gibberish and ridicule.. they do not understand , Medical industry is a profit making industry , making money out of peoples lives...a permanent cure for Aids or cancer will leave a lot of jobless doctors and lot of drugs which cannot be sold for money.....
I guess gold cures 3000 illnesses, diamonds, a million. Anti-matter, the cure to black holes of the universe.

By that record.. Dubai should be disease free.. considering the amount of gold used in its buildings.

Serious-note.. immediate quarantine on the area.. because if an infected person gets to the holy cities.. especially during Ramadan..
I can only imagine the severity of the outbreak.
Its ok i am not telling them to believe me but as a human being research about these with open mind .
my dad is treating diabetes by drinking OKra [Lady Finger ] water by soaking it over night he never took medicine .
i give this remedies to lots of spanish and white people they come back tell me about their condition and they are able to control diabetes by this remedies with out any medicine.

NO one is going to believe you here...trust me....95% of people here are those they say ..

"OMG He'z a Conspiracy theorist blah blah blah...." All your going to get is nonsensical gibberish and ridicule.. they do not understand , Medical industry is a profit making industry , making money out of peoples lives...a permanent cure for Aids or cancer will leave a lot of jobless doctors and lot of drugs which cannot be sold for money.....
By that record.. Dubai should be disease free.. considering the amount of gold used in its buildings.

Serious-note.. immediate quarantine on the area.. because if an infected person gets to the holy cities.. especially during Ramadan..
I can only imagine the severity of the outbreak.

Hopefully a cure will be developed before Hajj season. So far the area which were infected are the eastern coast. I attended a siminar on SARS and CronaVirus recently and why is this specific virus called "SARS-like" not SARS.

Appearently it is either a mutation of an old SARS virus or something completely new as the receptors used for Anti-viral drug effecacy is lacking in SARS, as well as that it is "Coronas" are made up of different peptides of a more reseliant kind.

I however am specifically angry at the scientists hijacking our own working and regestering it with their names, the patent is bending between a Canadian doctor who took the notes from Dr.Alshimmari about the disease and shamelessly is trying to register these notes on his name.

This has created a rift between the foreign and Saudi teams currently combating the disease.
Hopefully a cure will be developed before Hajj season. So far the area which were infected are the eastern coast. I attended a siminar on SARS and CronaVirus recently and why is this specific virus called "SARS-like" not SARS.

Appearently it is either a mutation of an old SARS virus or something completely new as the receptors used for Anti-viral drug effecacy is lacking in SARS, as well as that it is "Coronas" are made up of different peptides of a more reseliant kind.

I however am specifically angry at the scientists hijacking our own working and regestering it with their names, the patent is bending between a Canadian doctor who took the notes from Dr.Alshimmari about the disease and shamelessly is trying to register these notes on his name.

This has created a rift between the foreign and Saudi teams currently combating the disease.

Nothing new.. there are many works made by eastern scientists that western teams then .. say build only a single floor on top of a huge foundation and call it theirs(although to be fair.. the opposite is also true, however the west is more eager to debunk those outside of its racial composition than those within it).

There is a peak in Ramadan as well during these times, perhaps a screening at roads leading into Hejaz??
Nothing new.. there are many works made by eastern scientists that western teams then .. say build only a single floor on top of a huge foundation and call it theirs(although to be fair.. the opposite is also true, however the west is more eager to debunk those outside of its racial composition than those within it).

There is a peak in Ramadan as well during these times, perhaps a screening at roads leading into Hejaz??

Thing this disease is masked clinically as a simple gastroenteritis or an Upper respiratory tract infection. Something not really worthy of note. until the "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)" hits.

The Anti-bodies for the virus (Which the lab tests are used to confirm the diagnosis screen for Anti-Bodies) As well as the IgM do not become active until after the virus has begun spreading. Or spreading with someone with a minor cough.

Best anyone can do now is include a screening for IgM and ABcc20 for anyone showing Gastroenteritis and URTI which recently made the patient say "It is getting kind of difficult breathing", Other than that there is not much to do, unless you want to screen every single case of diarrhea and runny nose, unfortunately the ones who have contracted the disease early are isolated and given empiric treatment. Almost all of those who have contracted have agreed to that in the event of their death they will donate their bodies to science, courageous men who despite given the worst news of their lives still smile and battle on.
Thing this disease is masked clinically as a simple gastroenteritis or an Upper respiratory tract infection. Something not really worthy of note. until the "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)" hits.

The Anti-bodies for the virus (Which the lab tests are used to confirm the diagnosis screen for Anti-Bodies) As well as the IgM do not become active until after the virus has begun spreading. Or spreading with someone with a minor cough.

Best anyone can do now is include a screening for IgM and ABcc20 for anyone showing Gastroenteritis and URTI which recently made the patient say "It is getting kind of difficult breathing", Other than that there is not much to do, unless you want to screen every single case of diarrhea and runny nose, unfortunately the ones who have contracted the disease early are isolated and given empiric treatment. Almost all of those who have contracted have agreed to that in the event of their death they will donate their bodies to science, courageous men who despite given the worst news of their lives still smile and battle on.

Dude, Ive been having a chest infection like thing for a while.. coughing and all.
Now you are scaring me.:what:
Dude, Ive been having a chest infection like thing for a while.. coughing and all.
Now you are scaring me.:what:

Is it getting "Kind of difficult breathing"? If not then rest your head, if your cough is getting uncomfortable seek medical attention.

Do you always have this "chest infection" and cough during this time of year?
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