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Continuous Indian killing of Bangladeshis - Boycott Indian products

Complete double standards.

According to India, these guys are being shot for trespassing and illegally crossing the border.

Yet that is the exact same accusation they make about "Chinese incursions" every other day, that we are trespassing into their territory.

But they only shoot at the Bangladeshi civilians, not the armed PLA. How is that not double standards?

The BSF have various connections with underground organizations.

I wouldn't be surprised...
Oh really? So, where in 'Dam Dam Airport' you parked your Rolls Royse Lo Bongi before catching next flight to meet Gates and in-between killing some inertia over here? Halar doi paiser fakinni aar vatere koi kina anno?

Settle down man, he wasn't talking about you:lol:
It was erected as a part if the 2 nation theory by your beloved saviour Jinnah.
Much prior to that, why on earth your Nehru didn't accept Muslims as minority at Indian Parliament in 1930 that was also presented by Jinnah, no?
Oh really? So, where in 'Dam Dam Airport' you parked your Rolls Royse Lo Bongi before catching next flight to meet Gates and in-between killing some inertia over here? Halar doi paiser fakinni aar vatere koi kina anno?

I wasn't talking about you dweeb.
Much prior to that, why on earth your Nehru didn't accept Muslims as minority at Indian Parliament in 1930 that was also presented by Zinnah, no?

Like it or not 2 nation theory is the legacy of Jinnah and you BDs openly supported it and happily became part of Pakistan ( its another matter that you were treated as c*** by West Pakistanis). Now after 64 years you are questioning the basis of your nation itself.
Much prior to that, why on earth your Nehru didn't accept Muslims as minority at Indian Parliament in 1930 that was also presented by Jinnah, no?

You're supposed to believe in two nation theory, you're whole identity is based on it. Why all of sudden do you find the border as man made?

Separate electorates doesn't strengthen the minorities, it just makes them watch the show from sideline. As can be witnessed in India-Pak-BD, while in India and BD, political parties take minority sensitivity pretty seriously as them make seizable votebank, in Pak minorities are just showcase.

Your identity is based on a failed ideology, even Jinnah came to terms with it if we believe his biographer.
we are in the belly of india why not start a war in the indian belly not only by military but also by all men and women from 15 to 60. And also offer china and pak to join in.
we are in the belly of india why not start a war in the indian belly not only by military but also by all men and women from 15 to 60. And also offer china and pak to join in.

Why would China join you? Have they joined Pakistan in their misadventure? Have you read the declassified conversation between PM of China and Kissinger where the Chinese PM referred Yahya Khan as idiot?

A mere fly past of Su 30s is enough to subvert BD in any case, T90s and Arjuns can join the show later.
You are wrong, Bangladesh is in the arm pit of India, look at the map again. Armpit hair can be shaved/trimmed off whenever it becomes too much of an annoyance.:rofl:

Is that how you refer to a nation of 140 million people? :rolleyes:
we are in the belly of india why not start a war in the indian belly not only by military but also by all men and women from 15 to 60. And also offer china and pak to join in.

Oh believe me, whatever is going on in our army is just the beginning.
Bangladesh Curse was during the partition to be in that geography should have craved more land oh well Bangladesh can always look to artificial Islands.
I wouldn't be surprised...
Chinese BRO, thanks for stepping up for our help as you can see these Indians always outnumbers us (But very allergic about Birth-Control). Please also note that Bharati's killings of unarmed brothers of mine have very dangerous motive that is making us reactionaries, so then they could paint us as terrorists and ask UN to send peace keepers or unkil to bomb us to the submission. These bastards are the worst hateful species in the globe that has nothing but nationalistic agenda. To them Bharat Mata can't be wrong, does no harm to others. Also they are very efficient in leveraging adversary to their favor like they claim to have more Muslims than Pakistan in OIC and SA, so they can get jobs in Middle East, whereas Muslims are worse off than Dalits in their country. To Iran, they say that Bharat is the 2nd largest Shia Majority in the world, so it gets Iranian vote against PAK's sponsored Kashmiri bill at OIC. To U.S and the West, they sell their interests by calling them the largest democracy and to ISRO and Ruskies; they present their case as brothers against global Muslims. So, you can see the evidence of their cunningness and beware of those parasites.
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