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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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Dude, we are not short on laws. Trust you me, we have everything worked out on the paper. Enforcement? Well, that's another issue.

IMO..... screw Patriot Act, we need something on the lines of Mullah Act. Shoot to kill any wannabe khateeb / mullah in sight, giving hate speech.
why shoot when 6 months jail term upon conviction is more than sufficient.
Now what do you want me (peaceful Muslim) to do?
How do you think America has it under control? Patriot Act.

Such legislation should be passed anywhere extremism is an issue. Too bad ganja doesn't have the balls to do it.
@A.M. , @Hyperion is talking about us as individuals, and I agree with him that twitter activism is not enough. I try to attend seminars and do some real-world activism, but it's really limited due to me being a normal human being with a normal, mundane life.

Earlier I was talking about a united movement or something to protest against radicals, similar to the one in front of Lal Masjid - Anjem Chaudhry needs to be confronted, especially. But I'm not going to go do it alone, and neither should any other sane person.

Needs to be done in a civilized manner, with many people to avoid harassment and/or Mullah antics (demonstrated below)

The Patriot act was a state/governmental level action, which, as you said, can't really be done because of our politicians' lack of male genitalia. Any anti-hate speech laws or 'Mullah Act' as suggested by @Hyperion will need to be enforced to work - just on paper, it's worthless. But it does seem they're doing something, and I have hopes:
Crackdown against hate literature
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There you go, wonderful work mullahs and terrorists, wonderful. Hatred for Muslims is already at peak levels, and now you go ahead and kill twelve more people to show the world that Islamophobia is justified/true (it isn't - it isn't supposed to be, at least)

Yes, obviously there are plenty of non-Muslims condemning this tweet (trend has been hijacked by them now) and still being tolerant but the issue is that we have way too many people like Anjem Chaudry preaching hatred and a negative image of Islam in the West. Look people - you want Sharia, don't go to the West! When I go to Europe, I never expected to have Halal meat or mosques everywhere, yet those facilities are still widely available for us. What more can one want?

I know this issue has been discussed a lot before, but here I intend to discuss the logic behind movements like Sharia4UK, which have been propagating a negative image of Islam and Muslims and are obviously then backed by geniuses like AlQaeda and ISIS who 'implement' all that hate speech and kill people with it.

Hey morons Mullahs, how about you work on reducing the differences between the fifty dozen sects that exist so you can stop murdering Muslims and implement Sharia in Muslim countries first !?

I am really saddened by looking at some of the statements from our 'esteemed scholars' , who aren't condemning the shooting and instead indirectly supporting it, despite the fact that Islam has clearly commanded against violence in this matter.

Example of what I'm talking about:
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Some contrast here:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 61 :
Narrated by 'Aisha

A group of Jews asked permission to visit the Prophet (and when they were admitted) they said, "As-Samu 'Alaika (Death be upon you)." I (Aisha) said (to them), "But death and the curse of Allah be upon you!" The Prophet said, "O 'Aisha! Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and lenient in all matters."I (Aisha) said, "Haven't you heard what they said?" He said, "I said (to them), 'Wa 'Alaikum (and upon you).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 60 :
A Jew passed by Allah's Apostle and said, "As-Samu 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle said in reply, "We 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle then said to his companions, "Do you know what he (the Jew) has said? He said, 'As-Samu 'Alaika.'" They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we kill him?" The Prophet, said, "No. When the people of the Book greet you, say: 'Wa 'Alaikum.'"

Also, Quranic verses:
"When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme." [Qur'an 4:140]
"And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "to us our deeds and to you yours; peace be to you." [Qur'an 28: 55]

"Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant." [Qur'an 7:199]

"Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity)." [Qur'an 73:10]

"And the servants of Allah . . . are those who walked on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say 'Peace'" [Qur'an 25:63]

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves." [Qur'an 16: 128]

". . . But they uttered blasphemy . . . if they repent, it will be best for them, but if they turn back, Allah will punish them." [Qur'an 9:47]

"And if you punished, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you; but if you show patience, that is indeed the best course. [Qur'an 16:126]
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgets and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah." [Qur'an 62:40]

"Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, (and) they avert evil with good." [Qur'an 28:54]

See the difference between Islam and murderous idiocy?

Cut the crap Mr France was one responsible for mass murders in Algeria and Tunisia when it ruled them it is the one along with UK and USA attacking Muslim lands and can't support hitler or question holocaust but can insult and abuse Islam and RASOOL SAW. What else they were expecting in return after all this ? Flowers ?
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Old habits die hard and expecting anything good from the current breed of mullahs, especially political mullahs, is like expecting eggs from roosters. Problem is, we try to counter religious extremism with ultra-liberalism. It is like trying to extinguish fire by throwing patrol and not water at it. This is never going to work no matter what. For instance people criticize Islamic laws while most of them have not even read Quran with translation let alone books on Islamic jurisprudence. It is like a Doctor, for instance, commenting on RADAR technology or a car mechanic advising a paramedic on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. I don't know why we are under the impression that Islamic laws can be dissected and criticized by anyone without having formal training.

A better solution would be that we train and groom a whole lot of brilliant scholars well-versed and thoroughly trained in Islamic jurisprudence and appoint them to give sermons or educate masses. Taking out Islamic material from the text books and not teaching kids/people about Islam (as proposed by certain liberals) is not the solution rather educating them is. With time, the old, rotten up breed of extremist Mullah will die its own death.
I still think the cause of extremism is economic. Economic and social freedom must become a priority of the governments of Islamic countries. These mullahs must not be given a chance to give voice to a section of the population who is disaffected. Rather the root causes of disaffection must be addressed while building a tolerant society.
But the sad part is, all of this takes time (at least 20 years), and given the hot-headed morons that these mullahs breed, and the right-wing blowback that Islam will face in the west, do we have that time?
I still think the cause of extremism is economic. Economic and social freedom must become a priority of the governments of Islamic countries. These mullahs must not be given a chance to give voice to a section of the population who is disaffected. Rather the root causes of disaffection must be addressed while building a tolerant society.
But the sad part is, all of this takes time (at least 20 years), and given the hot-headed morons that these mullahs breed, and the right-wing blowback that Islam will face in the west, do we have that time?
Though not the only cause but one very important cause of extremism is indeed poverty but in certain countries only, which include Pakistan. For instance, how do we explain extremism in KSA?
Though not the only cause but one very important cause of extremism is indeed poverty but in certain countries only, which include Pakistan. For instance, how do we explain extremism in KSA?
As I mentioned - you need both economic and social freedom to prevent extremism. KSA has economic, but no social freedoms. Which is why you have a problem there.
I still think the cause of extremism is economic. Economic and social freedom must become a priority of the governments of Islamic countries. These mullahs must not be given a chance to give voice to a section of the population who is disaffected. Rather the root causes of disaffection must be addressed while building a tolerant society.
But the sad part is, all of this takes time (at least 20 years), and given the hot-headed morons that these mullahs breed, and the right-wing blowback that Islam will face in the west, do we have that time?
Your comment only shows you have no idea about this poverty and economy has nothing to do with.
Cut the crap Mr France was one responsible for mass murders in Algeria and Tunisia when it ruled them it is the one along with UK and USA attacking Muslim lands and can't support hitler or question holocaust but can insult and abuse Islam and RASOOL SAW. What else they were expecting in return after all this ? Flowers ?
You are such a tool, it's unreal.
Thank you for making our life hard in Europe scums, if you wanna live in 6th century then go and make you khaliphate somethere deep in sahara, no electricity, no water, no medical care or schools, only madrasas and praying 5 times a day, just leave the civilized world alone, im ashamed to share the same religion as you.
Cut the crap Mr France was one responsible for mass murders in Algeria and Tunisia when it ruled them it is the one along with UK and USA attacking Muslim lands and can't support hitler or question holocaust but can insult and abuse Islam and RASOOL SAW. What else they were expecting in return after all this ? Flowers ?
I would have said ignore Zarvan. But @TankMan when you mentioned about confronting extremism why don't you kick guys like @Zarvan out of this forum?
What happened was wrong. But does anyone bother to question the reaction. How many civilians were killed and there was no reaction in the two wars on terror. The CIA tortured and killed and there is no hashtag saying kill all the cia. The issue is us being apologetic where we are supposed to be in an uproar. What have you got to be sorry about as Muslims. Out of more than one and a half billion people there are some extremists and we are suddenly all being persecuted because of the action of a few.
If a day came when all the muslims hashtagged kill all the cia agents we would be branded terrorists and extremists and the world would be in an uproar how we are judging an organisation on the actions of a few. if one percent of something is bad and there is a call for mass murder of muslims is that not extremism. I am sick of apologizing for being muslim.

@Chinese-Dragon @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Oscar @TankMan

What happened was wrong. But does anyone bother to question the reaction. How many civilians were killed and there was no reaction in the two wars on terror. The CIA tortured and killed and there is no hashtag saying kill all the cia. The issue is us being apologetic where we are supposed to be in an uproar. What have you got to be sorry about as Muslims. Out of more than one and a half billion people there are some extremists and we are suddenly all being persecuted because of the action of a few.
If a day came when all the muslims hashtagged kill all the cia agents we would be branded terrorists and extremists and the world would be in an uproar how we are judging an organisation on the actions of a few. if one percent of something is bad and there is a call for mass murder of muslims is that not extremism. I am sick of apologizing for being muslim.
Have you ever thought of stopping being a victim, and be a real mard for once. It is much braver to acknowledge problems, and to solve them, than just point fingers at others 24/7 and burying your head in the sands of conspiracy theories. As someone up this thread commented, PK showed a frightened Hindu god Shiva running, but it is India's highest grossing film. OTOH there is a cartoon on Muhammad - and there were huge protest in the Islamic world, and people got killed. But no you will never acknowledge this. You are always the victim. Always.
If you are sick of apologizing, grow up and confront the extremists in Islam.
Thank you for making our life hard in Europe scums, if you wanna live in 6th century then go and make you khaliphate somethere deep in sahara, no electricity, no water, no medical care or schools, only madrasas and praying 5 times a day, just leave the civilized world alone, im ashamed to share the same religion as you.

Have you ever thought of stopping being a victim, and be a real mard for once. It is much braver to take acknowledge problems, and to solve them. As someone up this thread commented, PK showed a frightened Hindu god Shiva running, but it is India's highest grossing film. There is a cartoon on Muhammad, and there were huge protest in the Islamic world, and people got killed. But no you will never acknowledge this. You are always the victim. Always.
firstly learn to read. The issue was not what was done i have condemned what was done and said what happened was totally uncalled for. The issue i have is with #killallmuslims. there was an uproar over some hindu parties protesting violently against the movie but here you did not see us branding all hindus as extremists. we understood that there was an issue and most of us did not clump all hindus into a group. Just like that it is my hope that one day the action of a few will not make it ok to call for the death of billions without any punishment. Is that not a hate crime calling for the death of an identity because of the actions of a few? is that ok? you have seen most of us condemn these actions but how many apologies have we recieved in this thread for the generalization of Muslims. read my earlier posts on this topic and similar ones today and tell me if in any i said what happened was in any way justified.
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