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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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You aren't wrong entirely, but I personally refuse to take the blame for extremism. I tried, and continue to try, the best a normal person can do. What more is required from me? Muslims as a whole should take responsibility to cleanse and improve their community but not the blame. It is our responsibility, not our fault.
Couldnt put it in better words!!
You aren't wrong entirely, but I personally refuse to take the blame for extremism. I tried, and continue to try, the best a normal person can do. What more is required from me? Muslims as a whole should take responsibility to cleanse and improve their community but not the blame. It is our responsibility, not our fault.

You have put it in better words than I could. This is what I meant, the Muslim world as a whole needs to do some real soul searching. But even at an individual level, do we confront extremist beliefs? Do we remain silent when the local Imam gives a hate speech against someone else? I am talking as an individual because I don't believe that our current lot of so called "ulama" and "leaders" have even a shred of honour or decency to defend Islam from the extremists. I would go as far as to say that it is the "ulama" themselves who do not openly and unequivocally condemn these extremists thus giving them passive support.
But even at an individual level, do we confront extremist beliefs? Do we remain silent when the local Imam gives a hate speech against someone else? I am talking as an individual because I don't believe that our current lot of so called "ulama" and "leaders" have even a shred of honour or decency to defend Islam from the extremists. I would go as far as to say that it is the "ulama" themselves who do not openly and unequivocally condemn these extremists thus giving them passive support.
Usually, when it's a friend or some random individual talking, I confront them strongly. But when a mosque or Imam spreads them in a large gathering, I don't.

Simply because a) They're too many and too thick-skulled b) I don't have time for hours long debates and c) I can't carry a gun here in the UK

In seminars and among civilized people, I confront extremism strongly. What is needed is a proper, united movement that allows us to confront mullahs in mosques and in their speeches, in a lawful and civilized manner as to not provoke violence. A good example would be the Lal Masjid protest. That kind of stuff needs to happen more often.

You are perfectly right about the ulama. The best indication for this is the CII - Council of 'Islamic Ideology' in Pakistan - the only recent legislation(s) they tried to pass were legalizing child marriages and revoking a woman's right to object to her husband's second or third or fourth marriage. Pathetic. Also, they debated for months on the validity of DNA tests in rape cases. They were silent on all the murders, sectarian violence, terrorism - all of it. Pieces of garbage.
Usually, when it's a friend or some random individual talking, I confront them strongly. But when a mosque or Imam spreads them in a large gathering, I don't.

Simply because a) They're too many and too thick-skulled b) I don't have time for hours long debates and c) I can't carry a gun here in the UK

In seminars and among civilized people, I confront extremism strongly. What is needed is a proper, united movement that allows us to confront mullahs in mosques and in their speeches, in a lawful and civilized manner as to not provoke violence. A good example would be the Lal Masjid protest. That kind of stuff needs to happen more often.

You are perfectly right about the ulama. The best indication for this is the CII - Council of 'Islamic Ideology' in Pakistan - the only recent legislation(s) they tried to pass were legalizing child marriages and revoking a woman's right to object to her husband's second or third or fourth marriage. Pathetic. Also, they debated for months on the validity of DNA tests in rape cases. They were silent on all the murders, sectarian violence, terrorism - all of it. Pieces of garbage.

So would you suggest a non sectarian, broad, anti extremist coalition of Muslims that actively seeks out extremist thinking in our communities and confronts it within proper boundaries? Sorry to sound pessimistic but there is no chance of this happening any time soon. Two Maulanas in a single mosque can't get alone, trying to get 70 odd different views in order would be a steep climb.

Even I would not advice individuals to confront a mosque of full brainwashed zombies. Although perhaps that is the problem. The Muslim leaders who openly sprout BS but command a reasonable following to threaten any opposing views have no competition. But perhaps that is where the state can and should act to curb these people? Personally the British government has been too soft in my view, the Anjem Chaudhry is paraded around as a useful idiot to goad idiots to hate Muslims, while people like me are left to ponder why our voices are ignored by the media?

The Muslim world is arguably facing its worst crises and all our ulama have time for are the trivial matters that have no bearing on the life of a Muslim.
There is no #KillAllMuslims on Worldwide trends

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So would you suggest a non sectarian, broad, anti extremist coalition of Muslims that actively seeks out extremist thinking in our communities and confronts it within proper boundaries? Sorry to sound pessimistic but there is no chance of this happening any time soon.
That is what I am suggesting, and yes, I know there is no chance of it with maulanas and Mullahs involved - but how about a coalition of normal Muslims? If the Civil Society could arrange a protest outside Lal Masjid, dozens of political parties can hold rallies etc despite sectarian differences, then why can't a group of normal muslims, setting aside all differences, do the same?

The key is to combat the maulanas and not involve them in the 'coalition' - if they want to be non-sectarian and help, hen sure, they can come. Otherwise they can take their BS elsewhere.

I know that it can happen, I have already witnessed it but on a really small scale. A few dozen, barely over a hundred people in such seminars and groups that are too weak and to sparse to have actual influence on anything. They need to be united.

By the way, if anyone is interested in seeing the kind of uncivilized BS I was talking about (and why I don't confront molvis in their mosques):

There is no #KillAllMuslims on Worldwide trends

In case you didn't know, twitter trends change. I posted a screenshot in the OP, and at that time it was trending.
You aren't wrong entirely, but I personally refuse to take the blame for extremism. I tried, and continue to try, the best a normal person can do. What more is required from me? Muslims as a whole should take responsibility to cleanse and improve their community but not the blame. It is our responsibility, not our fault.

I think the dilemma would be solved if you try to clarify what you mean by 'extremism'. I'm guessing that you are using that term to describe terrorists, such as the ones who attacked Charlie Hebdo today, or people of AQ, TTP etc.

But literally, "extremism" just means being uncompromising in a belief, holding extreme views, and possibly (but not necessarily) also resorting to violence to bring that about.

I am not stating this simply to quibble about semantics. Here's the difficult point to ponder - if extremists are merely people who believe very firmly and uncompromisingly in something, do moderates who believe the same ideology have a right to criticize them for holding on to the same beliefs as themselves, but to a stronger extent? The difference between moderates and extremists is only in how strongly each believes the ideology, and how far they are willing to go to bring it into fruition.

So is extremism the problem, or the belief itself? Haven't muslims (in recent times) advocated violence for far lesser offences? (Salman Rushdie, Jyllands-posten controversy etc?) The cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo were far cruder and arguably more offensive than Salman Rushdie's writings. Yet, a very large number of muslims (not just terrorists) fully supported the fatwa against him. So why feel angry at a terrorist attack, when even "moderates" support the same thing for lesser "offences", just because the former makes a big splash on TV, and shocking images are visible for all to see? Didn't these terrorists do precisely what Khomeini advocated should be done to Rushdie, an opinion which many muslims still support?
People who have families here do. We have mosques, halal meet, freedom to wear religious attire. All thats asked of us is to behave like law abiding citizens.

TTP consider you a kaffir because you are Pakistanis. Do you justify this also?
Nobody is justifying terrorism. But at the same time i cannot justify this generalization being thrown by the west at all muslims.
For example hundreds of milions of muslims any part in whatever happened in Paris,but if they want all of us to feel ashamed of our faith,thats not gona work.
About TTP branding as kafir,all those who dont agree with them,and for helping west in their war on terror. That too isnt new. Salahuddin ayubi was branded kafir by the hashashin when he made a pact with Jews and christians for peace and joint use of Jaruselum.And Hashashin terrorists lingered on for 150 years,killing muslims and non muslims alike.

About west giving "religious freedom" to muslims. Same in Pakistan. Christians.hindus and sikhs are free to practice their religion.
Is that really the example you want? The Jew was content with a verbal assault while the Muslims wanted to kill him. That "Allah's Apostle" said "no" rather than rebuke them seems to have been a matter of tactics and timing - "murderous idiocy" being to kill Jews in front of witnesses, "Islam" being to appear to forgive, then kill the Jew later in secret, cloaked by the public mantle of presumed, friendly, and forgiving innocence.

So much bull **** in so little space.

I am impressed.

Did you think that up yourself or are you merely parroting someone else?
So they are trending kill all muslims for 12 casualties. What should I trend when hundreds of kids are killed by Israeli troops in Gaza and the best part is that many of those Israeli soldiers are not even native of that land and migrated their to defend their so called promised home and the same Europeans and Indians were openly cheering for that massacre.

Imagine what happens if we trend

Kill jews or kill hindus or kill everybody,

No need for us to trend anything, ISIS, Taliban, AlQaeda and dozens of similar groups have already done it, in real life. But yes, everyone would go crazy about how Islamic extremism is everywhere and how all Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathisers. But a similar reaction was seen here, with many people tweeting stuff like this:

Let's try and be fair in our judgement
You are 1.2 billion how can you let a minority dumbshits hijack you religion.
Stand up,speak up and fight these savages and restore the image if Islam which spreads tolerance,compassion and humility.
Failure to do so will be fatal for all muslims.

Imagine what happens if we trend

Kill jews or kill hindus or kill everybody,

The difference in reception would be due to the fact that those said groups don't do what was done today by muslims. Somebody burning a bible somewhere does not spark riots across the christian world. Track record matters for credibility.
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