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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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Well, supporting hate in a round about way where you engage others in some totally off topic discussion and then digressing even further, is job of a master troll, which my friend, you are!

Now be a nice boy and don't bring events of historical nature to justify what is going on.

Where is the hate speech ?
Not to mention the Norwegian terrorist Andres Breivik who killed 77 and injured 319.
No hastags were done against him or christianity or Atheism. Because he was white european and not a muslim.
He wasn't even given death sentence and will be free after a few years.
We condemn terrorism.but condemn terrorism by all.
Stop with the bloody excuses. You know exactly why and it's because they don't commit this shit on a daily basis.

Our religion has a problem and we need to fix it. These mullahs have ruined Islam.
Islamophobia is never justified regardless of who attacked this group.
True, but then, neither is any other religious/sectarian/racist phobia.

Look at these raving murderous lunatics that want to kill ALL Muslims that includes you, your mom and dad, etc... all of whom had no knowledge of what took place.
I know, but Muslims unfortunately gave them too much ammunition. I am as vocal against the western policies and such people as anyone but let's not ignore the fact that some people who call themselves Muslims have actually killed many of these people, who are now tweeting about murdering us all.

This isn't something new and has been ongoing for centuries now. Whether we go back to events like the occupation of Jerusalem during the Crusades during which they murdered all Muslims and Jewish civilians in the city to the world's worst case of genocide through their systematic slaughter of Native Americans after occupying their homeland to modern history particularly incidents that took place during WWII which includes their current waging of war whether its in Latin America, the Middle East or Africa continually interfering with the ability of these societies to rebuild because it isn't to their liking.
True, but that just highlights human nature - we've been killing each other since the beginning of time, before any religion or states ever existed.

A history of colonialism and policies of de-industrialization have starved tens of millions to death around the world and why countries like China, Pakistan, India, etc... are so poor now when, for 95% of our own civilizations history since the neolithic, we were well beyond them in terms of technology, social welfare, etc...
I agree with what you're saying, to some extent but we had our golden age -it's their turn now, like it or not.

Through all that you don't see us calling for their genocide.
'Us' is a very broad term. That clearly doesn't include the likes of ISIS, because they have, unfortunately, called for their genocide. Multiple times. That is why I keep saying we need to clean our own filth, then, united, oppose the other side properly and in a civilized, organized manner - just as Islam teaches us.

Shows you the mindset of Europeans and Americans. Very "peaceful" indeed.
Many of them, are indeed, hypocritical and not peaceful at all. On the other hand, many are very tolerant and peaceful too - please refrain from generalizations. Your points are strong enough to stand without such generalizations.
Well, supporting hate in a round about way where you engage others in some totally off topic discussion and then digressing even further, is job of a master troll, which my friend, you are!

Now be a nice boy and don't bring events of historical nature to justify what is going on.
faltu time mil giyea bahas kernay ka?
Our religion has a problem and we need to fix it.
You are right, except for one thing: WE have a problem, not our religion sir. It is we (or rather,some of our ideologues) who have ruined us - not our religion.
Stop with the bloody excuses. You know exactly why and it's because they don't commit this shit on a daily basis.

Our religion has a problem and we need to fix it. These mullahs have ruined Islam.
What we need to fix is how the msg is getting to people and who is spreading it...If that doesnt work then start by fixing yourself....the best way to do dawaa (no i dont mean converting others but displaying Islam) is starting with one's self...

Where is the hate speech ?
Kid there are better ways to put things down....
Sane side of twitter.

Well..... hmmm...... lemme think...... hmmm......... how do you propose we do that, mate?

When a terrorist Muslim blows himself up killing innocents == Hate 1 . Love 0

Now what do you want me (peaceful Muslim) to do? Kiss hundred firrangi girls? == Love 1 Hate 1????

What the ****..... how to spread message of peace? It's not as if we tweet "#MulsimsAreSorry" will cut it. :blink:

Our religion has a problem and we need to fix it.
Now be a nice boy and don't bring events of historical nature to justify what is going on.
Hmmm I seemed to have done the same just not as justification but more as analysis of how they got here...

Well..... hmmm...... lemme think...... hmmm......... how do you propose we do that, mate?

When a terrorist Muslim blows himself up killing innocents == Hate 1 . Love 0

Now what do you want me (peaceful Muslim) to do? Kiss hundred firrangi girls? == Love 1 Hate 1????

What the ****..... how to spread message of peace? It's not as if we tweet "#MulsimsAreSorry" will cut it. :blink:
Pay some media company to put you up instead of Anjem Ch and his likes :whistle:

Yes actually..... was also thinking of giving Naswaristan some CPR as well......... :D

@Horus @WebMaster @Oscar :cheesy:
Dude I didnt need to know that....just imagined shit...then again I should be asleep :D

Wait Chocolate Muffins calling me :D
Well..... hmmm...... lemme think...... hmmm......... how do you propose we do that, mate?

When a terrorist Muslim blows himself up killing innocents == Hate 1 . Love 0

Now what do you want me (peaceful Muslim) to do? Kiss hundred firrangi girls? == Love 1 Hate 1????

What the ****..... how to spread message of peace? It's not as if we tweet "#MulsimsAreSorry" will cut it. :blink:
How do you think America has it under control? Patriot Act.

Such legislation should be passed anywhere extremism is an issue. Too bad ganja doesn't have the balls to do it.
So is extremism the problem, or the belief itself? Haven't muslims (in recent times) advocated violence for far lesser offences? (Salman Rushdie, Jyllands-posten controversy etc?) The cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo were far cruder and arguably more offensive than Salman Rushdie's writings. Yet, a very large number of muslims (not just terrorists) fully supported the fatwa against him. So why feel angry at a terrorist attack, when even "moderates" support the same thing for lesser "offences", just because the former makes a big splash on TV, and shocking images are visible for all to see? Didn't these terrorists do precisely what Khomeini advocated should be done to Rushdie, an opinion which many muslims still support?

You simply aren't examining these issues within the context of history.

I'd like to ask you if a Khomeini that was able to overthrow a dictator (i.e. the Shah) who received routine military support and intelligence from the West that assisted in the overthrow of their democracy and then stood by and ignored the rampant humanitarian violations unleashed by their puppet within their country have been as aggressive towards Rushdie compared to one that was living within an Iran that didn't encounter the same path? In fact without western interference the Shah almost assuredly wouldn't have been back on his throne to begin with and Khomeini very likely would never have been the historical figure he is today.

France has routinely been involved in attacking nations and their peoples (ex. Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali) who had not engaged in hostilities towards their country and they had no business interfering in. Thus, alongside a physical assault you then have groups within France engaging in an attack of the very culture and cherished historical figures of the peoples from those countries and beyond which only angered people further which obviously is going to lead to retaliation.

It is Western aggression which is resulting in the current state of affairs.
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Dude, we are not short on laws. Trust you me, we have everything worked out on the paper. Enforcement? Well, that's another issue.

IMO..... screw Patriot Act, we need something on the lines of Mullah Act. Shoot to kill any wannabe khateeb / mullah in sight, giving hate speech.

How do you think America has it under control? Patriot Act.

Such legislation should be passed anywhere extremism is an issue. Too bad ganja doesn't have the balls to do it.
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