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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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I am sorry to say but part of the fault lies with the French immigration system as well...they allow garbage, extremist families with a zillion kids each to settle on welfare in ghettos.

Meanwhile a normal pupil with education gets all the bureaucracy and the red-tapes.
BS trolling is not welcome. Go ahead, try and 'remove' nuclear weapons, see how well that goes. Firstly, the west needs Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia for its political goals right now and it will not mess with them for a while. Same with India.

Get out of your delusions of being favoured by the west, they will use you and discard you like they have done with every other 'ally' before - welcome to the wonderful world of Geopolitics!

Rest is fine...I disagree with the part of 'being favoured by the West'.
India has been a part of NAM. India has been under sanctions forced upon by the West. We have learnt our lessons very clearly and we know that at the end of the day only Indians care about India, rest is simply business.
If anybody who has not learnt that lesson it is the Pakistanis. Starting from the U2 crisis to being threatened to be bombed back to stone age and up to now, its Pakistanis who have still not understood that they are at the receiving end of a use-and-throw policy.
firstly learn to read. The issue was not what was done i have condemned what was done and said what happened was totally uncalled for. The issue i have is with #killallmuslims. there was an uproar over some hindu parties protesting violently against the movie but here you did not see us branding all hindus as extremists. we understood that there was an issue and most of us did not clump all hindus into a group. Just like that it is my hope that one day the action of a few will not make it ok to call for the death of billions without any punishment. Is that not a hate crime calling for the death of an identity because of the actions of a few? is that ok? you have seen most of us condemn these actions but how many apologies have we recieved in this thread for the generalization of Muslims. read my earlier posts on this topic and similar ones today and tell me if in any i said what happened was in any way justified.
Speech is free. So the issue should not be with the hashtag. The issue is with actions. Years ago, the ACLU fought for the right of the KKK to march through a city. So, the hashtag isn't the problem. The problem is with the attempt to restrict speech, however hateful might that be.
Most muslims don't care about these hash tags. Animosity against us among christian,jewish and Pagan worlds is nothing new.

Most muslims don't care about these hash tags. Animosity against us among christian,jewish and Pagan worlds is nothing new.

Quite ironic to see so many people, and many of them probably Muslims commenting on a thread for that hashtag.

Seems you went overboard with that.
What happened was wrong. But does anyone bother to question the reaction. How many civilians were killed and there was no reaction in the two wars on terror. The CIA tortured and killed and there is no hashtag saying kill all the cia. The issue is us being apologetic where we are supposed to be in an uproar. What have you got to be sorry about as Muslims. Out of more than one and a half billion people there are some extremists and we are suddenly all being persecuted because of the action of a few.
If a day came when all the muslims hashtagged kill all the cia agents we would be branded terrorists and extremists and the world would be in an uproar how we are judging an organisation on the actions of a few. if one percent of something is bad and there is a call for mass murder of muslims is that not extremism. I am sick of apologizing for being muslim.

@Chinese-Dragon @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Oscar @TankMan


With media age, there is much to read. And someone in west who is reading on affairs overseas will make it bigger than it is. When in reality it may not be. So it causes them to be more desperate than people actually experiencing the tough times. Combined with lack of guidance from family or friends. They can get carried away with their thoughts. And instead of relaxing they spend more time trying to figure out how and when these tough times will go away. Sometimes they get impatient and react with unrealistic mentality. And I'll admit I have done this in some cases myself. In the end when you rethink it all such reactions like that don't benefit us. And we sometimes thing everything should be solved militarily which is actually the opposite. Things are changing even if we can't identify them. And the people responsible for these good benefits aren't the ones fighting.

We shouldn't make media bigger than it is. Not many people follow mainstream media. We should tell young youth that not everything is black and white and that they shouldn't get carried away. And we need to tell them that ultimately good times are still some time away.

After I went on tantrum against Arabs a day ago, one member said just wait. Things will get better but you need patience. Looking back I agree.
If one percent of something is bad and there is a call for mass murder of muslims is that not extremism. I am sick of apologizing for being muslim.

@Chinese-Dragon @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Oscar @TankMan


You should never have to apologize for who you are. :tup:

People who can think clearly will see that Muslims make up 1.5 billion people, a huge chunk of the world population. And the vast majority of these are decent and good human beings.

The extremists themselves want the world to discriminate against Muslims, in order to bolster their ranks and to prove their convictions to be correct. And the anti-Muslim extremists want the same thing.

We must not fall for these tricks. Otherwise the bloodshed and suffering will never end, and the extremists (on both sides) will win.
Quite ironic to see so many people, and many of them probably Muslims commenting on a thread for that hashtag.

Seems you went overboard with that.

Only controversial hashtags get noticed. It isn't as big as you are making it. You are being counter productive when implying that. People here are commenting because this is their hobby and they enjoy analyzing social /political issues.
Speech is free. So the issue should not be with the hashtag. The issue is with actions. Years ago, the ACLU fought for the right of the KKK to march through a city. So, the hashtag isn't the problem. The problem is with the attempt to restrict speech, however hateful might that be.
google hate speech see the laws against it
India prohibits hate speech by several sections of the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and by other laws which put limitations on the freedom of expression. Section 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure gives the government the right to declare certain publications “forfeited” if the “publication ... appears to the State Government to contain any matter the publication of which is punishable under Section 124A or Section 153A or Section 153B or Section 292 or Section 293 or Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code”.[2]

Section 153(A)[edit]
Section 153A of the penal code says,[3] inter alia:

Whoever (a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, or (b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquility, . . . shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
SIMILAR LAWS in UK, and EU let us see how many people are jailed for hate crimes
one of the reason behind such trending is that many non muslims around the world have come to conclusion that shows below cartoon.
google hate speech see the laws against it
India prohibits hate speech by several sections of the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and by other laws which put limitations on the freedom of expression. Section 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure gives the government the right to declare certain publications “forfeited” if the “publication ... appears to the State Government to contain any matter the publication of which is punishable under Section 124A or Section 153A or Section 153B or Section 292 or Section 293 or Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code”.[2]

Section 153(A)[edit]
Section 153A of the penal code says,[3] inter alia:

Whoever (a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, or (b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquility, . . . shall be punished with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
And that is a terrible thing, which has been misused repeatedly. I absolutely do not support it. It is the legacy of the Emergency, when Indira Gandhi used it to silence opponents. Mamata Banerjee (the chief minister of West Bengal) used it to send to jail a professor in Calcutta for sharing cartoons on facebook that made fun of her. It is a law that should absolutely be repealed, period.
And that is a terrible thing, which has been misused repeatedly. I absolutely do not support it. It is the legacy of the Emergency, when Indira Gandhi used it to silence opponents. Mamata Banerjee (the chief minister of West Bengal) used it to send to jail a professor in Calcutta for sharing cartoons on facebook that made fun of her. It is a law that should absolutely be repealed, period.
the law stands tell me how many people will be tried and then we will discuss this further
You need to stop telling us what we should do so know we can tolerate and forgive many things but not insult of RASOOL SAW and also if they are going to keep attacking Muslim Lands they should not expect to remain peaceful for ever they insult our PROPHET SAW they attack Muslims all over the world they supporrt mass murders done by terrorist state of Israel and after all this they think they can remain in Peace @TankMan @Gufi
@Gufi you know what is the problem. This is the problem. Unless you confront it, this monster will destroy you. You want to stop apologizing for Muslims? Well here is where you should start.
I am sorry to say but part of the fault lies with the French immigration system as well...they allow garbage, extremist families with a zillion kids each to settle on welfare in ghettos.

Meanwhile a normal pupil with education gets all the bureaucracy and the red-tapes.

I agree with you. Why is it that there is this extremism and violence in France in regards to its Muslim population -- they enable this by not encouraging integration, second -- by placing people in ghetto environment, one indirectly fosters this. Look for example the urban and ghetto neighborhood in the USA .

You should never have to apologize for who you are. :tup:

People who can think clearly will see that Muslims make up 1.5 billion people, a huge chunk of the world population. And the vast majority of these are decent and good human beings.

The extremists themselves want the world to discriminate against Muslims, in order to bolster their ranks and to prove their convictions to be correct. And the anti-Muslim extremists want the same thing.

We must not fall for these tricks. Otherwise the bloodshed and suffering will never end, and the extremists (on both sides) will win.

100% agree !
the law stands tell me how many people will be tried and then we will discuss this further
Tried in the sense? People are senselessly arrested under the law all the time. India definitely is not a free speech country - rather the opposite.
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