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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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Thank you..if you want to laugh more,we'll arrange for some bollywood comedy movie..oops i forgot you'll easily get the pirated version there..take care and keep laughing like this.:chilli:

The same way most of you people use make-shift toilets...:woot::rofl:
Do you think a logical discussion is possible when every Indian member jumps on the band wagon to get their two liners in just for the hell of it.
As can be seen most of them behave like a kid in a sweet shop, takes the whole meaning out of a healthy debate. As they say too many chefs spoil the broth, hence if the nonsense continues in this manner, other Pakistani members will also jump in and the sugar will really hit the fan. Think about it people.

Logical discussion??? Do you honestly think that meaningful discussion is taking place on this thread???

An answer to a question cannot be another blog.......Such things just invites one liners...Anyways i agree with your overall point...However i hope you agree that there are some counter questions that thread starter has very conveniently ignored....

Please avoid one liners...Couple of us have spent 2-3 days on this particular thread and trying to come to a conclusion....However absurd this thread is and however tempting it is to take cheap shots please avoid that...Lets finish this stupid debate once for ever....

We all know the fact - South Asia record in HDI is poor...India might be better in position viz-a-viz Pakistan but we are equally pathetic....
Logical discussion??? Do you honestly think that meaningful discussion is taking place on this thread???

An answer to a question cannot be another blog.......Such things just invites one liners...Anyways i agree with your overall point...However i hope you agree that there are some counter questions that thread starter has very conveniently ignored....

There can never be a logical discussion when all the Indians team up and post ridiculous comments and always give each other "thanks" for those posts. :rofl: Its clearly evident this happens in every single thread. It is also clearly evident that Pakistanis posts are very reasonable but then the Indians come in and derail it. Then when Pakistanis get mad and respond the Indians are the first one to run and cry to the mods. :woot:
Ok..By the way this post of yours comes under the category of sensible post or rant?? Also did you care to read post#298??
yup and this is prime example of the blind leading the blind. lol Keep it up my man.
Before jumping to conclusion, reading the supplement article would have saved you making blind assumptions.
When somebody believes that Turkey, Poland and Japan will join the United States as the most important world powers in the next 50 years, ignoring the BRIC which constitute 50% of the human population of the earth and which has two big countries growing at a rapid pace is certainly a Jerk.

I certainly can say that at least you don’t know anything about Maoists insurgency in India

BRICs have always had 50% of humanity...and yet India, China and Brazil have been nobodies for a long long time.

The BRIC hype has been started by none other than Wall Street Bankers in Goldman Sachs out to make a few bucks....remember, these guys almost went out of business and had to be rescued by American taxpayers.

As to your knowledge of Maoists insurgency in India, the less said the better. It seems you know nothing other than what you read in the shallow Indian media reports that are nothing but urban legends.
When we talk about BRIC or Indo-Pak relations just please keep, the big CHINA-Will-TAKE-ALL syndrome the west is suffering from, in mind.

I say yes we are dependent on foreign aid and yes our economy is in bad shape, but what happened in India in the last two decades. Did the standard of education in India skyrocketed all of the sudden, or the indian scholars reached the critical level of genius all together, or all the insurgencies in india came to an end or did india solved all their infrastructure problems all at once???

Or the West looked around to see who can act as a balancing power to China, so they started pumping Indian economy.

My guess is once they realize india cannot do the job... most of the economic prosperity will vanish [they will take away their call centers]. Hell they have done it to us even after we did the job.
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