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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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When somebody believes that Turkey, Poland and Japan will join the United States as the most important world powers in the next 50 years, ignoring the BRIC which constitute 50% of the human population of the earth and which has two big countries growing at a rapid pace is certainly a Jerk.

I certainly can say that at least you don’t know anything about Maoists insurgency in India

Budy, I am requesting you please don't ask any question.

We all know he knows nothing. Please let him answer why pakistan is in top 10 failed state. It will help him understand his mother land better.
Actually windjammer just took two mins on "paintbrush" to come up with that failed state map. Its the funniest thing i have seen on the forum.:lol::lol:

But did you read the supplementing article as well. :yahoo::yahoo:
how can you be so sure he is an indian ??has he shown you his passport???he can be any tom dick and harry from pakistan pretending to be an indian

How naive of them not presenting their credentials before blowing the lid.
Self denial is a non achievement,
Suggest you scroll back and read what other Pakistanis pretending to be everything else have been writing.
So even if we assume the author is an indian,does it make necessary that india is a failed state
I know reality hurts but you need a reminding
It's clear that you have either not been paying attention, or that your emotions are getting in the way of acknowledging reality.
Or may be the lack of reality and completeness of your text is way below comprhension...

While I agree that all of South Asia is worse off than the rest of the world in social indicators, I do not agree that Pakistan is worse off than India.
UN agrees, HDR agrees, CIA world factbook agrees, World bank agrees.. Pardon me if I take their word over yours..

There is plenty of data I have quoted here on the most basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter and sanitation and overall poverty where Pakistan has had and continues to have an edge over India. It may not last long, but it is certainly true for now.

It's not just the world indices and rankings such as world hunger index, UNICEF sanitation rankings, FAO data, etc that confirms it, Indian officials also concede it as I have shown here in this thread.

You as always have cherry picked and have posted selective data. The prime example is the article that you started this thread with. You actually picked up lines from the original text that favored Pakistan and left out parts where India was shown better off..

For those who are interested, here is the complete article by the world bank Director


The same way, you have taken individual components of a composite index to prove your case. However almost every single composite Index shows that Paksitan is worse off than India..There is a reason why organizations go for a composite index instead of using a single factor to determine the well being of a nation

In IFPRI's most recent global hunger report, India still ranks at 65, worse than Pakistan at 58, and much worse than China at 5.

A miniscule difference of 3 percentage points..

The same report shows that India has been improving its Global Hunger Index over last 17 years @ 1.6% where as Pakistan rate of improvement is sub 1%.

Also the same index shows that while India has reduced its undernourished Adult population from 24% to 21%, Pakistan has actually increased this percentage from 22% to 23% over last 17 years..

In 2008, Indian Planning Commission member Syeda Hameed acknowledged that India is worse than Bangladesh and Pakistan when it comes to nourishment and is showing little improvement.

Speaking at a conference on "Malnutrition an emergency: what it costs the nation", she said even Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during interactions with the Planning Commission has described malnourishment as the "blackest mark".

"I should not compare. But countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are better," she said. The conference was organized last year by the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region.
If you are willing to take the word of an Indian official, I can show you 100 that say the other way round.. Some one's statement does not fill in for factual data..

According to India's Family Health Survey, almost 46 percent of children under the age of three are undernourished - an improvement of just one percent in the last seven years. This is only a shade better than Sub-Saharan Africa where about 35 percent of children are malnourished.

Haq's Musings: Right to Food in India, Pakistan and China

However, the same survey of Global hunger Index shows, that over last 15 years, India has been decreasing this percentage @ over 2% per annum as against Pakistan's performance of 1.5%.

Also the same index shows that while India scores lower in nourishment of children, Pakistan's under 5 mortality rate is almost 25% higher than that of India..
It's clear that you have never heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, nor do you realize that how the massive child malnutrition is condemning India's future generations to brain damage with impaired cognitive and motor skills. When these children grow up, they will be a huge burden and a continuing drag on Indian society.

Haq's Musings: Malnutrition Challenge in India, Pakistan

While the situation in India on chile nourishment in really bad, it is one of the many factors determining child well being in most of which Pakistan fares poorer than India. The same is visible in the composite index of Child survival which is 25% better in India than Pakistan..
There you go eat your little Indian heart out as it's none other than by your own kind. :lol:

India-the failed state of South Asia Failed States

Well here is the actual picture about failed states...No MS Paint....

2009 Failed States Index - Interactive Map and Rankings | Foreign Policy

As far as failed state is concerned i can also pull out some crap articles...Here are few

Pakistan, a failed state because of Islam ? Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
Pakistan: Failed State
Global Voices Online Pakistan: Inching Towards A Failed State

Moral of the story : Lets cut the crap and stick to facts...
Deprivation of basic necessities in India is equal to worse than sub-Saharan Africa. Just look at any data on food, clothing, shelterm sanitation etc. and you'll know it.
Look at all the data on

Manmohan Singh, Bharat Verma, Prof Pradeep Chhibber of UC Berkeley know more than you about the reality of Maoists insurgency.

It is conservatively estimated that Maoists, also known as Naxalites, control almost 25% of Indian territory in eastern and central states. ....Indian government knows that it can ignore the Naxal threat at its own peril.

May be Yes, May be no.. but Taliban ...?? Ahem?? Despite PA kicking their a ss all over NWFP, they are still able to kill your civilians at will.. Can the maoists be even compared with the Pakistani crop of Talibans who are giving 2 coutries(Pak and Afg) and 1 super power a run for their money...
^^^ Karan Buddy,
Please don't ask any question. He neither answers nor acknowledges it.

We all know he knows nothing. Just let him answer one question "Why pakistan is in top 10 failed state". It will help him better understanding of his mother land and comes back to reality.

Honestly i would say lets carry on...Lets carry on and refute his claims....and all those who are participating in refuting his claims(including me) please make sure you do not get involved in such idiotic threads again...This is complete waste of time and resources....

Bring it on Mr Haq..Lets bring the discussion to its logical conclusion....
^^^ Karan Buddy,
Please don't ask any question. He neither answers nor acknowledges it.

We all know he knows nothing. Just let him answer one question "Why pakistan is in top 10 failed state". It will help him better understanding of his mother land and comes back to reality.


Why is there such an contention with Indians proving India is better?
Honestly i would say lets carry on...Lets carry on and refute his claims....and all those who are participating in refuting his claims(including me) please make sure you do not get involved in such idiotic threads again...This is complete waste of time and resources....

Bring it on Mr Haq..Lets bring the discussion to its logical conclusion....

Did you find any logical conclusion from any of his thread?

He does not acknowledge your question or answers it. He simply post another story.

Show me any of his thread has any conclusion.

Are you thinking of gaining knowledge and resource by debating with thread starter. We all here due to our spare time.
You Indians can argue but your posts have no value in the real world. U.S. still supports Pakistan and not India.

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