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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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That moment when you see meek submissive Tamil talks about military and political power! :rolleyes:

Going with the level of Sanskritization in India, I have no doubt in few years Tamil Nadu is to be renamed as Rakshasa Nadu or the land of monsters, the historical name for the Tamils.

There is no comparison to the Sanghis when it comes to anti-Muslim inferiority complex and jealousy. I'm actually sympathetic towards then, afterall, India's is dominated by slavery and 800 years of subjugation by the Muslim rulers are enough to create that perennial inferiority complex in their DNA.

And for Tamils, the level of inferiority complex is even higher. Of course, the brutal skin-tone based racism by the North Indians has some role.

Bottom of the south asian totem pole.
Never knew Chinese members were so anti muslim
Never knew Chinese members were so anti muslim

Nah, it is just a couple of uneducated Chinese bigots that is all. Most of the rest are fine.

China's educated leaders know that their destiny is with the Muslim world.

Bottom of the south asian totem pole.

Hit the nail on the head there.
All China has to do is remotely detonate the training subs they gave to BD and watch BD people flood their country with tears....given how much BD ppl emotionally invest into the smallest of trinkets because they come from position of zero.
Though, for now the Chinese two subs in Bd is making the entire Indian nation cry loudly.
Well done !!!:tup::tup:

Truth hurts, no wonder that BD is the most backward and poorest place in ASIA!

China-509, Japan-535, South Korea-1155, BD-26 !!!

Heh look China is behind Japan and way behind South Korea:lol:
Among the East Asian countries China is one of the worst.
Well done !!!:tup::tup:

Truth hurts, no wonder that BD is the most backward and poorest place in ASIA!

China-509, Japan-535, South Korea-1155, BD-26 !!!


Dude - you do know that BD only became independent in 1971?
Pakistan and India achieved independence in 1947 while Myanmar did it in 1948.
Give BD an extra 2 decades and it will be far, far, far ahead of any of the above 3 by miles.

Please do not take it personally that China has been picked up on it's defence of a barbaric Barman state. No one forced China to support them in the first place.
Well done !!!:tup::tup:

Truth hurts, no wonder that BD is the most backward and poorest place in ASIA!

China-509, Japan-535, South Korea-1155, BD-26 !!!


Indeed China has been quite an inspiration. You were very fortunate to have Deng Xiaoping, he did some great reforms in his tenure that India still has not done. It led to great increase in credit to China private sector and overall quality liquidity in the 90s that fuelled historically the largest construction boom world has ever seen....this drove the steel use (and other basic materials) for large part. Deng pragmatically and sustainably operationalised Mao's (more emotion drive) dream you can say (quite ironic if you know their own interactions and histories).

Much also (esp later) come from the export boom of China (just like Japan and South Korea)...i.e finished steel that is exported as form of products (ships, white goods, rolled steel etc) rather than consumed internally...so net steel consumption ratio I suppose would be lower than lower exporting countries in say South Asia....but definitely it has been successful model for mercantile superpower China and East Asia more generally. I think China is the last country to do this at the level it has done, I think door will close after. India probably has to rely on its internal market more + whatever gaps/demands it can take externally and also services which is a promising field in 21st century. It will be slower compared to Chinese model overall, but we waited 100s of years already for fortune to change (stagnation and preying upon by outsiders), so its fast compared to that. Best of luck to both our ancient societies.
WTF is going on here? Can you guys be mature?

In my opionion. China should definnitely develop better relationship with bangladesh.I just hope one day Rohingya issue can be solved peacefully

Heh look China is behind Japan and way behind South Korea:lol:
Among the East Asian countries China is one of the worst.
Actually the world steel industry is suffering from over overcapacity for many years (If you noticed china is doing a better job than SK and japan in reducing steel production capacity recent years.)That‘s why China came out with OBOR, China-BD realationship would not be interfered by these low level trolls
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Not what your great great great great.... granny said to the Chola army as she did what your compatriot here describes you still doing:

TopCat said:
BD just spread her leg more as it were raped.

You see, she was at the bottom of some other pole, you owe what little brain you have to our Chola forefathers....sorry we couldn't stick around longer to fully rescue you lot genetically/intellectually/(insert long list of BD inferiority complex here)....just like PA and IA couldnt more recently for your 20th century big achievement.

Now get back to another year of producing literally 0 vehicles for population of 170 million (just like the 0 patents at USPTO)....worlds biggest country to achieve both (among other worthy lists like 0 olympic medals).... you see intelligence counts for a lot these days. We (all that are not BDees) see the enduring result in this very subforum.

Your a class act Dravidian.

Like I said bottom of the totem pole.
IFR 2017
WTF is going on here? Can you guys be mature?

In my opionion. China should definnitely develop better relationship with bangladesh.I just hope one day Rohingya issue can be solved peacefully

Actually the world steel industry is suffering from over overcapacity for many years (If you noticed china is doing a better job than SK and japan in reducing steel production capacity recent years.)That‘s why China came out with OBOR, China-BD realationship would not be interfered by these low level trolls

Hear hear!

I knew there were sane people in China. :-)

Most of the Muslim bigots in Chinese name have to be Myanmarese trolls, false flaggers as they are.

M 845P 155 mm howitzer of Myanmar in action.

View attachment 439540

Stop showing BS pictures.

This is your opponent you fight with - 12 year old Karen kids. End of story.

Is the one in the back smoking a joint?


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