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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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China proposes China-Myanmar economic corridor
By Zhang Hui Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/20

Keep on dreaming of doing something good by Myanmar, the racist country of Asia. It will take no less than a trillion years for the Burmese to learn how to develop their native country. China can take the Burma horse to the pond, but Burma will not be able to drink water however China tries. Keep on dreaming.

How about leasing 1/3rd of Burma to BD and the remaining 2/3rd to China. It will be good impetus for Burma. These two neighbors will develop your country.
Their language is the most filthy on this forum, just look at the words they used to attack others. It may has something to do with their living condition.

You are a proven anti-Muslim on a Muslim forum.
I guess that as you are Chinese, the moderators have not banned you yet.

Now can you go away unless you have something to add to the topic that is on the comparison between the military strength of BD and Myanmar?

PS - Myanmar is less developed than BD and it's GDP/Capita is only equal to BD's due to exports of natural resources like gas, timber etc. BD may not be that developed but it is a good decade ahead of Myanmar in economic development.
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You are a proven anti-Muslim on a Muslim forum.
I guess that as you are Chinese, the moderators have not banned you yet.

Now can you go away unless you have someone to add to the topic that is on the comparison between the military strength of BD and Myanmar?

PS - Myanmar is less developed than BD and it's GDP/Capita is only equal to BD's due to exports of natural resources like gas, timber etc. BD may not be that developed but it is a good decade ahead of Myanmar in economic development.
You have liberty to guess.

But I have never used the word ''Muslim''.

Are you saying that this forum is only for Muslims?
You have liberty to guess.

But I have never used the word ''Muslim''.

Are you saying that this forum is only for Muslims?

I was replying to that anti-Muslim bigot @pher and not you.

This forum is open to anyone but people who are bigoted against Muslims should not be here IMO.

Anyway it was funny him saying to @Aung Zaya that BD is primitive, when BD is a good decade ahead of Myanmar in economic development. Myanmar is still a little behind BD in GDP/capita even though it gets many billions of dollars a year in revenue from natural gas exports.
@Nabil365 @Species guys what do you expect from @dy1022 annd @pher ? these guys have come out of glorious opium history :lol: don't go to their low level :rolleyes:
if you check burmese ppl @Aung Zaya, live on drugs money like yaba including their military personnel. so surely they relate to each other and this describe their notorious behavior

I have met many Chinese working here in Chittagong and they are nice people, very friendly and they get along quite well with Bangladeshis. Even in this forum, we have got many knowledgeable Chinese posters like Wanglaokan, Shotgunner, AndrewJin from whom I have learned a lot. It's just that the Chinese posters in this thread are mostly less educated trolls while some are actually quite anti-Islamic which is new to me. However, we shouldn't generalize them.

And Burma? Lol, they are already having a hard time fighting some ill-equipped separatist groups, it's quite funny to see them talking about fighting a professional military like Bangladesh. :lol:

We should just consider it a satellite state of Chine, nothing more.
Please change your flag to Myanmar flag. It is obvious where your allegiance lies.

@django you are really an Indian "sanghi" and these chinese folks here are really Burmese...coz BD STRONK and BILAL SEZ SO :P

BD have too many choices and choose to play India+China in left hand, to play USA/Japan+China in right hand, they thought BD was,is and will always be the center of the world, Everyone should just give what they ask for it, some of their so called elites(of course living abord) still suggest that BD should keep playing this kind of game.

When something suddenly happened, they are asking "why is this, why is that? etc... blablabla..."

@Nilgiri @Aung Zaya @pher @Chinese-Dragon @chengdusudise

The more a country truly lacks in something, the more we see this phenomenon of fantasizing (its regional issue, but seems to be extra bad for BD).

BD has near 0 military and power projection so there is biggest "room" for its defense types to occupy their time with what "could be" and "should be" rather than what can be and what is.

It sad because their country need something big time on the ground not their "best and brightest" to be arguing over fantasies and theories.

If you look at history of Bengal, you see it all too often again and again. They good at poetry and dreams, not very good at wielding military and political power.
Chinese posters in this thread are mostly less educated trolls while some are actually quite anti-Islamic which is new to me.


I wonder what a person is doing in a forum mostly put up and populated by Islamic people then?

I have a near-100% conviction that these are just inferiority-complex ridden Myanmar false-flagger trolls - they are the number one Muslim haters along with uneducated butthurt jealous Sanghi uglies from India.

China has Muslims too - they are quite well integrated into Chinese society. I should know - I am pretty close to tons of Chinese Muslims locally at the mosque, I patronize all their local restaurants too - being Halal. So do all the local Middle Eastern and Pakistani communities. There is no 'Anti-Muslim' Chinese, most people in China care only about one thing, MONEY. MONEY knows no ideology, no religion, no color (except green :-)).

Tell all of these hater amateurs and noobs to get lost. No sense wasting precious time with these uglies from both our right and left flanks.
@chengdusudise The Indian Navy will personally escort PLN to bengledesh and join in. Maybe Pakistan's Navy wants to come too.

Honestly PLAN is way overkill, any navy would be....even a coastguard is.

All China has to do is remotely detonate the training subs they gave to BD and watch BD people flood their country with tears....given how much BD ppl emotionally invest into the smallest of trinkets because they come from position of zero.

I have a near-100% conviction that these are just inferiority-complex ridden Myanmar false-flagger trolls - they are the number one Muslim haters along with uneducated butthurt jealous Sanghi uglies from India.

Your salty tears taste so good :D
Same as your Roy brothers !

How pity


strengths of Myanmar

China proposes China-Myanmar economic corridor

By Zhang Hui Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/20

Project to enhance ties with Myanmar
China has proposed building an economic corridor with Myanmar to further enhance bilateral pragmatic cooperation, with observers saying the corridor could maximize revenue for both countries and contribute to the stability of Myanmar and the China-Myanmar border.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced Sunday China's proposal to build the economic corridor at a press conference with Myanmar's State Counselor and Foreign Minister Aung San Suu Kyi following their talks, and stressed that the two countries have a great potential for cooperation as their economies are highly complementary.

The economic corridor, which would help Myanmar's development plan and needs, will start in China's Yunnan Province, extend to the central Myanmar city of Mandalay, and then east to Yangon and west to the Kyaukpyu special economic zone, forming a three-pillar giant cooperation pattern, Wang said, adding that the proposal will further develop China-Myanmar cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative.

The corridor, which connects both Myanmar's core economic zone and its less-developed western part, could balance development across the country, Song Qingrun, a research fellow at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

Due to its location between China and Southeast Asia, Myanmar serves as an important intersection for China's Belt and Road initiative. The establishment of the corridor will allow China to access the Indian Ocean more conveniently, Gu Xiaosong, head of Southeast Asian Studies at the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

"The corridor could help ease Myanmar's conflict and ensure stability along the border between China and Myanmar by providing greater employment and better living standards for Myanmar people," said Chen Fengying, another research fellow at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

At the press conference, China's top diplomat also expressed support for Myanmar's peace process.

Wang said that the plan should consider Myanmar's most urgent needs and start from projects that Myanmar needs most and gradually achieve mutual benefits.

Myanmar needs infrastructure and electric power projects, Gu said, adding that the two countries enjoy enhanced cooperation in energy with the building of oil and gas pipelines.

The two countries agreed to start operating a $1.5 billion pipeline in April, which allows China to import oil through the Bay of Bengal, which has an estimated capacity of 22 million tons of crude oil per year.

Trade between Myanmar and China amounted to over $5.5 billion in the first half of the fiscal year, the Global New Light of Myanmar reported.

"The proposed corridor will not be exclusive, and its future projects will also seek cooperation from other countries including the US, Japan and India which have exerted their influence on Myanmar in many areas," Song said.

Wang said China proposed a three-phase solution to help settle the issue in Myanmar's Rakhine state. Some 800,000Rohingyas in all have fled Myanmar since 2012, according to UN officials.

Three-phase solution

The first phase is to achieve a ceasefire so residents are no longer displaced. The ceasefire is now in effect, Wang said.

Second, the international community should encourage Myanmar and Bangladesh to keep communication lines open in a bid to arrive at a feasible solution to the issue, he said. The two countries have reached an initial agreement on repatriating refugees who have fled to Bangladesh.

The third phase is to find a long-term solution. Stressing that poverty is the root cause of the conflict, the Chinese foreign minister called on the international community to support poverty alleviation efforts in Rakhine state.

China is willing to make constructive efforts to contribute to a peaceful resolution and maintain stability and development of Myanmar, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said Monday.

Newspaper headline: Official proposes economic corridor


you may speak better English but your motherland is Fcuked up, a failure nation, even worse than some Sub-Saharan Africans.

Childs from USA and Britain are busy at studying Chinese language right now, Trump's granddaughter, Schools in London, etc...

Speaking in English is not enough in future, and no one wants to learn anything from Bengali's !

How pity


Very Pity!

Enough with the propaganda from the 'New light of Myanmar' which has been lighting Mynamar with lies from the Tatmadaw for decades. :omghaha:

The fact of the matter is - bad-mouthing my country doesn't automatically make you better educated or informed. :lol:

Anyway it was funny him saying to @Aung Zaya that BD is primitive, when BD is a good decade ahead of Myanmar in economic development.
Bold part: A wrong assumption. BD is a $250 billion economy and progressing @7.2% per year, while MM is a $62 billion economy with a little yearly visible progress. Now, they have expelled those Rohingya people, who being Muslim, are hard working. MM agriculture will produce less now because they will not tilt the land in Arakan or fetch fish in the BoB. So, MM will remain behind BD for the next millennium, at least.

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Bold part: A wrong assumption. BD is a $250 billion economy and progressing @7.2% per year, while MM is a $62 billion economy with a little yearly visible progress.

But how much do you actually consume on the ground compared to Burmese? The thing that actually matters rather than what the single digit % trade extrapolation claims on already bad methodology of a LDC (which cannot collapse any portion of its economy to use USD significantly in the first place)?



Of course economic illiterates hate such a truth....borne out on such fundamental things:



Good job consuming per person a little bit more than Yemen (and only in the most recent year too). Bravo LDC bravo.
But how much do you actually consume on the ground compared to Burmese? The thing that actually matters rather than what the single digit % trade extrapolation claims on already bad methodology of a LDC (which cannot collapse any portion of its economy to use USD significantly in the first place)?



Of course economic illiterates hate such a truth....borne out on such fundamental things:



Good job consuming per person a little bit more than Yemen (and only in the most recent year too). Bravo LDC bravo.

Well done !!!:tup::tup:

Truth hurts, no wonder that BD is the most backward and poorest place in ASIA!

China-509, Japan-535, South Korea-1155, BD-26 !!!

That moment when you see meek submissive Tamil talks about military and political power! :rolleyes:

Going with the level of Sanskritization in India, I have no doubt in few years Tamil Nadu is to be renamed as Rakshasa Nadu or the land of monsters, the historical name for the Tamils.

I have a near-100% conviction that these are just inferiority-complex ridden Myanmar false-flagger trolls - they are the number one Muslim haters along with uneducated butthurt jealous Sanghi uglies from India.

There is no comparison to the Sanghis when it comes to anti-Muslim inferiority complex and jealousy. I'm actually sympathetic towards then, afterall, India's is dominated by slavery and 800 years of subjugation by the Muslim rulers are enough to create that perennial inferiority complex in their DNA.

And for Tamils, the level of inferiority complex is even higher. Of course, the brutal skin-tone based racism by the North Indians has some role.
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