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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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This is your opponent you fight with - 12 year old Karen kids. End of story.

Is the one in the back smoking a joint?
lol that was more than 1 decade old pic. this guys are now about 30 years old and not a rebel anymore. :P
Most of the Muslim bigots in Chinese name have to be Myanmarese trolls, false flaggers as they are.
@pher @dy1022 hello bros. nice to see some new Myanmar members . :P
Not gonna join the party here. Just want to ask to DB posters. Why BD army use that kind of Camo? Is there any natural environment that fit into that camo? It feel weird in my eyes. But I'm sure that there should be a tactical reason why they wear that kind of "colorful" camo.
They are not army, but irregular.
New aircrafts inducted to MAF on Air Force Day.(15-12-2017)
6 Yak 130
2 ATR 42 MPA
2 Fokker 70





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& during those 1 decade you guys can't even win against child soldiers. So really what is it about?
lol they all are not child sodiers. it's doesnt matter about win or lose between brothers. and also we do not need to win. More important is they already signed NCA now and no more fight between us.
Russian Defence Minister in Myanmar.
Myanmar Army C in C and Russian Defence Minister discussed possible arms sales including acquisition of Kilo class and marine engines for naval ships.


Corvette 773 of Myanmar Navy.
View attachment 448320

little version of Kyan Sitta, same weapon configuration just two less AShM and lesser displacement than Kyan Sitta.

Russian Defence Minister in Myanmar.
Myanmar Army C in C and Russian Defence Minister discussed possible arms sales including acquisition of Kilo class and marine engines for naval ships.

Good, by time when you will get your first submarine we will order and operate more too. Good luck.
They are not army, but irregular.
Ansar is a kind of Militia irregular. They are trained to act in a partisan war by getting help from both the military and population.
How is this funny thread still running?
What is the military strategy here for BD to win against Myanmar?

Looking at raw data, Bangladesh Army has 160,000 soldiers vs 400,000 of Myanmar Army. In terms of Air Force, Myanmar has the advantage as well. It operates 30 MiG 29's vs Bangladesh's 8 MiG 29's. The rest are defensive old interceptors that cannot be effectively used in offensive strike roles.

Smaller armies beat much larger armies all the time, that's as old as history. But you need effective tools to achieve your objectives. Like how Israeli's beat the Arab armies, but Bangladesh seems to lack the assets needed.

The most effective way to succeed would be pre-emptive air strikes that cripple the MAF, thus giving BAF air superiority. Allowing the Bangladesh army to move in on the back of a Rohingya uprising that snowballs out of control.

But how does BAF plan to do that? You can't do that with just 8 MiG-29's. Some people are saying BAF is buying 12 Su-27's, but even if you include them, for which there is no proof, it wouldn't be enough. You need to launch several sorties day and night. You need to keep airplanes in the air at all times. Some planes would need repairing, some would need maintenance. Some would malfunction and be out of service until spare parts from foreign countries come in. The pilots would need rest. Some planes would surely be shot down. Some pilots would be killed. What does BAF have to fall back on to sustain that constant pressure? 20 planes are certainly not enough.
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