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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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China is still testing and testing their stealth fighters.
Lets see when USA first DEPLOYED theirs,2005.
Its freaking more than a decade already!

Wow that's amazing!

The USA first inducted operational 5th generation fighters in 2005, whereas China took until 2017 to do the same. Currently these are the only two countries that have inducted 5th generation fighters.

Damn, you beat us. That is if you consider Bangladesh = USA.
Mig 29s are for credible threats, not some monkey state like Burma. Arakan Army, Kachin Independence Army, Karen National Liberation Army, Shan State Army are enough to do the job. :D
lol most of them just asked equality what they think they dont get. not independent state. In even this current incident , they already stand with us. some group even stop fighting with Army to focus in bangali Rohingya issue.
secondly , if Myanmar and BD go for war. it wont be long as we both cant afford. just border line gun exchanges and BD can enter a few mile inside before Myanmar force kick them out even at critical state. so dont worry. your dream will never happen. lol :P
A war against Bangladesh will give a free hand to those freedom fighters to declare independence from Myanmar and their military would end up saving their own territorial integrity rather than fighting against Bangladesh.
i dont think fighting with BD in a few day will need to use full-force. plus our ethnic brother asked equality what they think they dont get. not seperated land like bangali rohingya. so sorry for ur dream. :P
According to source, half of their fleet are not in operational condition.
lol. ok ok. whole fleet is not operational. now happy ? lol
after recent tender of BAF for Mig29 upgrade, today's news is Zhuk-AME radar has been offered as part of upgrade.
link ? if the source is BDmilitary again. no need to mention. :partay:
Your number of Mig 29 is lesser than their, meanwhile half of Myanmar Fulcrum had been upgraded.
sis. they will manufacture even fighter jet in near future. and Russia offered TOT of MiG-35 so may be MiG-29 fleet of Myanmar can be neglected for them :help:
Wow that's amazing!

The USA first inducted operational 5th generation fighters in 2005, whereas China took until 2017 to do the same. Currently these are the only two countries that have inducted 5th generation fighters.

Damn, you beat us. That is if you consider Bangladesh = USA.
What is the current radar signature of j20? Nobody knows for sure about j20. Lets field it first and will see.
I dont see any chinese aircraft surpassed the capability of f16 let alone f35 or f22.
My best wishes for you guys but you need to hold the horses sometimes
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Wow that's amazing!

The USA first inducted operational 5th generation fighters in 2005, whereas China took until 2017 to do the same. Currently these are the only two countries that have inducted 5th generation fighters.

Damn, you beat us. That is if you consider Bangladesh = USA.
Ask that to the other Chinese member cause he started to compare BD with China.
lol most of them just asked equality what they think they dont get. not independent state. In even this current incident , they already stand with us. some group even stop fighting with Army to focus in bangali Rohingya issue.
secondly , if Myanmar and BD go for war. it wont be long as we both cant afford. just border line gun exchanges and BD can enter a few mile inside before Myanmar force kick them out even at critical state. so dont worry. your dream will never happen. lol :P

i dont think fighting with BD in a few day will need to use full-force. plus our ethnic brother asked equality what they think they dont get. not seperated land like bangali rohingya. so sorry for ur dream. :P

lol. ok ok. whole fleet is not operational. now happy ? lol

link ? if the source is BDmilitary again. no need to mention. :partay: :help:

no need to lower yourself to argue with that primitive country. Let them rotten in that dead corner. nature and india will take good care of them . What you need is to set up a fence along the border, which by the way you are doing now with the help of China, and then shoot anything moving on spot like india does, everything will be fine. Just taking it as a hunting game for fun.

Yesterday Xi's meet with your army chief already sent a strong message to this region, and you are assured nobody dares to mess with myanmar, even in their dreams.
Indian is doomed to destruction. They already lost indo river region and bangaladesh to muslim and their muslim population are reaching to 200 millions, it it very dangerous for indo civilization, I predict indian civilization will be destroyed by Islam in 100 years.
chinese gov should give enough support to burma、tailand and philipine to deal with this muslim infect
india was ruled by evil muslims for 1000 fukin years.

China has a industrial work force with the skill set for mass manufacturing of defence equipment for countries like Myanmar and Pakistan to sell too and Bangladesh and Malaysia are also keen for it to grab opportunity to buy as well as it is cheaper than Russian equipment and similarly the comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar depend upon the Role of China as an ally to both or just Myanmar as now is the situation ,for all the bravado shown here by Bangla posters it was Bangladesh who was keen on dialogue and Bangladesh recognise as it is now in not a good situation after playing both China and India ,it even doesn't have support of any of them against Myanmar even not of Russia, Russia and China vote against the resolution sponsored by Bangladesh and India and Japan abstained. So much for Bangla diplomacy
Pak unlike india doesnt import 95 percent of its equipment... rather we export.. our defence exports for 2018 are aimed at 1 billion usd.
I see you now fully met the BD hyper nationalist hyper ventilating ppl here on this forum.

They managed to turn me from pro-BD to quite anti-BD on this forum. You tell me this 2 years ago when I joined and I would have laughed at you and said its impossible. They are something else altogether.
no need to lower yourself to argue with that primitive country. Let them rotten in that dead corner. nature and india will take good care of them . What you need is to set up a fence along the border, which by the way you are doing now with the help of China, and then shoot anything moving on spot like india does, everything will be fine. Just taking it as a hunting game for fun.

Yesterday Xi's meet with your army chief already sent a strong message to this region, and you are assured nobody dares to mess with myanmar, even in their dreams.
why so much hate for BD? We can remember what happened in Tiananmen square where the Chinese fired upon and killed many thousands of protesting Chinese youth. Burma is just following the Chinese way of brutality. China nad Burma is like a bad father and a good son.
no need to lower yourself to argue with that primitive country. Let them rotten in that dead corner. nature and india will take good care of them . What you need is to set up a fence along the border, which by the way you are doing now with the help of China, and then shoot anything moving on spot like india does, everything will be fine. Just taking it as a hunting game for fun.

Yesterday Xi's meet with your army chief already sent a strong message to this region, and you are assured nobody dares to mess with myanmar, even in their dreams.

Please change your flag to Myanmar flag. It is obvious where your allegiance lies.

let them be, that is the post-syndrome of colonization.

You must be talking about your country Myanmar, which was colonized by the British for ages, then you begged the Japanese in WWII to become your new colonial masters.
Myanmar military always maintain good relation with big power neighbours.


The Myanmar Army is to acquire China-made SY-400 short-range precision-attack ballistic missile systems.

China official calling SY-400 missile system as a guided artillery rocket system, hence it is not limited by 300 km range export restrictions.

The SY-400 system in standard configuration has eight containers with solid fuel missiles. Missiles are factory-fitted into these containers and can be stored for years and do not require additional maintenance. Missiles are launched vertically and have a range of about 400 km. The SY-400 can use different types of warheads.

The surface-to-surface missile system, equipped with BP-12A surface-to-surface missile and SY-400 rocket projectile, can pierce through eight targets at the same time, which is much more preciser and powerful than normal artillery. It’s firing range is almost a dozen longer than that of the artillery.

“The rocket projectile is capable of conducting intensive firing in a relatively large area, but the surface-to-surface missile can hit precisely the targets with high value. A dual shooting, which combines the advantages of the two weapons, will improve the efficiency of the new missile system,” said Tang Kehui, missile expert, the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.

In addition to its powerful firing, the new missile system also has another feature: flexibility. Each missile vehicle can both shoot and retreat in a short time.

Missiles are fitted with GPS/INS guidance system. They are steered to the intended target in the initial flight phase by four control surfaces and stabilizing fins. Missile uses low lowering rate to extend the range. Multiple missiles can be aimed at different targets.








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