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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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i think it wont be long if China really want.

China can also expand its carriers fleet in short time according to its shipyards' capacity. building one AC in 2 years is quite impressive. if China really want them in hurry , 2 AC in 2 years.? who know..? even in current rate , PLAN can create an AC strike group in 3 or 4 years.
You think chinese carrier will go to war for Myanmar.. You are dreaming dude. Just look at North Korea.
You think chinese carrier will go to war for Myanmar.. You are dreaming dude. Just look at North Korea.
nope. why do we need to think about .? we dont go war with any other countries. we dont have enemy. see in current incident. only possible potential threat in future is BD and we can handle it without external help. :P

I dont think MM has any option. BD has plenty of options.
nope. why do we need to think about .? we dont go war with any other countries. we dont have enemy. see in current incident. only possible potential threat in future is BD and we can handle it without external help. :P
You better pay more attention to your internal war among yourselves and kill more of your kind. In the meantime, repatriate all the Rohingyas.
I think Rohingya issue has destabilized Bangladesh to very large extent and with the new deal those will become Bangladeshi soon after , rule of awami league is over and BNP is coming ,it's obvious and with that Bangladesh dream of a short war with Myanmar is over ,there won't be a war ,BNP will start another dialogue with Myanmar like it has been for decades
You mean F22 who kill more american pilots than its' enemy?:woot::woot::woot:

J20 is already in service with 2015+ up to date tecs, not 2000 out dated tecs !

BTW, you are just a BDsh who settle in Singapore which dominated by Chinese bloods, Why you keep talking about USA and China?

you should back to topic
Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar
dont force them. bro :P
items already running out to compare with MM. they only have ' dreaming lists news like we will buy Su-35 or Russia offer TOT o MiG-35s '. nothing in hand to compare.
I think Rohingya issue has destabilized Bangladesh to very large extent and with the new deal those will become Bangladeshi soon after , rule of awami league is over and BNP is coming ,it's obvious and with that Bangladesh dream of a short war with Myanmar is over ,there won't be a war ,BNP will start another dialogue with Myanmar like it has been for decades

Not at all. Rohingyas will start go back in 2 months time. All are biometrically registered with photo ids.
only possible potential threat in future is BD and we can handle it without external help. :P

And in the process, get ripped into 20 pieces, would be fun to see new countries in Arakan, Karen, Kachin, Shan. :D
dont force them. bro :P
items already running out to compare with MM. they only have ' dreaming lists news like we will buy Su-35 or Russia offer TOT o MiG-35s '. nothing in hand to compare.
We are not burma, go and buy some stuffs with no knowledge, or build a carrier which cant even take a storm.
You better pay more attention to your internal war among yourselves and kill more of your kind. In the meantime, repatriate all the Rohingyas.
dont worry we can handle ourselves. but last time , it took around 5 or 6 years to repatriate all 180k bangali rohingyas. now do u think how much time is needed to repatriate ? add the time again as we need to filter the terrorists ?

And in the process, get ripped into 20 pieces, would be fun to see new countries in Arakan, Karen, Kachin, Shan. :D
lol so how ? with 4 MiG-29 ? :rofl:
Comparative strength between Bd and Myanmar, industrial base, economic front, number of population is Bd advantage. Myanmar only hold advantage in military strength, like number of hardware and military personil. Bd got more civillian institution is working and order keep in place compared to Myanmar. Bd got more infrastructure in place and working at some level (reach most population) compared to much neglected Myanmar as a whole (i dont talking about large empty roads and building blocks in new capital).
We are not burma, go and buy some stuffs with no knowledge, or build a carrier which cant even take a storm.
yes. only BD generals have knowledge. no need ToT. more deals , more money. i agreeed they're really smart. :P
Comparative strength between Bd and Myanmar, industrial base, economic front, number of population is Bd advantage. Myanmar only hold advantage in military strength, like number of hardware and military personil. Bd got more civillian institution is working and order keep in place compared to Myanmar. Bd got more infrastructure in place and working at some level (reach most population) compared to much neglected Myanmar as a whole (i dont talking about large empty roads and building blocks in new capital).
this thread is just for fun. sis :P agreed to ur opinion. but dont worry. we dont go war at any time. see BD cant cancel even rice deals with Myanmar. so war is impossible. just relax and have fun with us.

oh yes, your screw driving TOT at best :D
dont worry we can handle ourselves. but last time , it took around 5 or 6 years to repatriate all 180k bangali rohingyas. now do u think how much time is needed to repatriate ? add the time again as we need to filter the terrorists ?

lol so how ? with 4 MiG-29 ? :rofl:

Mig 29s are for credible threats, not some monkey state like Burma. Arakan Army, Kachin Independence Army, Karen National Liberation Army, Shan State Army are enough to do the job. :D
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Mig 29s are for credible threats, not some monkey state like Burma. Arakan Army, Kachin Independence Army, Karen National Liberation Army, Shan State Army are enough to do the job. :D

Your number of Mig 29 is lesser than their, meanwhile half of Myanmar Fulcrum had been upgraded.
Your number of Mig 29 is lesser than their, meanwhile half of Myanmar Fulcrum had been upgraded.

It's not only the number of toys that decides the fate of a belligerent, a lot of other factors also come into the scene. Myanmar has been fighting a multi-front civil war for decades. A war against Bangladesh will give a free hand to those freedom fighters to declare independence from Myanmar and their military would end up saving their own territorial integrity rather than fighting against Bangladesh.

Our main threat is India, not Myanmar.
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