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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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great idea indeed. ha ha :P i must say they dont even know what their position is. :P

lol if we move , China dont even need BD to control BoB and Indian Ocean. great luck for BD is our policy will be neutral , just friend no enemy. it's different with BD who think of both their neigbhours are enemies plus historical former brother called Pakistan as well.

they dont care what people think of but what their gov do.even whole forum know Hasina is pro China or pro India. on the other hand , China might think Myanmar can give Southern Sea exit for China's Landlock states which is also main safe path for their oil and gas import and it can also used to balance power in BoB. 3 targets in one shot. no need to consider about BD role in whole process.

Nature of Rohingya crisis not up to Washington to define
By Ai Jun Source:Global Times Published: 2017/11/23 22:53:39

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claimed in a written statement Wednesday that "the situation in northern Rakhine state constitutes ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya." Ethnic cleansing, according to the definition of a UN commission of experts, means "a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas." Leveling such an accusation causes a worldwide sensation. The question is whether the US can define the nature of the crisis.

The root cause of the Rohingya crisis lies in the historical conflicts between Buddhist and Muslim communities in Rakhine state. After deadly attacks by so-called Rohingya Arsa militants in October last year, Myanmar launched a military crackdown in the region. The operation was aimed at terrorists.

Nay Pyi Taw has been coping with the turmoil. As long as the government continues to govern, only it can be counted on for the final and thorough resolution of the current crisis, not the US.

The ASEAN Chairman's Statement of the 31st ASEAN Summit offered no description of the alleged persecution the local people are suffering. All it said about the crisis was a number of ASEAN leaders encourage Myanmar to "take immediate steps to end the violence in Rakhine … (and) address the refugee problem through verification process" and support the Myanmar government in its efforts to promote harmony and reconciliation between the various communities.

This is a signal that ASEAN does not welcome interference in Myanmar's domestic affairs by outside forces. The last thing it wants is to witness Myanmar fall apart. That's why ASEAN accepted Nay Pyi Taw's entry into the bloc in 1997 despite pressure from the West not to do so.

US sanctions toward Myanmar from 1988 to 2016 were not aimed at Myanmar, but to enlarge Washington's own strategic influence in the area by giving support to pro-US forces. However, the approach severely deteriorated the living conditions of the ordinary people of Myanmar.

When Rwandan suffered from genocide over a decade ago, the US was among the first countries to receive the information. But then US secretary of state Warren Christopher decided not to use the word "genocide," because once it was designated as such, the US was obligated to abide by the UN Convention to adopt a rescue operation.

Yet when the Darfur region of western Sudan was plagued by war, the US hide behind NGOs and attempted to link the genocide there to the Beijing Olympic Games.

Rohingya Muslims need a solution, not a definition. For Myanmar's residents, what they desire is stability, not more chaos and disturbance.

stupid ,if you harm chinese interest we can return you 100 times
I dont know if you are real chinese... BD is far away from China and you have negative capability in BoB. It will not be fun for Chinese in this pond for sure. You better take care of yellow sea or south china sea.
China as well as MM hurt BD interest and you better take those Rohingya shit away from us or your BoB dream will be in shutter. Your leaders understand this better than you.
I dont know if you are real chinese... BD is far away from China and you have negative capability in BoB. It will not be fun for Chinese in this pond for sure. You better take care of yellow sea or south china sea.
China as well as MM hurt BD interest and you better take those Rohingya shit away from us or your BoB dream will be in shutter. Your leaders understand this better than you.

BD Stronk!!!
@pher @Chinese-Dragon @Nilgiri
Peace role in Myanmar sought
By AN BAIJIE | China Daily | Updated: 2017-11-25 06:47
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, president of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, greets Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of Myanmar's Defense Services, before their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday. FENG YONGBIN/CHINA DAILY

China would like to play a constructive role in Myanmar's domestic peace process and safeguard the safety and stability of the border region, President Xi Jinping said on Friday.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks while meeting with Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of Myanmar's Defense Services, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

China respects the sovereignty of Myanmar and pays strong attention to Myanmar's domestic peace process, Xi said.

Noting that the traditional friendship between the two sides has a long history, Xi called for joint efforts with Myanmar to enhance strategic communication and to take each other's major concerns into consideration.

The military relations between the two countries are at the best level in their history, Xi said, adding that China supports military exchanges and cooperation with Myanmar.

The CPC's 19th National Congress has provided the blueprint for China's economic and social development, which will not only inject powerful impetus into China's development, but also bring new opportunities for other countries, including Myanmar, to cooperate with China, Xi said.

Min Aung Hlaing congratulated Xi on the success of the CPC's 19th National Congress as well as Xi's re-election as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

He expressed gratitude for China's long-term support toward the national and military development of Myanmar and its support for Myanmar's peace process.

Myanmar would like to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative and enhance cooperation in all areas with China, he added.
I dont know if you are real chinese... BD is far away from China and you have negative capability in BoB. It will not be fun for Chinese in this pond for sure. You better take care of yellow sea or south china sea.
China as well as MM hurt BD interest and you better take those Rohingya shit away from us or your BoB dream will be in shutter. Your leaders understand this better than you.
just one 055 destroyer can send whole bangaldesh to hell:omghaha: if you harm our interest I m sure we will react. becareful or you will just like the perish of the Sri lanka Tiger
just one 055 destroyer can send whole bangaldesh to hell:omghaha: if you harm our interest I m sure we will react. becareful or you will just like the perish of the Sri lanka Tiger

You are a very wise and mature individual.
just one 055 destroyer can send whole bangaldesh to hell:omghaha: if you harm our interest I m sure we will react. becareful or you will just like the perish of the Sri lanka Tiger
So chinese must be turd to contain USA?
Cause USA have 11 carrier strike group and how many china have how many again?

stupid ,if you harm chinese interest we can return you 100 times
How many times Vietnam hurt you again?
just one 055 destroyer can send whole bangaldesh to hell:omghaha: if you harm our interest I m sure we will react. becareful or you will just like the perish of the Sri lanka Tiger
I am sure Indian Navy will give you a standing ovation in BoB.
The reality of the situation is that Bangladesh is of course a poor, weak country.

However, what Myanmar did was an indirect hostile act towards Bangladesh.

Note who is supporting who in this. Whatever their reasons may be.

Bangladesh has interests too. It is a peaceful nation, whose main focus is on human development, economic growth, improved healthcare, and building up infrastructure. There is much work to be done in that respect.

What did Myanmar think was going to happen when they initiated their "clearance operation"? Not a single fcuk was given as to how it would affect Bangladesh. Similarly China has her reasons for supporting Myanmar.

Unfortunately, I really can't see what options Bangladesh has in any of this. There is very little real support for its position.

The ultimate losers of course are the Rohingya. I have heard stories from my colleague who just returned from a medical mission in Cox's Bazaar. These people arnt making this up. I've seen private photos of people (children and women) who simply looked shell shocked. There is a special place in hell for the people responsible for this.
The ultimate losers of course are the Rohingya. I have heard stories from my colleague who just returned from a medical mission in Cox's Bazaar. These people arnt making this up. I've seen private photos of people (children and women) who simply looked shell shocked. There is a special place in hell for the people responsible for this.
This is the ultimate destination of weak and meek. Are you surprised?
This is the ultimate destination of weak and meek. Are you surprised?

No unfortunately not. I was one of those who wanted to continue to neglect the armed forces in favor of other priorities.

But I think the time has come to develop the armed forces. To be in this position vis a vis Burma is BEYOND pathetic.
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