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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Your number of Mig 29 is lesser than their, meanwhile half of Myanmar Fulcrum had been upgraded.
it is not how many you have, it is about how many are operational.
According to source, half of their fleet are not in operational condition.
and yes 10 of its fleet have been upgraded but what upgrade ? here is the details
this same upgrade was offered to Bangladesh at cost of $100million USD few years ago but BD denied.
after recent tender of BAF for Mig29 upgrade, today's news is Zhuk-AME radar has been offered as part of upgrade.
Bangladesh Air Force will be supplied with Zhuk AME radar. It can track up to 30 targets and can simultaneously attack up to six aerial targets and has detection range up to 260 km, which is improvement of 50% compared with previously developed variants of the Zhuk radar. Its weight is about 100 kg.

বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনীর MiG-29B যুদ্ধবিমানে রাশিয়ার নির্মিত অত্যাধুনিক Zhuk-AME রাডার ব্যবহার করা হবে। এটি একসাথে ৩০ টি টার্গেট শনাক্ত করতে পারে এবং একই সাথে ৬ টি টার্গেটে হামলা করতে পারে। এই রাডারের রেঞ্জ ২৬০কিমি এবং একই Zhuk সিরিজের অন্য রাডারের চেয়ে ৫০% উন্নত। রাডারের ওজন প্রায় ১০০ কেজি।
This is the point. India does function as that too, and this is the credit should be given to them.

Bravo, you just hit the bull's eye!!!
Indian is doomed to destruction. They already lost indo river region and bangaladesh to muslim and their muslim population are reaching to 200 millions, it it very dangerous for indo civilization, I predict indian civilization will be destroyed by Islam in 100 years.
chinese gov should give enough support to burma、tailand and philipine to deal with this muslim infect
Yeah the rule of Muslim for 800 years couldn't destroy it but few rag tag Bengali Muslims will ?
Core of Indian civilization is in the hand of Muslim. Dalits, south Indian and punjabis dont count.
The tribals especially Bodo tribals in Assam and Tripura tribals in Tripura have killed more than 100000
since 1980 these are govt figures but not a single tribal have been stood in trial because govt wants it not to stop and that was a time of congress but even now BJP in power these all process will gain more momentum ,
That just prove India is a banana repubic not worth of conquering.

Hindus and tribal are combine more than 900 million so there is no demography challenge as in Europe but we want Bengali moslim free North and northeast India , hopefully BJP will do it next 5 years
Tribes will be far safter under BD flags. We will give them the security they need from the onslaught of Bengalis/Biharis and South Indians in NE.
Tribes are christian by the way. They care more for Korea than India
Core of Indian civilization is in the hand of Muslim. Dalits, south Indian and punjabis dont count.


That just prove India is a banana repubic not worth of conquering.

Tribes will be far safter under BD flags. We will give them the security they need from the onslaught of Bengalis/Biharis and South Indians in NE.
Tribes are christian by the way. They care more for Korea than India
Yeah Bangladesh first need to perform a free and fair elections,Bangla boys have a fetish of taking over north east as it will bring low the highest population density in the world but if it was that easy even east Pakistan would have taken over when the insurgency was it's highest levels let alone Bangladesh but first Bangladesh need to worry about let's say their only tourism place Cox bazaar being taken over by your cousin Rohingya

you killed 100000 since 1980s? I m sure they at least increased 1 million at the same period, the only means to deal with this situation is Hitler's gas chamber:hitwall:
you indian will destroyed by muslim

i dont give a damn to this ,we chinese arent proud of good english skills
Maybe you should start learning it cause
this ain't a chinese forum.
Anyway most Chinese member here are able to use proper English.
Maybe you just lack proper education.
China has a industrial work force with the skill set for mass manufacturing of defence equipment for countries like Myanmar and Pakistan to sell too and Bangladesh and Malaysia are also keen for it to grab opportunity to buy as well as it is cheaper than Russian equipment and similarly the comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar depend upon the Role of China as an ally to both or just Myanmar as now is the situation ,for all the bravado shown here by Bangla posters it was Bangladesh who was keen on dialogue and Bangladesh recognise as it is now in not a good situation after playing both China and India ,it even doesn't have support of any of them against Myanmar even not of Russia, Russia and China vote against the resolution sponsored by Bangladesh and India and Japan abstained. So much for Bangla diplomacy
I can only pity at the current situation of Bangladesh now Even the USA doesn't want to impose sanctions on Myanmar ,it was given acc to many Bangla posters ,I think Bangladesh can emerge as a civilized nation when it imposes control of population and stops it's open Border policy
What Bangladesh has achieved as a single ethnic group other than denying tribals like chakmas their own indigenous land and highest human density in a country if ethnicity was a trait of nations which is a western idea than Korea would be reunited and as well as west Bengal and Bangladesh would be one nation so would be Singapore and Malaysia but it's the ideology and the will of the people that defines nation and we ofcourse know that Myanmar has great nationalism propagated by Great Buddhist leader Wirathu
So, despite killing so many Muslims, their ratio to the total population keeps increasing. Seems like there is something wrong in the area between the two legs of you lot.

No wonder every time you people try to approach a girl, you are accused of rape! After all, your women deserves better than you effeminate lot! :lol:

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