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Commander: IRGC Will Destroy 35 US Bases in Region if Attacked

Arian said:
any more and Russia and China are in Iran's side? LOL.
I wouldn't see Russia and China on your side. They didn't veto sanctions on you, and even supported them. Russia even refused to sell the S-300 system to you guys.
About the US bases, if you attack those bases these countries will join the war on US side. Besides, you guys seem to forget nukes option. USA can nuke Iran back to stone age.
Good luck, the more you try to push, the harder the hammer will come down.
I wouldn't see Russia and China on your side. They didn't veto sanctions on you, and even supported them. Russia even refused to sell the S-300 system to you guys.
About the US bases, if you attack those bases these countries will join the war on US side. Besides, you guys seem to forget nukes option. USA can nuke Iran back to stone age.

Genius, read what I had said earlier. Russia and China are indeed in our side, or at the least, they aren't against us like 30 years ago. That does make a big difference. Also, taking into consideration the changes we witness in the Kremlin, Russia looks to be more determined to face the USA than before. About sanctions, they didn't veto it, but actually they helped Iran by it to some extents. The Chinese helped Iran bypass the sanctions easily and also bought time for Iran by passing the resolution. So far, Syria is up and you could see Chinese-Russian-Iranian convergent interests in there, it's very unlikely that it changes anytime soon. Moreover, Iran is Russia's indirect neighbor through the Caspian sea, so Russia won't let Iran easily fall into the hands of the Americans. About China, Iran's alliance with China is vital for them because sooner or later we'll see more Chinese-Iranian energy co-operations and China will need Iran to use Afghanistan for her interests. Iran is the vital player in the Middle East for Russia and China.
Nuke option is never an option any longer. They could scare the **** out of people like you by it, but any sane person knows that nuclear weapons will not be used in such wars in any predictable time.

Good luck, the more you try to push, the harder the hammer will come down.

Which hammer precisely?
Threats are made by those who feel they are the weaker side.

What is the need for saber ratting ?

If the balloon goes up as they say and the shooting war starts its each man for himself.

He must also be prepared for the consequences - this applies to all sides.

Till then ... relax.
... In all honesty, your republicans and neocons are no different than our mullahs and conservatives. You guys are like two sides of the same coin. Extreme, religious to the bone, hell bent on conflict etc...

You don't have a CLUE. Republicans aren't anything CLOSE to the islamofascist mullahs and your Supreme leader, or whatever you call him. Who voted for your mullahs and 'supreme leader' ? Did you ?
Genius, read what I had said earlier. Russia and China are indeed in our side, or at the least, they aren't against us like 30 years ago. That does make a big difference. Also, taking into consideration the changes we witness in the Kremlin, Russia looks to be more determined to face the USA than before. About sanctions, they didn't veto it, but actually they helped Iran by it to some extents. The Chinese helped Iran bypass the sanctions easily and also bought time for Iran by passing the resolution. So far, Syria is up and you could see Chinese-Russian-Iranian convergent interests in there, it's very unlikely that it changes anytime soon. Moreover, Iran is Russia's indirect neighbor through the Caspian sea, so Russia won't let Iran easily fall into the hands of the Americans. About China, Iran's alliance with China is vital for them because sooner or later we'll see more Chinese-Iranian energy co-operations and China will need Iran to use Afghanistan for her interests. Iran is the vital player in the Middle East for Russia and China.
Nuke option is never an option any longer. They could scare the **** out of people like you by it, but any sane person knows that nuclear weapons will not be used in such wars in any predictable time.

Which hammer precisely?
Actually I don't see how Russia and China are with you when they're neutral as you just stated. If Russia is really determined to face the USA, then why don't they help their buddy Iran? Why don't they veto the sanctions, and give you guys advanced weaponry?
About nukes option, how isn't really an option any longer? It isn't an option when you have ICBM's with nuclear warheads capable of targeting the US. And you have no nukes, neither short nor long ranges.
You're not better than the Japanese, a couple of atomic bombs aren't out of the option. And more can follow.
Exactly, Americans and their supporters can think only in "direct battle" terms where US would beat Iran, they cannot even comprehend there are also asymmetric and guerrilla warfare, despite of many examples from the history.

One of the best and most advanced militaries in the World from Israel couldnt beat a couple thousand of Iran trained and armed fighters. US is maybe 10x stronger than Israel, but Iran is thousands of times stronger than Hezbollah, and yet US fanboys thinks Iran wont be much of a struggle, even though whole NATO couldnt beat caveman's in Afghanistan, yet they think Iran will be easy? :disagree:
Direct battle terms? We don't play that way, in fact we laugh at nations that imagine it's gonna be a WWII style fight.
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran declared Wednesday that it can destroy nearby U.S. military bases and strike Israel within minutes of an attack on the Islamic Republic, reflecting tensions over Iran's suspect nuclear program.
The veiled threat came during a military drill that has included the firing of ballistic missiles. The elite Revolutionary Guards, conducting the war games in Iran's central desert, said that the missiles were aimed at mock-ups of foreign military bases.
Israel and the U.S. have hinted at the possibility of military strikes against Iran if sanctions and diplomacy do not rein in Iran's nuclear development program. The West suspects Iran may be aiming to build nuclear weapons. Iran insists its program is for peaceful purposes.
The semiofficial Fars news agency quoted Gen. Ami Ali Hajizadeh of the Revolutionary Guards as saying U.S. bases are in range of Iran's missiles and could be hit in retaliatory strikes. He referred to Israel as "occupied territories."
"Measures have been taken so that we could destroy all these bases in the early minutes of an attack," said Hajizadeh, chief of the Guards' air-space division.
Israeli officials refused to comment. There was no immediate comment from Washington.
Hajizadeh said the Guards also successfully test fired an anti-ship missile that could sink U.S. warships in the Gulf. Gen. Hajizadeh told state TV that the shore-to-sea ballistic missile, called "Persian Gulf," has a range of 180 miles.
State TV showed video of the launching of a white missile that hit a huge target in Gulf waters.
The U.S. reportedly bolstered its air and naval presence in the Persian Gulf. It is an effort to strengthen the U.S.'s position at the Strait of Hormuz, which is a key world oil route Iran has threatened to block amid tightening sanctions over its nuclear program, the New York Times reports.
The message to Iran is, ‘Don’t even think about it,’ ” one senior Defense Department official told the New York Times. “We’ll clear the mines. Don’t even think about sending your fast boats out to harass our vessels or commercial shipping. We’ll put them on the bottom of the gulf.”
The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is based in Bahrain, an island in the Gulf about 120 miles from Iran, well within range of Iranian missiles.
On Tuesday Iran said it launched a variety of missiles during the desert drill, including Shahab-3 missiles with a range of 1,200 miles that could reach Israel and southern Europe.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more: Iran threatens swift retaliation on US bases | Fox News
Russia and China won't lift a finger to help Iran or any other muslim nation.

So what's happening in Syria ? :azn: ... Russian weapons arriving in Damascus , Ships docking at Tartus , The rigid stance by the Kremlin ... When are you planning an invasion by the way ?
Yse! absolutely !!!! As U sow, so shall U reap.Keep up guyz never turn back from ure willz.......:smokin:

I don't know its sounds like going to many different fronts attacking other countries. I mean Iran didn't attack the Gulf countries when it supported Saddam in the 80s.

Meaning Iran knew it couldn't go that far.
Iran should avoid the war whatever its takes, war means "the end" doesn't matter who is started it or for what reason its started.

but west should also stop its dirty games.....
The majority of Iraq's military was Soviet equipped.

+ and USA sattelite photo and information about Iran's weapons + France fighter and officer who help them in their military plain + german's chemical weapon + arab solders and etc ....
I don't know its sounds like going to many different fronts attacking other countries. I mean Iran didn't attack the Gulf countries when it supported Saddam in the 80s.

Meaning Iran knew it couldn't go that far.

it supported saddam?? LOL Iran in the 80's were at war from 80 - 88 with saddam + iraq??? and after the war... they hardly supported saddam LMAO..... and who else did iraq attack in the 80's?? they had war with Iran... Iraq then went to war with Kuwait in 1990 (with permission from george bush senior i might add) Then they were double crossed by the USA and invaded by them...
Threats are made by those who feel they are the weaker side.

so you never heard this from Yankees : " all options are on the table "

it supported saddam?? LOL Iran in the 80's were at war from 80 - 88 with saddam + iraq??? and after the war... they hardly supported saddam LMAO..... and who else did iraq attack in the 80's?? they had war with Iran... Iraq then went to war with Kuwait in 1990 (with permission from george bush senior i might add) Then they were double crossed by the USA and invaded by them...

during 1980 -88 Imam Khomeini repeat something like this to Kuwait and Khalijis : "... don't support Saddam .... be sure if war between IRan and Iraq get over ... that crazy man - Saddam - will attack you as well ... "

and we see his prediction was absolutely true ...

and he predict the western will hang Saddam to death after he had no use for them ,,,, and that was true as well .... Imam Khomeini was a great leader ...


we didn't support Saddam , we want both Kuwait and Iraq get crush by our other enemy ..... why you think we can't play politic games as well !?
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