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Commander: IRGC Will Destroy 35 US Bases in Region if Attacked

No, we are not. If you have to go to "phase two" (which I assume is resistance to occupation) you have already lost. The only time that resistance making occupation hard is a victory, is if the occuppying power wishes to annex the territory. Which we don't, we merely would wish to set you back and destabalise the regime...which the mere fact of occupation fulfills.

US goal isnt to "destabalise the regime", its to install puppet regime to have Iran as a proxy state. THIS wont happen, therefore US wont achieve its goal.

And since US wont last long against millions of well armed and prepared guerrilla fighters, US wont be able to establish their presence either. Vietnam war and loses would seem like walk in the park considering whats waiting in Iran.
Why do you think I didn't answer the guy? You can't expect more than this to come from him :lol:


Now ask him to count them if he knows counting from pre-primary school.

Actually the commander has probably counted only US military bases in neighboring countries, if not, over 40, or maybe even over 45 US military bases are around Iran as of 2012.

That is an out dated map. Prince Sultan Base is no longer used and US has no military bases in Iraq. And other bases such as the ones in Turkey are joint NATO bases which USA could use in a time of future conflict.

I guess this was the map that the Iranian General was referring to when he made that ridiculous statement.

Is it any wonder why Iranian Threats are perceived as a such a joke.

"USA has 10 bases in the region." that you know of, not what an Iranian general commander knows of.

Iranians have a very sophisticated missile technology, with almost total precision, very high speeds and extremely powerful conventional warheads, add to this the proximity of the American bases, and you'll get a very credible equation of high speed divided by distance, approximately equals no reaction time on the part of the US.

Iran's missile technology is based on North Korean missile technology. And their precision has only been claimed by then and not by outside observers. Iran has a habit of making these remarkable claims of their great weapons but in the end its nothing more then domestic propaganda.

As for saturating the American bases with missile defenses. US has land based, and naval based missile interceptors which will shoot down or deflect most incoming Iranian missiles and the counter-bombardment will destroy most missile launchers.

Iran will only manage to get one volley of missiles launched before those bases are wiped out and those missiles will at most do just superficial damage.
General Hamdani is a realist and not extremely biased as you pointed out. Did you bother to read his book? It has been marketed even in Iranian sources.

Also, if you can give a non-biased Iranian (professional) account of Iran-Iraq war, I would appreciate it.

Let us get this straight over here; Saddam was not a brilliant tactician and he was no match for the US.

That book was by US and anti-Iran Iraqi general, to portrait that as "realistic" is just weird. Any oficial US or Israel study what concerns Iran is by default filled with bias and propaganda.

But US did beat Iranian backed Shia uprising in Iraq. Do your homework complete.

You mean those Shia's who run the Iraq now? :) They even kicked out US army and declined their demands to build military bases, US even resorted to blackmailing and strong-arming, didnt worked. I think Iran did well there :azn:

Bankruptcy? This conflict will never reach this point. US is the largest economy in the world. It is too big to fail without US businesses coming to halt worldwide.

Human wave tactics do not work against US. It is a good thing that US has not attacked Iran after 1980s. However, we should not confuse lack of action with capability.

Considering US was close to bankruptcy, and even Afghanistan costed ~4 trillions, to think war against Iran wont have serious consequences to US economy is not very wise.

Picture Vietnam war, just with a much greater cost to US and alies, in all areas - human loses, equipment, cut-off Persian Gulf oil and gas supplies (most analyst forget gas - its impact will be as great as oil cut-off).

If US attacks Iran, it will literally halt the Worlds economy and put it in even deeper recession. Such situation wont be sustainable by the West, and they wouldnt be winning over Iran anytime soon. Therefore ending is inevitable - US would pick up their things and leave, without achieving their main goals.

Such war will affect China too - which will do everything they can to prevent the war, and if it happens - they would help Iran as much as they can so the war would be shorter. China wont allow Iran to become proxy of US, not only because they would lose a buffer zone, but also because all major oil countries would be US proxies, and US would gain a major leverage against China.
That is an out dated map. Prince Sultan Base is no longer used and US has no military bases in Iraq. And other bases such as the ones in Turkey are joint NATO bases which USA could use in a time of future conflict.

I guess this was the map that the Iranian General was referring to when he made that ridiculous statement.

Is it any wonder why Iranian Threats are perceived as a such a joke.

Iran's missile technology is based on North Korean missile technology. And their precision has only been claimed by then and not by outside observers. Iran has a habit of making these remarkable claims of their great weapons but in the end its nothing more then domestic propaganda.

As for saturating the American bases with missile defenses. US has land based, and naval based missile interceptors which will shoot down or deflect most incoming Iranian missiles and the counter-bombardment will destroy most missile launchers.

Iran will only manage to get one volley of missiles launched before those bases are wiped out and those missiles will at most do just superficial damage.

No need for outside observers just utube it and you'll find out for yourself, and when you are at it, just look up the Persian Gulf missile and other Iranian missiles using completely new technologies indigenously made.

American missile interceptor are not known to be very efficient, not even against basic Scuds!!!

Superficial damage with very high explosives by the tons?
No need for outside observers just utube it and you'll find out for yourself, and when you are at it, just look up the Persian Gulf missile and other Iranian missiles using completely new technologies indigenously made.

American missile interceptor are not known to be very efficient, not even against basic Scuds!!!

Superficial damage with very high explosives by the tons?

Yes lets think that way. The defense systems suck. Keep thinking of that.
That book was by US and anti-Iran Iraqi general, to portrait that as "realistic" is just weird. Any oficial US or Israel study what concerns Iran is by default filled with bias and propaganda.
Your blindness prevents you from making a rational assessment. Hamdani has been much greater and vocal critic of Saddam then Iran.

And if you have no faith in Western sources then tell me that how many textbooks that you have studied in life are from Iranian authors? The computer that you use is also made in Iran?

You mean those Shia's who run the Iraq now? :) They even kicked out US army and declined their demands to build military bases, US even resorted to blackmailing and strong-arming, didnt worked. I think Iran did well there :azn:
Iraqi government is democratic in nature now. Sunni; Kurd; Shia; all have representatives in this government; thanks to US efforts. The ethnic background of the leader is no longer a valid argument.

In addition, no one kicked US out of Iraq. It was Obama's decision to withdraw from Iraq completely with no US troops to be left behind, and this withdrawal took place in peaceful manner. But this is not a sign of end of US-Iraqi relationship; Iraq is buying US weapons and have US embassy.

This was the deal:-

Going down to zero by the end of this year would allow both al-Maliki and President Barack Obama to claim victory. Obama will have fulfilled a key campaign promise to end the war and al-Maliki will have ended the American presence in Iraq and restored Iraqi sovereignty.

My point is in context of the Iraqi resistance effort during the occupation period. The Shia uprising was heavily armed by Iran; Muqtada Al-Sadr has been the key figure of this sector. Despite hectic efforts by both Iran and Muqtada Al-Sadr, they were unable to defeat US armed forces and the resistance effort died during 2008.

Mark my words; when it comes to combat - US is much stronger then Israel. You (Iranians) cannot handle US on military terms.

Considering US was close to bankruptcy, and even Afghanistan costed ~4 trillions, to think war against Iran wont have serious consequences to US economy is not very wise.
US was not close to bankruptcy. It faced an economic recession and is now in recovery phase.

Also, total cost of WOT is close to 4 Trillion USD; not Afghanistan alone. Iraqi front has been the most expensive one in WOT.

Get your facts straight.

Picture Vietnam war, just with a much greater cost to US and alies, in all areas - human loses, equipment, cut-off Persian Gulf oil and gas supplies (most analyst forget gas - its impact will be as great as oil cut-off).

If US attacks Iran, it will literally halt the Worlds economy and put it in even deeper recession. Such situation wont be sustainable by the West, and they wouldnt be winning over Iran anytime soon. Therefore ending is inevitable - US would pick up their things and leave, without achieving their main goals.

Such war will affect China too - which will do everything they can to prevent the war, and if it happens - they would help Iran as much as they can so the war would be shorter. China wont allow Iran to become proxy of US, not only because they would lose a buffer zone, but also because all major oil countries would be US proxies, and US would gain a major leverage against China.
Please stop. Iran is not the nerve center of this world, which will trigger worldwide economic collapse and chaos. This nonsense may appeal to Iranians but not outsiders.

Some dose of reality for you:

1. US itself is now the 3rd largest exporter of OIL in the world.
2. Libya is under Western grasp and offers viable alternative to European clients of oil of Iran. China lost this market.
3. GCC countries have a contigency plan to export their oil through other channels/regions, if Hormuz becomes a battlefield.
4. Most countries which depend upon Iranian oil are now looking for alternative sources.
5. If war between US led coalition and Iran breaks out; any oil supply related setback will be temporary. US will overcome Iran within a month and reopen even the Hormuz region.
6. China will never fight for Iran.
7. Saudi Arabia is willing to boost its oil exports even further to offset the temporary setback of closure of the Hormuz region in case of war between US led coalition and Iran.
8. Iran has no option but to sell oil for its survival in the end. Otherwise, it will suffer immensely and the Mullahs will loose power.
We all know that NATO and the US can destory Iran. That is just a fact. However Iran do have the capability to destroy a few US bases and kill a couple of thousands US troops. Less US bases and racist American troops in the MidEast the better for world peace. At least if Iranian failed, they should at least take tens thousands bastard with them.
We all know that NATO and the US can destory Iran. That is just a fact. However Iran do have the capability to destroy a few US bases and kill a couple of thousands US troops. Less US bases and racist American troops in the MidEast the better for world peace. At least if Iranian failed, they should at least take tens thousands bastard with them.
Awww, did some one take a few beatings in school?
Great idea!
Drag many other countries to war with you, that way when you are spanked and defeated, then you can claim you were fighting the whole world, just like the Iran-Iraq war.
Great idea!
Drag many other countries to war with you, that way when you are spanked and defeated, then you can claim you were fighting the whole world, just like the Iran-Iraq war.
During Iraq war,Iran had hostages from 53 nationalities including almost are Arab states,we were under a complete embargo,while both superpowers of the time,many EU countries and also others supported and funded Iraq.Not to fofet cheap Arab money.Only Saudi Arabia gave Saddam $60 billions of non-profit loan and thank God,he didn't gave the money back to Saudis.Still,with all these difficulties,we spanked Saddam.He didn't achieve even one of his goals in the war and finally,Saddam Hussein Takriti (the great Arab leader and nationalist) ended up in a rat hole and hanged by his own people.

In case of any U.S war,Iran will only attack those bases who are being used against Iran,not all of them.I'm sure Arab countries of Persian Gulf are not that stupid to let U.S use their bases.One missile in each of them and their whole economy is down.
In case of any U.S war,Iran will only attack those bases who are being used against Iran,not all of them.I'm sure Arab countries of Persian Gulf are not that stupid to let U.S use their bases.One missile in each of them and their whole economy is down.
This is where you are wrong my Persian friend. We are more than happy to assist America, Israel or the devil himself in any attack against Iran, you can count on that. Good luck in your battle against the universe:wave:.
This is where you are wrong my Persian friend. We are more than happy to assist America, Israel or the devil himself in any attack against Iran, you can count on that. Good luck in your battle against the universe:wave:.

No one gives a damn what you think.You are a typical Arab living in Arabia.You don't make decisions who you should assist or who you shouldn't.Iran will not declare war on anyone unless being atacked by them or their soil is being used for the attack.
I know you will assist Israel or the devil, after all, sons are supposed to help their fathers in difficult times.
We all know that NATO and the US can destory Iran. That is just a fact. However Iran do have the capability to destroy a few US bases and kill a couple of thousands US troops. Less US bases and racist American troops in the MidEast the better for world peace. At least if Iranian failed, they should at least take tens thousands bastard with them.

i dont know if you are of some American origin, but setting aside emotions and all -- should you be living in America if you talk that way?

this isnt call of duty man....come on
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