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Commander: IRGC Will Destroy 35 US Bases in Region if Attacked

35 Bases?

Where did this lunatic get his figures from.

USA has 10 bases in the region.

And this isn't Pearl Harbor type situation where Iran will launch missiles and US will have no warning before hand.

USA will have every spy satellite focused on Iran should Israel attack Iran and put its forces in the region on full alert and believe me USA will be prepared for an any Iranian counter-attack.
Public opinion did matter in its invasion of Iraq and afghanistan that time!! It was in the fury of 9/11 and people believed when they said Saddam have contact with OBL...
But Iran's image among american people is always negative... If Israel starts drum, we are threatened US people will back full fledged war !!
Its better if peace is maintained,... And Iran's leaders comments on Israel does not help in diplomacy...

But that doesnot mean that the other NATO countries will also come all guns blazing because they are already facing resistance France is one example there are many others.. People are already asking why their troops participated in a war that belonged to US and not was their's .

Also US attack on Iran will leave iran no choice but to show retaliation against Israel because they have already missiles covering the if not whole atleast major chunk of Israel and any such incident will result into direct intervention of Israel . And as you know historically israel is considered as a hostile country by many muslim countries..so attack from a hostile country may result into direct or indirect retaliation which can bear serious consequences for the world
Mate don't mine: Many Pakistani's on the forum says w'll Nuke India, W'll Nuke this Country, If Iran decides to attack Nato Countries or US Bases in other Country!! Uncle Sam will Nuke Nuke Iran, No Nato Required...

Mate using nukes is not an easy option believe me or not ...Nukes can only be used as a last choice ..When members here say we will nuke india or such as you mentioned they say it because in conventional outfit indian military on paper is more stronger than Pakistan military so by that they mean if Pakistan ALLAH forbid will be on the verge of loosing on conventional front than nuke can be used as a last option

In case of US its a totally other way round scenario , US is way stronger than Iran in conventional military power so why they would want to nuke iran on first place? when they know they can fight on conventional front.

Secondly there has been rumors in the past that iran has nuclear capability so if that is true and that can be especially when we know israel has nuclear capability but never revealed to the world same case can be assumed for iran, in such case nukes on iran can certainly result into a disastrous situation especially for this region and it will effect both india and Pakistan
Iran is nothing like Iraq, literally. You should know that by now. But go ahead if you believe that. :)

I already know that its equivalent to Baghdad Bob or Saddam's mother of all battles crap. So yes I do believe that.
But that doesnot mean that the other NATO countries will also come all guns blazing because they are already facing resistance France is one example there are many others.. People are already asking why their troops participated in a war that belonged to US and not was their's .

Also US attack on Iran will leave iran no choice but to show retaliation against Israel because they have already missiles covering the if not whole atleast major chunk of Israel and any such incident will result into direct intervention of Israel . And as you know historically israel is considered as a hostile country by many muslim countries..so attack from a hostile country may result into direct or indirect retaliation which can bear serious consequences for the world

France won't miss the photo op. A picture of the Rafale rising over a destroyed Iranian SAM will sell a lot of aircraft.
France won't miss the photo op. A picture of the Rafale rising over a destroyed Iranian SAM will sell a lot of aircraft.

lol what about if Rafale gets hit by a SAM or A2A missile ...then i bet you it can turn other way round

A picture of crashed Rafale surrounded by revolutionary guards can give a good photo op not only to french but to iran as well... A photo of lifetime ..something to remember for long long time :smokin:
lol what about if Rafale gets hit by a SAM or A2A missile ...then i bet you it can turn other way round

A picture of crashed Rafale surrounded by revolutionary guards can give a good photo op not only to french but to iran as well... A photo of lifetime ..something to remember for long long time :smokin:

True, they'll probably build a mock up for Press TV and claim they have technology to control the mind of the human pilot.
True, they'll probably build a mock up for Press TV and claim they have technology to control the mind of the human pilot.

Retrospective !!!!

It seems you are not getting over with what hit you ....They require a bit of credit....so don't act like a miser .... it will not cost you...atleast not more than what did few days back ;)
The two CBG's already on station are MORE than enough to light Iran up. It's a shame. Most of the Iranian people like the U.S. It's just the Islamofascist mullahs that are ruining a decent country.:usflag:
Although we like Western culture, we don't really like Americans. People in Iran, or should I say young people in Iran, are just fascinated by America because of Hollywood and American products etc... Europeans and their system of governance appeals to Iranians much more.

And lol at "Islamofascist." If you don't want to sound like a hillbilly retard, don't use that neocon invented word. In all honesty, your republicans and neocons are no different than our mullahs and conservatives. You guys are like two sides of the same coin. Extreme, religious to the bone, hell bent on conflict etc... If the liberals and sane minded people of Iran and the US had control, we would all be living in peace and prosperity.
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