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OK, that's fine, congrats to them. And even "niqqas" who are smart (Neil Degrasse Tyson for example) should be given credit. Those that are not though, should not be compared to intelligent Whites.

you mean smart mouth

I thought it's Indians dreaming of white servants.

white servants aren't a far fetched dream , idi amin or gambia had white servants , ghandhi had a white servant
I l be thankful if you can give me some explanation for this map. Which Gene clustering is indicated? And I dont find Greece here though I can see that Georgians and the Cypriots kind of cluster with the Middle Easterns. In any case, it is a kind of continuum, a spectrum with no radical breaks. Doesn't really support your point of European whites being a distinct race. In fact, if we take cypriots as a proxy for Greeks, it proves my point about the Greeks being closer to Near East than to Western Europeans.

The Cypriots are indeed closer to West Asians than Europeans, but they are not at all good examples for Greece.

Their is no clear-cut dividing line, but does that mean, because their is no clear-cut divding line between us and Chimpanzees or Sharks or a fruit-fly, that we are not separate?

If we are much closer to each other, than we are to others, than we are a race. The European race has shown itself to be remarkably homogeneous. Most of all ask any Greek, and he will tell you he's a European AND White. We know this within ourselves, and the cluster charts prove it.

European Population Genetic Substructure: Further Definition of Ancestry Informative Markers for Distinguishing among Diverse European Ethnic Groups

Beverly Hills is a tiny town turd-face. Maybe if you poop-flinging cavemen understood basic geography, you would know that there is no such thing as a Beverly Hills race... But there is such thing as a White race or European people.

You are trying to play a game of lame-logic that drives around the central issue. My race invented Democracy, and none of you third world people can deny that.

I knew I could get you to jump up and down like a personal lapdog whenever I want you maggot F***er. You wanna talk 'accomplishment'- My ancestors INVENTED surgery- they were performing medical surgeries when 'your people' where livign in caves. And we didn't need the Athenians to learn about 'democracy'- we've had it since the Iron Age. The only thing you're full of is all the horse $hit that you've been shoveling hill billy.

'During the Iron Age in India, the fertile Ganges plain slowly urbanised, with cities forming and trade developing. Like ancient Greece, India during this Vedic period, power lay in many city states rather than one empire. Some of these were kingdoms, and some were oligarchies or republics. Sophisticated urban life encouraged a flowering of philosophy and introspection. The Buddha was born in one such state, Kapilavastu, home to the Shakya chiefdom.
In modern times, the Republic of India is referred to as a gana-rajya; Bharat Ganarajya (भारत गणराज्य).'
I knew I could get you to jump up and down like a personal lapdog whenever I want you maggot F***er. You wanna talk 'accomplishment'- My ancestors INVENTED surgery- they were performing medical surgeries when 'your people' where livign in caves. And we didn't need the Athenians to learn about 'democracy'- we've had it since the Iron Age. The only thing you're full of is all the horse $hit that you've been shoveling hill billy.

'During the Iron Age in India, the fertile Ganges plain slowly urbanised, with cities forming and trade developing. Like ancient Greece, India during this Vedic period, power lay in many city states rather than one empire. Some of these were kingdoms, and some were oligarchies or republics. Sophisticated urban life encouraged a flowering of philosophy and introspection. The Buddha was born in one such state, Kapilavastu, home to the Shakya chiefdom.
In modern times, the Republic of India is referred to as a gana-rajya; Bharat Ganarajya (भारत गणराज्य).'

Typical 3rd world race with poor impulse control. You are enraged by simple words, the hallmark of the brown man.

Your "surgery" consisted of chopping off limbs when they were infected. HARDLY similar to modern day surgery, which WE invented.

we've had it since the Iron Age.

HAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT! An Indian now claiming that it wasn't the Greeks which invented Democracy, but the third-world INDIANS!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
The Cypriots are indeed closer to West Asians than Europeans, but they are not at all good examples for Greece.

Their is no clear-cut dividing line, but does that mean, because their is no clear-cut divding line between us and Chimpanzees or Sharks or a fruit-fly, that we are not separate?

If we are much closer to each other, than we are to others, than we are a race. The European race has shown itself to be remarkably homogeneous. Most of all ask any Greek, and he will tell you he's a European AND White. We know this within ourselves, and the cluster charts prove it.

European Population Genetic Substructure: Further Definition of Ancestry Informative Markers for Distinguishing among Diverse European Ethnic Groups

But if you want to use a classification so forcefully, there must be clear cut, rational basis for it. Sharks etc are not such good examples because they are anatomically so obviously different and cannot interbreed with humans. Race, on the other hand, is difficult to take even as a sub-species because there is no significant genetic drift among humans.

Many people are of the view that the forceful expropriation of Ancient Greek culture by western Europeans is an attempt to claim advanced civilization where there was none. Read up history. The Greeks had zero contacts with the Western European tribes but much links with Asia because that is as per the natural lie of the land. Western Europe is separated by mountains and deep forests while Asia Minor is just across the shallow Agean Sea and easy land routes . Plato's metaphysics has a lot of similarity with Vedic thought which is but natural.
Typical 3rd world race with poor impulse control. You are enraged by simple words, the hallmark of the brown man.

Your "surgery" consisted of chopping off limbs when they were infected. HARDLY similar to modern day surgery, which WE invented.

HAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT! An Indian now claiming that it wasn't the Greeks which invented Democracy, but the turd-world INDIANS!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Typical maggot f**er. Think you can match this you ignorant *** ***** . Our methodology is what 'your people' basically used. The FATHER OF SURGERY is an INDIAN Maggot

Archaeologists made the discovery that the people of Indus Valley Civilization, even from the early Harappan periods (c. 3300 BCE), had knowledge of medicine and dentistry. The physical anthropologist that carried out the examinations, Professor Andrea Cucina from the University of Missouri-Columbia, made the discovery when he was cleaning the teeth from one of the men. Later research in the same area found evidence of teeth having been drilled, dating back 9,000 years to 7000 BCE.[15]
Sushruta (c. 600 BCE other dates range from 1000 BCE to 900 CE)[16] known as "Father of Surgery" taught and practiced surgery on the banks of the Ganges in the area that corresponds to the present day city of Benares in Northern India. He is also considered as the father of plastic surgery and ophthalmology. His method of plastic surgery was copied by George Screw from Germany and 2 others in 1614 in marthawada in central India was taken to England and from there to Germany and from there it spread to rest of Europe. Much of what is known about Sushruta is in Sanskrit contained in a series of volumes he authored, which are collectively known as the Susrutha Samhita. It is the oldest known surgical text and it describes in detail the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous ailments, as well as procedures on performing various forms of cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery and rhinoplasty.[17]
Typical 3rd world race with poor impulse control. You are enraged by simple words, the hallmark of the brown man.

Your "surgery" consisted of chopping off limbs when they were infected. HARDLY similar to modern day surgery, which WE invented.

HAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT! An Indian now claiming that it wasn't the Greeks which invented Democracy, but the turd-world INDIANS!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

did an Indian steal your job ? Your post is nothing but borderline racism and verbal diarrhea .....

post reported

Typical maggot f**er. Think you can match this you ignorant *** ***** . Our methodology is what 'your people' basically used. The FATHER OF SURGERY is an INDIAN Maggot

Archaeologists made the discovery that the people of Indus Valley Civilization, even from the early Harappan periods (c. 3300 BCE), had knowledge of medicine and dentistry. The physical anthropologist that carried out the examinations, Professor Andrea Cucina from the University of Missouri-Columbia, made the discovery when he was cleaning the teeth from one of the men. Later research in the same area found evidence of teeth having been drilled, dating back 9,000 years to 7000 BCE.[15]
Sushruta (c. 600 BCE other dates range from 1000 BCE to 900 CE)[16] known as "Father of Surgery" taught and practiced surgery on the banks of the Ganges in the area that corresponds to the present day city of Benares in Northern India. He is also considered as the father of plastic surgery and ophthalmology. His method of plastic surgery was copied by George Screw from Germany and 2 others in 1614 in marthawada in central India was taken to England and from there to Germany and from there it spread to rest of Europe. Much of what is known about Sushruta is in Sanskrit contained in a series of volumes he authored, which are collectively known as the Susrutha Samhita. It is the oldest known surgical text and it describes in detail the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous ailments, as well as procedures on performing various forms of cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery and rhinoplasty.[17]

Stop spending your energy on this twit
did an Indian steal your job ? Your post is nothing but borderline racism and verbal diarrhea .....

post reported

Stop spending your energy on this twit

Well....I've been playing him like my pooch doggy for a long time, a denoument is needed don't you think :ashamed:
But if you want to use a classification so forcefully, there must be clear cut, rational basis for it. Sharks etc are not such good examples because they are anatomically so obviously different and cannot interbreed with humans. Race, on the other hand, is difficult to take even as a sub-species because there is no significant genetic drift among humans.

That's just wrong. First of all, the Fixation distance between Europeans and Africans, for instance, is 0.153 across the autosomes. 1 means completely separate and 0 means interbreeding freely. The FsT distance across African, European, and East Asians is about 0.12 across the autosomes.

More importantly, an FST value of 0.12 is lower than that found between populations of many other species, so NOT ONLY can we classify different races as sub-species, but we can classify them as different species entirely. The evidence is unquestionable.

Genetic Structure of Europeans: A View from the North

Many people are of the view that the forceful expropriation of Ancient Greek culture by western Europeans is an attempt to claim advanced civilization where there was none. Read up history.

The Ancient Greeks were largely similar genetically to other European populations. It doesn't really matter any other way, as long as DNA analysis of past Greeks proves to be true. And I think this is not at all controversial. It would be funny to hear someone say that the Greeks of today are not in fact the ancestors of the Ancient Greeks, and that they were actually Persians or something else. This is historical revisionism at it's sweetest.

did an Indian steal your job ? Your post is nothing but borderline racism and verbal diarrhea .....

post reported

Stop spending your energy on this twit

Nothing I said was racist. You just have an inferiority complex.

Typical maggot f**er. Think you can match this you ignorant *** ***** . Our methodology is what 'your people' basically used. The FATHER OF SURGERY is an INDIAN Maggot

Archaeologists made the discovery that the people of Indus Valley Civilization, even from the early Harappan periods (c. 3300 BCE), had knowledge of medicine and dentistry. The physical anthropologist that carried out the examinations, Professor Andrea Cucina from the University of Missouri-Columbia, made the discovery when he was cleaning the teeth from one of the men. Later research in the same area found evidence of teeth having been drilled, dating back 9,000 years to 7000 BCE.[15]
Sushruta (c. 600 BCE other dates range from 1000 BCE to 900 CE)[16] known as "Father of Surgery" taught and practiced surgery on the banks of the Ganges in the area that corresponds to the present day city of Benares in Northern India. He is also considered as the father of plastic surgery and ophthalmology. His method of plastic surgery was copied by George Screw from Germany and 2 others in 1614 in marthawada in central India was taken to England and from there to Germany and from there it spread to rest of Europe. Much of what is known about Sushruta is in Sanskrit contained in a series of volumes he authored, which are collectively known as the Susrutha Samhita. It is the oldest known surgical text and it describes in detail the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous ailments, as well as procedures on performing various forms of cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery and rhinoplasty.[17]

Please enlighten us Whites, what did Sushruta Samhita invent? What concepts did he have that would make even the modern day European drool? You are nothing but propaganda.
Greece was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy, IDK what so special if Greek was the ancestor land of white people.
Greece was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy, IDK what so special if Greek was the ancestor land of white people.

And Nigeria wasn't on the verge of "filing bankruptcy". So, where would you rather live if you had to choose? We all know the answer.

Greece, like all White nations has an amazing cultural and genetic legacy.

you Indians suck you would be nowhere without us Whites

Indeed, yet they have the audacity to act like rabid animals. It's pretty pathetic.
I just want to know - how many white servants you have? In your dream? Or how many white servants you wish to have by 2030?

White servants is not a big thing.. put 2 line classified in newspaper you'll find 100 queue up at your door step to clean your toilet and wipe your arse with bare hands.

Wake up it's 21st century!!

As a matter of fact your supreme white race is not able to find a smart and capable person but a niqqa to lead country.
There goes your supremacy to drains.

PS: I'll ask someone in San Francisco to put a classified. You and your friend @WhiteMansBurden can apply for job as we people from east do not discriminate!
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And Nigeria wasn't on the verge of "filing bankruptcy". So, where would you rather live if you had to choose? We all know the answer.

Greece, like all White nations has an amazing cultural and genetic legacy.

Indeed, yet they have the audacity to act like rabid animals. It's pretty pathetic.

Exactly, there primitive minds cannot grasp this.
White servants is not a big thing.. put 2 line classified in newspaper you'll find 100 queue up at your door step to clean your toilet and wipe your arse with bare hands.

Wake up it's 21st century!!

As a matter of fact your supreme white race is not able to find a smart and capable person but a niqqa to lead country.
There goes your supremacy to drains.

PS: I'll ask someone in San Francisco to put a classified. You and your friend @WhiteMansBurden can apply for job as we people from east do not discriminate!

I see my English cousins couldn't even civilize your subcontinent, savage third worlder. Your race is not even worthy to clean our bums, seeing as how you work for the Arabs as slave labor.

Never forget, until we gave you freedom, we owned your people.

Exactly, there primitive minds cannot grasp this.

Why couldn't you Brits civilize these people a little more thoroughly? They still have quite nasty potty-mouths! You should have never given these savages freedom.
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