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CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

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@mods .... you might want to read the few posts above... Indian members ..... dont bother with these people, they are a lost cause ...
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Greece had to beg China to bail them out.
@mods .... you might want to read the few posts above... Indian members ..... dont bother with these people, they are a lost cause ...

Yea, and it all started with your dumb a-holes saying that Whites are your servants. Screw off, I hope the Pakistanis go ban your Indian members first.
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That a humiliation in itself if you believe in white pride.
I see my English cousins couldn't even civilize your subcontinent, savage third worlder. Your race is not even worthy to clean our bums, seeing as how you work for the Arabs as slave labor.

Never forget, until we gave you freedom, we owned your people.

Why couldn't you Brits civilize these people a little more thoroughly? They still have quite nasty potty-mouths! You should have never given these savages freedom.

I know...
they should have cracked down on the vermin
That's just wrong. First of all, the Fixation distance between Europeans and Africans, for instance, is 0.153 across the autosomes. 1 means completely separate and 0 means interbreeding freely. The FsT distance across African, European, and East Asians is about 0.12 across the autosomes.

More importantly, an FST value of 0.12 is lower than that found between populations of many other species, so NOT ONLY can we classify different races as sub-species, but we can classify them as different species entirely. The evidence is unquestionable.

Genetic Structure of Europeans: A View from the North
The Ancient Greeks were largely similar genetically to other European populations. It doesn't really matter any other way, as long as DNA analysis of past Greeks proves to be true. And I think this is not at all controversial. It would be funny to hear someone say that the Greeks of today are not in fact the ancestors of the Ancient Greeks, and that they were actually Persians or something else. This is historical revisionism at it's sweetest.
Nothing I said was racist. You just have an inferiority complex.

No point arguing on data which you probably don't understand. Pick up any gene mapping and you will always find that the Greeks are far closer to West Asians than to West Europeans. The same goes for Russians too!

I suspect that the Greeks were later included as Europeans because they adopted Christianity while similar groups like the Turks did not. From Wiki:

A cultural definition of Europe as the lands of Latin Christendom coalesced in the 8th century, signifying the new cultural condominium created through the confluence of Germanic traditions and Christian-Latin culture, defined partly in contrast with Byzantium and Islam, and limited to northern Iberia, the British Isles, France, Christianized western Germany, the Alpine regions and northern and central Italy.[14] The concept is one of the lasting legacies of the Carolingian Renaissance: "Europa" often figures in the letters of Charlemagne's court scholar, Alcuin.[15] This division—as much cultural as geographical—was used until the Late Middle Ages, when it was challenged by the Age of Discovery.[16][17][why?] The problem of redefining Europe was finally resolved in 1730 when, instead of waterways, the Swedish geographer and cartographer von Strahlenberg proposed the Ural Mountains as the most significant eastern boundary, a suggestion that found favour in Russia and throughout Europe.
deleted...... not gonna fall down to their level
I see my English cousins couldn't even civilize your subcontinent, savage third worlder. Your race is not even worthy to clean our bums, seeing as how you work for the Arabs as slave labor.

Never forget, until we gave you freedom, we owned your people.

Don't worry we'll still consider your application to serve your new age masters.

It's a pity that growing up in developed world neither you learn manners nor your ancestors did not teach you any!

@WebMaster @mods would you please rein these morons ruining free and ruining every thread. Also help us to check IP address for WhiteMansBurden, NorthWestern Star and fast
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US isn't a white country. US is a multiple ethnic nation. All are welcome to the US.
Don't worry we'll still consider your application to serve your new age masters.

It's a pity that growing up in developed world neither you learn manners nor your ancestors did not teach you any!

@WebMaster @mods would you please rein these morons ruining free and ruining every thread. Also help us to check IP address for WhiteMansBurden, NorthWestern Star and fast

Take a look at who started it. Third-worlder here can dish it out but he can't take it. Whites are not your maids brown skin.
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deleted....not gonna fall down to their level
No point arguing on data which you probably don't understand. Pick up any gene mapping and you will always find that the Greeks are far closer to West Asians than to West Europeans. The same goes for Russians too!

I suspect that the Greeks were later included as Europeans because they adopted Christianity while similar groups like the Turks did not. From Wiki:

I don't understand, and then you say that Russians are Middle Easterners? Wow, you are insane.

Russians are clearly genetically European. And so are Greeks which have an FsT distance of 0 with Italians. That's a FACT. there is nothing to disagree with. I posted the study. How did you refute it so quickly?
Race only exists in a multiethic country. Outside of a multiethnic country what matters is nation and civilization.

I am proud of my Chinese ethnic background and my civilization.

People from a Western country for example France may be proud of French ethnicity and Western civilization.

Pride in a race just means proud of being better than other races in the same multiethnic country.
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