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Lies, damn lies, and China's economic statistics

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Byzantine history was totally burned into ash...so you guys need to fabricate an history as Turk are your forefather's history :omghaha: We Chinese were the first to encounter turkis people, they're worthy opponent...but you anatolians are just laugh stock.
What about Byzantine? You know Byzantine weren't Turks? :cuckoo:

then ask yourself where are those turks, huns in China now? they all totally assimilated into Han :smokin:, I even dare to said that we have more real turkish blood people than all central Asian + some turish rulers of Turkey combine, when Tang empire crushed Turkish tribes, the entire populations of all tribes surrendered and become chinese citizen...only a handfull ran to central asia and anatolia to spread their sperms.
Actually there is still Uighur who are suffering in China. You first say Chinese are pure, now you are saying you have Turkic blood? I doubt you have any noble Turkic blood in you since most Chinese look identical. I think Chinese is weaker race because of this. Chinese only can make copy-cat, cheap products. The world is using you as cheap labor souce and you are proud of that. :yahoo: .. any way soon there will be also end of that. Just enjoy China how it is now. Sooner or later China will fragment and Uighur will raise with help of Altaic brothers from Japan and Non-altaic like the Thai. I bet your Chinese bowing skills will come in handy then. :laughcry:
very nice numbers.
consider our average goods price is much higher than India,our PPP maybe similar to India. am i right?
I was just waiting for the trolls to jump in. I thought we were discussing China here? Where and how does India come in?
What about Byzantine? You know Byzantine weren't Turks? :cuckoo:

Actually there is still Uighur who are suffering in China. You first say Chinese are pure, now you are saying you have Turkic blood? I doubt you have any noble Turkic blood in you since most Chinese look identical. I think Chinese is weaker race because of this. Chinese only can make copy-cat, cheap products. The world is using you as cheap labor souce and you are proud of that. :yahoo: .. any way soon there will be also end of that. Just enjoy China how it is now. Sooner or later China will fragment and Uighur will raise with help of Altaic brothers from Japan and Non-altaic like the Thai. I bet your Chinese bowing skills will come in handy then. :laughcry:

There is no such thing as Altaic nation. Its a fantasy and not linguistically proven.
You are new here. And we need more reasonable Indians like you here.
no no no,my friend!the fewer such guys from India,the better.we need more timetravals,gslv mk3s......
no no no,my friend!the fewer such guys from India,the better.we need more timetravals,gslv mk3s......

Those guys are nut cases. We need more reasonable Indians. It make the conversation more intelligent. After all, this forum should create understanding and friendship between people of all countries, including between Indians and Pakistanis and Indians and Chinese. But both sides has nut cases such as those guys you talk about from India and SinoChallenge and Hongwu from China.
I was just waiting for the trolls to jump in. I thought we were discussing China here? Where and how does India come in?
don't you feel happy if your GDP near ours?
see ?our gap is not so big according to timetravel's analysis.
why not cheer for it?
What about Byzantine? You know Byzantine weren't Turks? :cuckoo: :

I know that, that why I said when turks entered analolia and defeated Byzantine, all history of these people were burned into ash...so you Anatolians could only claim to be turkish people and complied to turkish law.

Actually there is still Uighur who are suffering in China. You first say Chinese are pure, now you are saying you have Turkic blood? I doubt you have any noble Turkic blood in you since most Chinese look identical. I think Chinese is weaker race because of this. Chinese only can make copy-cat, cheap products. The world is using you as cheap labor souce and you are proud of that. :yahoo: .. any way soon there will be also end of that. Just enjoy China how it is now. Sooner or later China will fragment and Uighur will raise with help of Altaic brothers from Japan and Non-altaic like the Thai. I bet your Chinese bowing skills will come in handy then. :laughcry

what you anatolian know about us and our history? and since when we claimed Chinese to be pure? :lol: you just show your ignorant about China. And a weaker chinese race that could assimilate the entire population of Hun and turk is not bad at all, but I can't say the same about Anatolians which totally assimilated by Turks, so you can deduce who are superior: Chinese or Anatolians? :omghaha:

And for the third time , keep dreaming of your turan , Japan and Altaic people :lol: our cheap products are thing you only can afford. As for Uighur, soon or later they all will be assimilate, resistance is futile. :smokin:

I know that, that why I said when turks entered analolia and defeated Byzantine, all history of these people were burned into ash...so you Anatolians could only claim to be turkish people and complied to turkish law.

what you anatolian know about us and our history? and since when we claimed Chinese to be pure? :lol: you just show your ignorant about China. And a weaker chinese race that could assimilate the entire population of Hun and turk is not bad at all, but I can't say the same about Anatolians which totally assimilated by Turks, so you can deduce who are superior: Chinese or Anatolians? :omghaha:
You are bragging about what? The huns disappeared, the Chinese didn't beat them, neither did Chinese beat the Mongols or the Turks. You Chinese reproduce like certain specy. That is why Chinese are allowed to have one child while Uighur can have as much children as they want. Haha. That is your only weapon. You cant' find, you have weak genes and look all the same producing cheap crap for wages to is not even enough to fill your belly with **** you eat. Any way, you still dream that you beat the Huns, Mongols and Turks. But my adivce to you learn to bow which you guys are use to :laughcry: Sooner or later the altaic peoples will rule again. Japanese will be key partner. China is paper tiger and there is no future for China. When opportunity comes by be sure that all your neighbors will take advantage of the situation and destroy the communist tyranical government of China. Indian, Tibet, Uighur, other minorities, Japanese, Thai and who not. Practically all directions.
You are bragging about what? The huns disappeared, the Chinese didn't beat them, neither did Chinese beat the Mongols or the Turks. You Chinese reproduce like certain animals. That is your only weapon. You cant' find, you have weak genes and look all the same producing cheap crap for wages to is not even enough to fill your belly with **** you eat. Any way, you still dream that you beat the Huns, Mongols and Turks. But my adivce to you learn to bow which you guys are use to :laughcry: Sooner or later the altaic peoples will rule again. Japanese will be key partner. China is paper tiger and there is no future for China. When opportunity comes by be sure that all your neighbors will take advantage of the situation and destroy the communist tyranical government of China. Indian, Tibet, Uighur, other minorities, Japanese, Thai and who not. Practically all directions.

keep your turan dream, anatolian, you will never claim the throne on top of turkish people, for a people that has brough into submission by turk have the least to say, and for the 4th time, keep dreaming of Japan, Altaic..thing, no body give a sh1t of your toilet thinking. As for Hun and Turk, they both have been crushed during Han and Tang dynasties respectively...so go bragg about your galaxy coalition against China :omghaha:...but bottom line who want to respect and believe inferior anatolian that have been suffer from defeat under the hand of conqueror turks :smokin:

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