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Lies, damn lies, and China's economic statistics

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LOL, another butt hurt. What have Chinese done other than being source for slave labor? The world won't remember you because of cheap products with "made on China". After China is replaced, those products will be made somewhere else. I know your dream was after all that hard labor and puffing in sweatshops there will be bright light but it is an illusion. China will never go places because you have tyranical government and everything you make is cheap, copy-cat or fake. I mean how long are you going to fake it? Sooner or later the economic reality will hit and you know what is gonna happen then. Japan, India, Turkey and others should summon a force. That is why I always say Turkey should get closer to Japan when the day comes. Paper tiger is always going to be a paper tiger. Never forget that.
Who started this thread? Definitely Indians...

Indians cannot beat us with real power, so they decide to beat China with sour grapes.

No, its bragging power. But you need to exclude few guys Indo-Guy or Joe shearer, who has common sense. Most of Indians who have reasoning ability usually leave India. So I admire those few Indians who have also have brains and also choose stay back in India to make their country a better place as they have a choice to go some where else better.

I already said this. China is paper tiger and tyranical government. Sooner or later it is gonna bust.

You should read up on this book by Gordon Chang. He agreed with you back in 2001.

LOL, another butt hurt. What have Chinese done other than being source for slave labor? The world won't remember you because of cheap products with "made on China". After China is replaced, those products will be made somewhere else. I know your dream was after all that hard labor and puffing in sweatshops there will be bright light but it is an illusion. China will never go places because you have tyranical government and everything you make is cheap, copy-cat or fake. I mean how long are you going to fake it? Sooner or later the economic reality will hit and you know what is gonna happen then. Japan, India, Turkey and others should summon a force. That is why I always say Turkey should get closer to Japan when the day comes. Paper tiger is always going to be a paper tiger. Never forget that.

Keep dreaming of your Turan...anatolian :lol: you guys from Turkey are not even close to be call turkish people. We chinese owned Turk and Turk owned anatolian...we're the master of your master.
Yea, you owned us? Turkey never got ruled by foreigners. How many bosses did China have? :laughcry: Don't let me count. Mongols, Turks, Europeans, Japanese.. and now you are making t-shirts in a sweatshops..

Chinese tyranny will be shortlived. The red writing already starting appear on the walls. Now I understand why Chinese are good at bowing.. HAHAHAHA. You practise your bowing skills boy. Japanese Altiac is around the corner.

Ottoman Empire? Where is it now?

My feet are resting on an Ottoman.

You meant how many years?

If you are counting the First Nation people, thousands....wuff..wuff..
Yea, you owned us? Turkey never got ruled by foreigners. How many bosses did China have? :laughcry: Don't let me count. Mongols, Turks, Europeans, Japanese.. and now you are making t-shirts in a sweatshops..

Chinese tyranny will be shortlived. The red writing already starting appear on the walls. Now I understand why Chinese are good at bowing.. HAHAHAHA. You practise your bowing skills boy. Japanese Altiac is around the corner.

lol, when turk entered Anatolia and wiped byzantine empire, the entire population which turkey now was brough into submessive and totally assimilated...and instead of worshiping your own ancesters, you guys worshiped the turkish invaders as forfathers :lol:, no wonder you guys still have identity crisis such claim that Turk are caucasoid to wipe out your humiliation:lol: and still hard to swallow that Ottoman rulers were mongoloid people.

Even China got invaded several times ,only we assimlilated others and not the other way around :azn:...and ask yourself what has happened to those turks that once uppon the time the dominant people in mongolia step and China, where are they now? :omghaha:

As for now, Turkey is nothing but a laugh stock, other than have a turan dreaming what can you do better than China :lol:: we have nuke, we have rocket..we have all and even you turkeys are begging China to lauch your sat. that you're not capable of :omghaha:

Launch of Turkish Satellite on Chinese Long March 2D - YouTube
lol, when turk entered Anatolia and wiped byzantine empire, the entire population which turkey now was brough into submessive and totally assimilated...and instead of worshiping your own ancesters, you guys worshiped the turkish invaders as forfathers :lol:, no wonder you guys still have identity crisis such claim that Turk are caucasoid to wipe out your humiliation:lol: and still hard to swallow that Ottoman rulers were mongoloid people.
Are you using that cheap Chinese drugs again? Haha, obviously you don't know anything. Because we don't all look similar like Chinese only means we are not imbred. You are obviously obsessed with looks and asking yourself why Chinese all look like twins while others look healthy.

Even China got invaded several times ,only we assimlilated others and not the other way around :azn:...and ask yourself what has happened to those turks that were oonce uppon the time the dominant people in mongolia step plane and China, where are they now? :omghaha:

As for now, Turkey is nothing but a laugh stock, other than have a turan dreaming what can you do better than China :lol:: we have nuke, we have rocket..we have all and even you turkeys are begging China to lauch your sat. that you're not capable of :omghaha:

Launch of Turkish Satellite on Chinese Long March 2D - YouTube
What are you going to do? Nuke the world because they don't want to buy your cheap *** products anymore? :laughcry: China will collapse by itself. Japanese, Turks and other neighbors will only do the moping up the Chinese in occupied territory.
Are you using that cheap Chinese drugs again? Haha, obviously you don't know anything. Because we don't all look similar like Chinese only means we are not imbred.

Has a to shamefull history isn't it ? :lol:..just confess if you're anatolian or the turk we known in the pass :omghaha:

What are you going to do? Nuke the world because they don't want to buy your cheap *** products anymore? :laughcry: China will collapse by itself. Japanese, Turks and other neighbors will only do the moping up the Chinese in occupied territory.

no...we dont't want to miss opportunity to earn $$$ from anatolians with rocket launch and high speed train if that you consider that as Cheap products :omghaha:..and please once again don't call yourself turk, you're not even close...as for Japan and your turan, keep dreaming and make empty talk:rolleyes:
Has a to shamefull history isn't it ? :lol:..just confess if you're anatolian or the turk we known in the pass :omghaha:
What are you talking about? Most Turks still have Turkic features like myself. We are just not imbred and took the best females like alpha males do. Chinese men are only tough in big groups. I know bunch of Chinese and they always show respect to me. But I bet I could brake their bones with one hand on my hand. :laughcry: I'm not even kidding :p Most Chinese are weak because they have weak genes and always breeded within their race.

no...we dont't want to miss opportunity to earn $$$ from anatolians with rocket launch and high speed train if that you consider that as Cheap products :omghaha:..and please once again don't call yourself turk, you're not even close...as for Japan and your turan, keep dreaming and make empty talk:rolleyes:
you only launched because you were the cheapest... We have bunch of other choices like Russians, Japanese.. I kinda fault Turkish goverment with doing business with tryanical government. I believe boycot on Chinese products should happen too.. infact this is already happening. Production is slowly moving away from China already.

I believe Turkey should get closer to Japan, our Altiac brother nation, they are the real deal, no power tiger or whatnot. I should have full integration with Japan in terms of economy, army and politics.
What are you talking about? Most Turks still have Turkic features like myself. We are just not imbred and took the best females like alpha males do. Chinese men are only tough in big groups. I know bunch of Chinese and they always show respect to me. But I bet I could brake their bones with one hand on my hand. :laughcry: I'm not even kidding :p Most Chinese are weak because they have weak genes and always breeded within their race.

Don't brag yourself anatolian, you people are just second class citizen of the real turk, worship other's blood won't help your cause. :omghaha: You can claim anything in internet, no one give a sh1t but we all know turk has brough anatolia into submission...just recognize your humilation and accept your defeat to those conqueror turk...and all will be forgiven, and we chinese will gladly write Anatolian humiliation in our history book as how we have documented turkis people centuries ago.

you only launched because you were the cheapest... We have bunch of other choices like Russians, Japanese.. I kinda fault Turkish goverment with doing business with tryanical government. I believe boycot on Chinese products should happen too.. infact this is already happening. Production is slowly moving away from China already.

I believe Turkey should get closer to Japan, our Altiac brother nation, they are the real deal, no power tiger or whatnot

Ask your gorvernement to boycot us if you can, but your anatolians traders are interested for our junk to sell to your hopeless people...that what you guys can afford...and make another wet dream of Turan and Japan? :rofl: well I guess dream cost nothing right. A defeated anatolian under turk hands has the least to say in this world.
Don't brag yourself anatolian, you people are just second class citizen of the real turk, worship other's blood won't help your cause. :omghaha: You can claim anything in internet, no one give a sh1t but we all know turk has brough anatolia into submission...just recognize your humilation and accept your defeat to those conqueror turk...and all will be forgiven, and we chinese will gladly write Anatolian humiliation in our history book as how we have documented turkis people centuries ago.
I think you drank to much cheap Chinese bogus beverage. You have no sense of history nor sense of common-sense. I think you are jealous on Turks.

Ask your gorvernement to boycot us if you can, but your anatolians traders are interested for our junk to sell to your hopeless people...that what you guys can afford...and make another wet dream of Turan and Japan? :rofl: well I guess dream cost nothing right. A defeated anatolian under turk hands has the least to say in this world.
LOL, you are really schizophrenic, Turks were never ruled by others unlike Chinese. You bow down to Mongols, Turks, Huns,Japanese beat the **** out of ya.. No **** you Chinese bow down to everyone. You probably teached this custom to yourself when you were ruled by foreigners. It is in your DNA. HAHAHAHAHA :rofl: :laughcry: Japanese already has very close ties to Turkey, Uighur and other Turkic peoples. Other nations around China also getting fed up.. you do the math.
Leaked US diplomatic cables show that as the top official in Liaoning province in 2007, he told the then US ambassador that some Chinese data was "man-made" and thus unreliable.

My reading of Chinese history is that the ruling dynasties often fell when their bureaucrats resorted to issuing phony self-serving reports, causing their leaders to make unwise decisions. The classic story is that of bureaucrats who assured the emperor that China's 15th-century cannon could defend the Yangtze against British gunboats, even as they themselves evacuated from their emplacements.
I think you drank to much cheap Chinese bogus beverage. You have no sense of history nor sense of common-sense. I think you are jealous on Turks..

Byzantine history was totally burned into ash...so you guys need to fabricate an history as Turk are your forefather's history :omghaha: We Chinese were the first to encounter turkis people, they're worthy opponent...but you anatolians are just laugh stock.

LOL, you are really schizophrenic, Turks were never ruled by others unlike Chinese. You bow down to Mongols, Turks, Huns,Japanese beat the **** out of ya.. No **** you Chinese bow down to everyone. It is in your DNA. HAHAHAHAHA :rofl: :laughcry: Japanese already has very close ties to Turkey, Uighur and other Turkic peoples. Other nations around China also getting fed up.. you do the math.

then ask yourself where are those turks, huns in China now? they all totally assimilated into Han :smokin:, I even dare to said that we have more real turkish blood people than all central Asian + some turish rulers of Turkey combine, when Tang empire crushed Turkish tribes, the entire populations of all tribes surrendered and become chinese citizen...only a handfull ran to central asia and anatolia to spread their sperms.
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