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Classified 1962 war report revealed

I am sorry if I have offended you .
But I personally feel that to not to develop border infrastructure is a blunder ... a self defeating one .

I do not understand the logic and rationale behind such policy ...

If a deed with good intention ends up doing bad ..the overall outcome has to be considered bad .

It has been one of the major lessons of 1962 debacle and we have not learned our lesson .

I have said that they can be easily outnumbered due to China's superior logistics in event of war ...
Two people can look at a problem and come up with two different solutions. the army which is the final word here decided as to what they thought was best for them . Who are we to question those who lay down their very lives , also they are backing up their decision by manning posts there , we armchair warriors are not.
You have not offended me in any way my dear friend . you were civil and put forth you point of view very well . i just feel you need to read up a little .
If i may , i suggest the book "Indian army after independence" by lancer . its a good read.
Was anyone able to download?
This is the link:

Two people can look at a problem and come up with two different solutions. the army which is the final word here decided as to what they thought was best for them . Who are we to question those who lay down their very lives , also they are backing up their decision by manning posts there , we armchair warriors are not.
You have not offended me in any way my dear friend . you were civil and put forth you point of view very well . i just feel you need to read up a little .
If i may , i suggest the book "Indian army after independence" by lancer . its a good read.

Its not the ones laying down the lives that make the decisions. And if 62/65/71/99 are examples, the decision makers sure as hell not doing the job properly. There always is some intelligence/policy failure, and raises certain questions.

Outdated yes,outnumbered no。

All China has alone the Sino-Indian border are 3 infantry brigades(1 mechanized and 2 mountains)、1 artillery regiment and 9 frontier regiments,totalling less than 30000 men。

There is absolutely no point in stationing a huge amount of troops in Tibet,it is simply not economical,nor is it called for。

China is 2 military districts (or whatever they are called) along the Sino-Indian border. With the logistic/infra on the Chinese side, they can easily increase the number much over those 30000.
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Two people can look at a problem and come up with two different solutions. the army which is the final word here decided as to what they thought was best for them . Who are we to question those who lay down their very lives , also they are backing up their decision by manning posts there , we armchair warriors are not.
You have not offended me in any way my dear friend . you were civil and put forth you point of view very well . i just feel you need to read up a little .
If i may , i suggest the book "Indian army after independence" by lancer . its a good read.

well a mistake is a mistake is a mistake ...
Army's great contribution towards defense of nation can't be used to hide it's blunders ...but frankly speaking I am not sure if army alone is to be blamed for the status of border infrastructure .

Sir , what is the basis of your conclusion that delay in development of border infrastructure was solely due to army's policy not to encourage same for tactical reasons ?

Thanks , I will sure read this book that you have suggested .
Wht is the big surprise here? We all know COngress was behind this blunder. The only ppl blind to it,,are COngress supporters. BJP and all the other parties are culprits also. Dont be fooled. They could have worked to expose such files but they were too busy lining their pockets. India;s politicans suck big time.....I have faith in MODI but the BJP is a POS.
China is the one gaining the most from the current global status quo, we are adding a trillion dollars to our GDP every year, up to $9.3 trillion in 2013. It's our opponents who are unhappy with the status quo.

All we have to do is keep on developing for 10-20 more years, and we will achieve real great power status without firing a bullet.

Whether or not you believe in our official policy of "China's peaceful rise" (which has seen us avoiding war for the last 30+ years)... the bottom line is that we have the most to gain from avoiding war, and focusing on economic development.

So as long as the Forward Policy is not repeated, the chances of Sino-Indian War are close to zero for the next two decades at least. If we're going to have war with anyone, it will be a war of reunification with the ROC, and even then we still favor peaceful reunification if possible.
Looks like our Chinese brothers were right all the time. That;s why they say India's biggest weakness is OUR GOVERNMENT. I hope you all who get access to these documents understand how fuked up CONGRESS IS....If they can hide this for decades and deflect blame from Nehru. Then I can believe Nehru knew what happened to Netaji Bose.

If anyone of you ever support that pos, spoiled brat Rahul Gandhi, you should be ashamed to call yourself an INDian. The world has gotten a lot smaller......and that family deserves to be shot and hung... Democracy as I said before is a farce in India and elsewhere due to the elite controlling it and being controlled by special interests.

China is the one gaining the most from the current global status quo, we are adding a trillion dollars to our GDP every year, up to $9.3 trillion in 2013. It's our opponents who are unhappy with the status quo.

All we have to do is keep on developing for 10-20 more years, and we will achieve real great power status without firing a bullet.

Whether or not you believe in our official policy of "China's peaceful rise" (which has seen us avoiding war for the last 30+ years)... the bottom line is that we have the most to gain from avoiding war, and focusing on economic development.

So as long as the Forward Policy is not repeated, the chances of Sino-Indian War are close to zero for the next two decades at least. If we're going to have war with anyone, it will be a war of reunification with the ROC, and even then we still favor peaceful reunification if possible.

I want to apologize coz all these yrs we were led to believe something else. Now I and others know.....Congress needs to be taken out. How can ppl blindly support this party and FAMILY? Rahul is abrat who has never done shit for INdia. Just talk, all talk. The nerve of this piece of crap to talk about Modi with disdain when he does absolutely nothing.
I was watching the Debate on Times Now and one of the panelist an ex-Army officer mentioned that Nehru has ordered reduction of troop levels in 1959 from 4.5 lakhs to 3.5 lakhs :frown:
Read the book long back(when I was in the 9th or 10th standard). Though the author is mildly anti Indian, his research is awesome and the references list is huge. :tup: I hope the lessons are learnt.

@Indischer - Was about to post this myself :(

But still, you wouldn't miss an opportunity to read the original report, would you?:azn:

And Neville makes it clear that he isn't Anti-India, but very much against Nehru's policies and India's subsequent stance about the whole issue. Maybe he's right.:unsure:

Any pdf link to the neville maxwell's book ??

Brigadier Dalvi's book was an eye opener in this context. Perhaps we can fairly guess what would be in that report if we read his book.

What is the name of the book ???
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Let me get this right. This report was not declassified by the govt. Neville Maxwell had a copy of it. The question is--does he possess the rest of the report? Also what took him so long to release it?
Let me get this right. This report was not declassified by the govt. Neville Maxwell had a copy of it. The question is--does he possess the rest of the report? Also what took him so long to release it?

Yeah you got it right bro.I just hope Mr Maxwell has,got the entire report and he makes the rest public in near future because I heard that the 2nd and 3rd parts are more important than this one released.
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