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Classified 1962 war report revealed

China was very isolated and very poor at that time.

Actually china want to be friendly to india before the 1962 conflict.this was real.
If not because of the forward policy. Every problem can be solved in peace at that time.
Nice try but that is not at all true.According to all available indications,China was in fact getting ready for a military operation inside then NEFA.
And what Forward Policy you talking about you pathetic hypocrite.When did the Indians ever ventured north of McMohan line to justify your offensive you moron??Just accept it....you guys were simply not ready to let go the opportunity to get a victory over the weaker and unprepared neighbour led by a moronic and inept b@stard and those yes men surrounding him.So stop playing the victim card saying,"Oh we were so weak back then!!Oh the bad bad Indians left us with no other choice but to attack in self-defence!!"Self-defence my @rse.Just stop your BS because it makes you Chinis look like pathetic hypocrites,which you are indeed by the way.
Do read up on history . its we who following the forward policy brought the war to our own doorstep. as for the name calling!!!! pathetic . if you cant post in a civil manner man you just shouldn't post at all.
Let me get this right. This report was not declassified by the govt. Neville Maxwell had a copy of it. The question is--does he possess the rest of the report? Also what took him so long to release it?

It is well know Gen. Henderson had given the report to Maxwell (an aussie) after he migrated to Australia and Maxwell had offered this to the Indian Express who had refused to publish it in the 1970's. Furthermore Henderson was told in no uncertain terms that his pension would be stopped and he would be charged under OSA which would ensure his family or he could never visit India. Henderson died in the early 2000, if I am not mistaken. Maxwell is now very old and so he has published it and has done a great service to the India public who get easily mislead about the Indo - Sino war by the false publicity.
I've forgotten more about this matter than you will ever possibly expect to learn boy.It's you who has a need to read up more....a lot more here,not me.

And who are you trying to appease here....your Chinese masters??Huh dog??Well,it's time you stop appeasing the fucking Chinese Mr Pseudo Commie and start reading those memoirs of then serving Indian Army generals and field grade officers.If you think you know better,then you should go teach your mother,don't come here trying to lecture me boy.

What the hell Forward Policy are you taking about.....WHAT??I have read all this Neville Maxwell years ago and I knew what he just disclosed from a long time....you guys are just catching up now bachhe.Clearly you have got no slightest fucking idea what the Forward Policy was all about.Let me inform you in short : The whole idea was to make a stand against the increasingly assertive and aggressive PLA on on LAC.The fucking Nehru thought he could somehow magically defend every inch of Indian territory by simply building a few small,makeshift border posts in the geographically isolated positions along the entire LAC.Indian Army generals advised against this (rightly so).Their plan was to build strong indepth defensive strong points along strategically located high grounds, let the PLA enter and then hold them of and bog down their offensive into the lower valleys where they could be bombed to smithereens by means of concentrated artillery barrages and IAF bombings....at this point their own arty and air cover would be bare minimum if any owing to the lack of transportation infrastructures necessary to bring their arty guns forward and lack of air bases in TAR.......at least this was their whole plan in short.But Fucking cocksucker Nehru,Menon and Kaul trio dismissed this tactically sound plan and led the IA towards certain disaster and thousands of good men died like caged animals.Due this exact reason Nehru is an @rse hole and not because of the FP.
When did the Indian gorces ever crossed the McMohan Line and ventured northern territories....NEVER!!So how on earth can you or you Chini masters justify their unilateral attack on the Dhola post on ThagLa ridge which was situated on south of McMohan Line??What is your logic when you say so??Oh wait....I tend to forget everytime whom am I speaking to here - a pseudo commie Khangress @rse licker dog who would descend to any low to defend his Chini and Khangressi masters.What else can one expect from a dog like you??Boy you show every trait of a dog except loyalty.Oh wait.....you are loyal to your masters!!
Are you really that much naive to actually believe all that Chinese propaganda??That they were dragged into combat by FP??How did they manage to bring their supplies forward so quickly with beyond pathetic and primitive lines of communications in TAR....through some maggic huh??Does it really add up??You sure as hell can't be that much naive and foolhardy can you!!??Actually they were getting ready for this from mid '61 and by June/July 1962 they were totally ready to strike at moment's notice.These aren't my words as I don't pull out theories from my behind but logs from IA field officers posted in forward regions of NEFA!!

Regarding the name calling,I'm totally right to curse the likes of Nehru and co and you can god damn bet your @rse I will do it again.What else do you expect - these men led our nation and our Army to the certain disaster dismissing the warnings of the professional and able military commanders.Due to their foolishness Thousands of young men died without food,proper clothing and ammunitions.But what do you care right??Your entire loyalty rests with our northern neighbours.But guess what....I'm not pathetic traitor like yourself.My entire loyalty rests with my motherland and mine only.I only care about the interests of our country.And if you have got any problem,you can go fu*k yourself dog.Like I give a damn!!

And at last,you are the last person who should give me a lecture about civility and manners you khangress sickular @ree licker!!Traitors like you should shot dead in public....on a second thought your likes should be crushed under tank treads.Besides,who the **** in the hell are you dog to tell me should I or should I not post here.....abbe teri baap ki jagah hay ke??You listen to me and listen me good....stay the hell out my way.You think you know better....fine,go teach your mother;don't ever try to lecture me again.
Got you foaming at the mouth now? :)
The guilty men of 1962


A file photo of former Defence Minister Krishna Menon.

For over a half-century, the Henderson Brooks-Bhagat report has remained a state secret. The only two copies of the 1963 report that clinically analysed independent India’s worst military defeat, at the hands of the PLA in 1962, lay buried in the vaults of the defence ministry and army headquarters. Successive governments stubbornly refused to release it.

On Thursday, a 190-page document surfaced, ghost-like, from the past. Australian author and journalist Neville Maxwell uploaded a portion of the Henderson Brooks report on the internet. Maxwell was the India correspondent of the Times, London, in New Delhi during the war. Government officials who had read the Henderson Brooks report instantly recognised its distinctive outlines in Maxwell’s racy accountIndia’s China War released in 1970.

On March 17, Maxwell ended speculation about whether he actually owned a copy of the report. His report, only a portion of the Henderson Brooks report, triggered a nation-wide download frenzy among the security establishment and journalists. Marked ‘Top Secret’ the pages are the most severe indictment of independent India’s political and military leadership ever. Over 2,000 Indian soldiers died in the month-long war which began in October 21, 1962. Over 4,000 were taken prisioners of war which saw an entire division of over 15,000 soldiers retreat ignominously in the face of the Chinese onslaught in the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA).

The defence ministry refused to comment and responded with a terse statement stating the “extremely sensitive nature of the contents of the Report, which are of current operational value” as being reason for it to be Top Secret still. As the frayed typewritten pages now tell us, General Henderson Brooks held practically the entire civil and military leadership responsible for plunging India into a war it was not prepared for.

1) Krishna Menon,Defence Minister: Brooks mentions as ‘surprising’ the defence minister’s decision not to keep minutes to be taken of all the meetings he had with the military leadership ahead of the 1962 War. It led to ‘grave consequences’ he said, because it absolved anyone in the ultimate analysis of the responsibility of any major decision. Thus it could, and did, lead to decisions being taken without careful and considered thought on the consequences of those decisions.’

2) BM Mullick, Director Intelligence Bureau: Brooks is scathing in his indictment of Mullick and the Intelligence Bureau for intelligence which was ‘haphazardly collected, badly processed, unimaginatively put across and inefficiently disseminated.’ ‘It appears that the DIB was of the opinion that the ‘Chinese would not react to our establishing of new posts and that they were not likely to use force against any of our posts even if they were in a position to do so.’ The IB slept through Chinese preparedness on the border. ‘No notice was taken of the carefully assessed build up brought out in 1960 and 1961, but reliance was placed on verbal interpretation by the Director of Intelligence Bureau of his assessment based on isolated cases.’ Mullick, Brooks says, even advised on tactical military matters.

3) Lt General BM Kaul, Chief of General Staff and later Commander 4 Corps: Brooks reserves his anger for Kaul who he indirectly blames for the Indian army’s complete rout in the eastern sector. ‘So far effort has been made to keep individual personalities out of the review. General Kaul, however, must be made an exception, as, from now on, he becomes the central figure in the operations.’ Brooks castigates Kaul, who as Chief of General Staff set up impossible targets for the troops on the ground. As the CGS, General Kaul also bought into the government’s myth that the Chinese would not react to the forward policy. Kaul took over the reins of a newly constituted 4 Corps in NEFA (present Arunachal Pradesh) leaving the post of CGS vacant. The reason behind forming the 4 Corps was to enable General Kaul and his key staff officers to direct a quick operation. ‘No one with any military knowledge would have form or accept a Corps to direct a major operation on the day of its inception.’

4) MJ Desai, Foreign Secretary: At a meeting in the defence minister’s room on September 22, 1962, Desai said that the Chinese would not react to the Indian forward policy but would perhaps, capture ‘one or two posts.’

5) Brigadier DK Palit, Director Military Operations: ‘The Director of Military Operations as late as August 1962 openly declared at headquarters 4 Infantry Division that the Chinese would not react and were not in a position to fight.’

The missing PM and Army Chief

The report is silent on the role played by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and army chief General VM Thapar. Partly because, the brief before the Henderson Brooks committee was to examine the military aspects of the operation. Nehru and Thapar, were, ironically, the ones who suffered the most from the debacle. General Thapar resigned as army chief on November 22, 1962, a day after the Chinese announced a ceasefire. Nehru whose forward policy was a strategic blunder, died a broken man two years after the defeat.


Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru

1) Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister: The report is silent on the PM’s role but it questions Nehru’s ‘Forward Policy’ by which the Indian army would move ahead of the 3000 km MacMohan Line, separating India and China. Brooks says he does not know the background of the government’s decision because he does not have the minutes of the meeting where the forward policy was laid out.


A file photo of General V M Thapar.

2) General VM Thapar, Chief of Army Staff: The army chief is mentioned only in one place in the report where he is part of a meeting in Krishna Menon’s office. General Thapar says that the Chinese could retaliate to the forward policy in Ladakh and capture an army post in the Galwan valley and reach their 1960 claim line.

The guilty men of 1962 | idrw.org
I've forgotten more about this matter than you will ever possibly expect to learn boy.It's you who has a need to read up more....a lot more here,not me.

And who are you trying to appease here....your Chinese masters??Huh dog??Well,it's time you stop appeasing the fucking Chinese Mr Pseudo Commie and start reading those memoirs of then serving Indian Army generals and field grade officers.If you think you know better,then you should go teach your mother,don't come here trying to lecture me boy.

What the hell Forward Policy are you taking about.....WHAT??I have read all this Neville Maxwell years ago and I knew what he just disclosed from a long time....you guys are just catching up now bachhe.Clearly you have got no slightest fucking idea what the Forward Policy was all about.Let me inform you in short : The whole idea was to make a stand against the increasingly assertive and aggressive PLA on on LAC.The fucking Nehru thought he could somehow magically defend every inch of Indian territory by simply building a few small,makeshift border posts in the geographically isolated positions along the entire LAC.Indian Army generals advised against this (rightly so).Their plan was to build strong indepth defensive strong points along strategically located high grounds, let the PLA enter and then hold them of and bog down their offensive into the lower valleys where they could be bombed to smithereens by means of concentrated artillery barrages and IAF bombings....at this point their own arty and air cover would be bare minimum if any owing to the lack of transportation infrastructures necessary to bring their arty guns forward and lack of air bases in TAR.......at least this was their whole plan in short.But Fucking cocksucker Nehru,Menon and Kaul trio dismissed this tactically sound plan and led the IA towards certain disaster and thousands of good men died like caged animals.Due this exact reason Nehru is an @rse hole and not because of the FP.
When did the Indian gorces ever crossed the McMohan Line and ventured northern territories....NEVER!!So how on earth can you or you Chini masters justify their unilateral attack on the Dhola post on ThagLa ridge which was situated on south of McMohan Line??What is your logic when you say so??Oh wait....I tend to forget everytime whom am I speaking to here - a pseudo commie Khangress @rse licker dog who would descend to any low to defend his Chini and Khangressi masters.What else can one expect from a dog like you??Boy you show every trait of a dog except loyalty.Oh wait.....you are loyal to your masters!!
Are you really that much naive to actually believe all that Chinese propaganda??That they were dragged into combat by FP??How did they manage to bring their supplies forward so quickly with beyond pathetic and primitive lines of communications in TAR....through some maggic huh??Does it really add up??You sure as hell can't be that much naive and foolhardy can you!!??Actually they were getting ready for this from mid '61 and by June/July 1962 they were totally ready to strike at moment's notice.These aren't my words as I don't pull out theories from my behind but logs from IA field officers posted in forward regions of NEFA!!

Regarding the name calling,I'm totally right to curse the likes of Nehru and co and you can god damn bet your @rse I will do it again.What else do you expect - these men led our nation and our Army to the certain disaster dismissing the warnings of the professional and able military commanders.Due to their foolishness Thousands of young men died without food,proper clothing and ammunitions.But what do you care right??Your entire loyalty rests with our northern neighbours.But guess what....I'm not pathetic traitor like yourself.My entire loyalty rests with my motherland and mine only.I only care about the interests of our country.And if you have got any problem,you can go fu*k yourself dog.Like I give a damn!!

And at last,you are the last person who should give me a lecture about civility and manners you khangress sickular @ree licker!!Traitors like you should shot dead in public....on a second thought your likes should be crushed under tank treads.Besides,who the **** in the hell are you dog to tell me should I or should I not post here.....abbe teri baap ki jagah hay ke??You listen to me and listen me good....stay the hell out my way.You think you know better....fine,go teach your mother;don't ever try to lecture me again.

Dude seriously............ abuse nehru as much as you can.(he deserves to be)... but its a fact you need to learn manners.
Chinese have known this all along. In 1962 our country was starving and facing many calamities. A war with India was another straw on the proverbial camel's back.

Fortunately China is an enduring dragon and ploughed foward. Today no one talks about the war with India or have little knowledge. Our beef with India is long over and forgiven, our wrath is reserved solely for Japan.
Dude seriously............ abuse nehru as much as you can.(he deserves to be)... but its a fact you need to learn manners.

Not from you folks I don't.

You guys are carefully avoiding a simple question - did we or did we not crossed the Line of Actual Control and ventured into Chinese territory while following this Forward Policy??A simple Yes or No would do,then we can carry-on our debate and you can lecture me on my lack of manners and civility all you want and I shall oblige.But till then......
Chinese have known this all along. In 1962 our country was starving and facing many calamities. A war with India was another straw on the proverbial camel's back.

Fortunately China is an enduring dragon and ploughed foward. Today no one talks about the war with India or have little knowledge. Our beef with India is long over and forgiven, our wrath is reserved solely for Japan.

Yeah yeah......whatever floats your boat dude.Why don't you just accept that your army just wasn't ready to let go the God gifted opportunity to humiliate India while it was weak and was being led by a fool.That way you would look less of an hypocrite.
Actually we Indians are thankful to your country for giving us that jolt....it was necessary,absolutely necessary.It helped our army to go back to drawing board,abolished the rampant and wildly spreading class system into the officer corps,helped bringing necessary restructuring,shed the wings of Nehru-Menon-Kaul gang,they had to abandon their plan of DISBANDING the Indian Army but most importantly,it united our nation.Never before we were so united and we thank Chairman Mao for that.
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Punish India? Why?
You have punished yourselves enough. Today you still pick at the open sore of the 1962 debacle and and spend ludicrous amount of money on over priced imported arms. China is not the enemy of India, your political elites are your own enemy. The war was started by Nehru and his cronies, old men who talked war but fought by sending young men to their deaths.
The PLA was most geneous to Indian POWs, even polishing their rifles and feeding them rice when the country at home was in turmoil.
I've forgotten more about this matter than you will ever possibly expect to learn boy.It's you who has a need to read up more....a lot more here,not me.

And who are you trying to appease here....your Chinese masters??Huh dog??Well,it's time you stop appeasing the fucking Chinese Mr Pseudo Commie and start reading those memoirs of then serving Indian Army generals and field grade officers.If you think you know better,then you should go teach your mother,don't come here trying to lecture me boy.

What the hell Forward Policy are you taking about.....WHAT??I have read all this Neville Maxwell years ago and I knew what he just disclosed from a long time....you guys are just catching up now bachhe.Clearly you have got no slightest fucking idea what the Forward Policy was all about.Let me inform you in short : The whole idea was to make a stand against the increasingly assertive and aggressive PLA on on LAC.The fucking Nehru thought he could somehow magically defend every inch of Indian territory by simply building a few small,makeshift border posts in the geographically isolated positions along the entire LAC.Indian Army generals advised against this (rightly so).Their plan was to build strong indepth defensive strong points along strategically located high grounds, let the PLA enter and then hold them of and bog down their offensive into the lower valleys where they could be bombed to smithereens by means of concentrated artillery barrages and IAF bombings....at this point their own arty and air cover would be bare minimum if any owing to the lack of transportation infrastructures necessary to bring their arty guns forward and lack of air bases in TAR.......at least this was their whole plan in short.But Fucking cocksucker Nehru,Menon and Kaul trio dismissed this tactically sound plan and led the IA towards certain disaster and thousands of good men died like caged animals.Due this exact reason Nehru is an @rse hole and not because of the FP.
When did the Indian gorces ever crossed the McMohan Line and ventured northern territories....NEVER!!So how on earth can you or you Chini masters justify their unilateral attack on the Dhola post on ThagLa ridge which was situated on south of McMohan Line??What is your logic when you say so??Oh wait....I tend to forget everytime whom am I speaking to here - a pseudo commie Khangress @rse licker dog who would descend to any low to defend his Chini and Khangressi masters.What else can one expect from a dog like you??Boy you show every trait of a dog except loyalty.Oh wait.....you are loyal to your masters!!
Are you really that much naive to actually believe all that Chinese propaganda??That they were dragged into combat by FP??How did they manage to bring their supplies forward so quickly with beyond pathetic and primitive lines of communications in TAR....through some maggic huh??Does it really add up??You sure as hell can't be that much naive and foolhardy can you!!??Actually they were getting ready for this from mid '61 and by June/July 1962 they were totally ready to strike at moment's notice.These aren't my words as I don't pull out theories from my behind but logs from IA field officers posted in forward regions of NEFA!!

Regarding the name calling,I'm totally right to curse the likes of Nehru and co and you can god damn bet your @rse I will do it again.What else do you expect - these men led our nation and our Army to the certain disaster dismissing the warnings of the professional and able military commanders.Due to their foolishness Thousands of young men died without food,proper clothing and ammunitions.But what do you care right??Your entire loyalty rests with our northern neighbours.But guess what....I'm not pathetic traitor like yourself.My entire loyalty rests with my motherland and mine only.I only care about the interests of our country.And if you have got any problem,you can go fu*k yourself dog.Like I give a damn!!

And at last,you are the last person who should give me a lecture about civility and manners you khangress sickular @ree licker!!Traitors like you should shot dead in public....on a second thought your likes should be crushed under tank treads.Besides,who the **** in the hell are you dog to tell me should I or should I not post here.....abbe teri baap ki jagah hay ke??You listen to me and listen me good....stay the hell out my way.You think you know better....fine,go teach your mother;don't ever try to lecture me again.

LOL. Brilliant.

Finally somebody who knows what he is talking about. :tup:
After so many posts all you could come up with this ---- just a one liner??!!
Consider your reply and what else should i do? you are hardly a mature or civil debater.

PS: my father fought in 62 , most info i have is from him and his friends , they include Gen Sunderji, also Gen S.F Rodrigues . both COAS and friends of my father . where you get your info from is debatable.
Yeah yeah......whatever floats your boat dude.Why don't you just accept that your army just wasn't ready to let go the God gifted opportunity to humiliate India while it was weak and was being led by a fool.That way you would look less of an hypocrite.
Actually we Indians are thankful to your country for giving us that jolt....it was necessary,absolutely necessary.It helped our army to go back to drawing board,abolished the rampant and wildly spreading class system into the officer corps,helped bringing necessary restructuring,shed the wings of Nehru-Menon-Kaul gang,they had to abandon their plan of DISBANDING the Indian Army but most importantly,it united our nation.Never before we were so united and we thank Chairman Mao for that.

Oh, there's plenty of opportunities, in fact just our existence is doing that right now. A communist dictatorship, out performing the world's biggest democracy in every way.

Do you know what a non performing democracy is? A hypocrisy.

As to helping your army, this army is helped? What did it look like before? Three guys carrying sticks? Uniting the country is even more ludicrous, if you want to see unity, come to China or Russia and you will see unity
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