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Classified 1962 war report revealed

Brigadier Dalvi's book was an eye opener in this context. Perhaps we can fairly guess what would be in that report if we read his book.
Read the "India's china war" by nevell maxwell. . as i have read both i feel this one better represented the actual going on .
Damn! They took down the docs from IDR as well!:fie:
No no, perhaps my net speed is bit low today.It's downloading now.:tup:

Thanks mate.It's working.

Read the "India's china war" by nevell maxwell. . as i have read both i feel this one better represented the actual going on .

This book is in my Flpkrt wishlist for a long. I will get it definitely next time.
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There is a book called "Indian army after independence" by lancer. its an eye opener. it showed how nehru was misled by certain cronies close to him and they were all yes men . none had the backbone to stand up and say the truth.

Sir , where are we today with respect to our defense against China ?

we are still outdated and out numbered with respect to China on our border . Our border infrastructure is still inferior with respect to Chinese ...

in what way 'today' is different from 'yesterday' ???
Sir , where are we today with respect to our defense against China ?

we are still outdated and out numbered with respect to China on our border . Our border infrastructure is still inferior with respect to Chinese ...

in what way 'today' is different from 'yesterday' ???
I disagree , today we have 11 divisions facing their 14 and the mountain corps are well equipped. yes there are some shortages but those exists in also every army . Today a confrontation is not so easy . today diplomacy is far more mature than what it was 50 yrs ago . i seriously doubt that there will be a Indo china war in the next decade.
I disagree , today we have 11 divisions facing their 14 and the mountain corps are well equipped. yes there are some shortages but those exists in also every army . Today a confrontation is not so easy . today diplomacy is fare more mature than what it was 50 yrs ago . i seriously doubt that there will be a Indo china war in the next decade.

well we must prepare for war even with distant possibility .

what I am trying to point out is that today we may match china man to man on border ...but in event of conflict China has the capability to outnumber us by huge margin ....

how are we going to tackle that challenge which is created by inferior border infrastructure on our side of border ?
I have also blamed Nehru's Forward Policy for the fiasco (@Chinese-Dragon )................

Actually after winning Hyderabad, Kashmir & even Goa (from Portuguese in 1961), i guess, Nehru became overconfident of Indian military power............

Without any preparation or experience in mountain warfare, he made our troops go behind enemy lines.........

Defeat was Inevitable.
well we must prepare for war even with distant possibility .

what I am trying to point out is that today we may match china man to man on border ...but in event of conflict China has the capability to outnumber us by huge margin ....

how are we going to tackle that challenge which is created by inferior border infrastructure on our side of border ?
The theory in the army was that if we build good infra near the border the enemy will use it to invade and thus make their job easier. it was only a few years ago that the army changed its thinking. and started to build infra to help mobilize their troops. till then they relied on the air force supporting a massive transport airlift.
The theory in the army was that if we build good infra near the border the enemy will use it to invade and thus make their job easier. it was only a few years ago that the army changed its thinking. and started to build infra to help mobilize their troops. till then they relied on the air force supporting a massive transport airlift.

And another important reason was that China's infrastructure in Tibet wasn't great either till the late 80s. But since then, they've modernized the road and rail network there considerably while we've been very slow in reciprocating.
The theory in the army was that if we build good infra near the border the enemy will use it to invade and thus make their job easier. it was only a few years ago that the army changed its thinking. and started to build infra to help mobilize their troops. till then they relied on the air force supporting a massive transport airlift.

we have seriously lagged in developing border infrastructure ....

we did not learn any lessons from 1962 ...
that's why even 5 decades later , we are in same situation ....

Do you agree that this is major weakness in India's side ?

If we have woken up now ...after 5 decades ....with our morbidly slow bureaucracy how much time are we going to take to rectify the mistakes continued decades after 1962 debacle ?
And another important reason was that China's infrastructure in Tibet wasn't great either till the late 80s. But since then, they've modernized the road and rail network there considerably while we've been very slow in reciprocating.
we have seriously lagged in developing border infrastructure ....

we did not learn any lessons from 1962 ...
that's why even 5 decades later , we are in same situation ....

Do you agree that this is major weakness in India's side ?

If we have woken up now ...after 5 decades ....with our morbidly slow bureaucracy how much time are we going to take to rectify the mistakes continued decades after 1962 debacle ?
As i said in my earlier post , it was a school of thought in the army high command not to build good infra near the borders of china.
As i said in my earlier post , it was a school of thought in the army high command not to build good infra near the borders of china.

This school of thought have done great disservice to nation ...

Even today plans to build decent roads in border areas is still on paper .

and it seriously undermines logistics of border defense ...

Our forces on borders can once again could be easily subjected to 1962 type situation of being out numbered and out maneuvered by Chinese troops just because of superior logistics ....
anyone found the report....made unclassified and posted on the website of this gentleman......
This school of thought have done great disservice to nation ...

Even today plans to build decent roads in border areas is still on paper .

and it seriously undermines logistics of border defense ...

Our forces on borders can once again could be easily subjected to 1962 type situation of being out numbered and out maneuvered by Chinese troops just because of superior logistics ....
I still have a few friends of my father in the army top brass, i will tell them how you feel they have done a disservice to the nation.:)
Please understand ever thing is not as cut and dried as it appears. Read a little on the army and its ways. making general and sweeping statements is for the naive.

anyone found the report....made unclassified and posted on the website of this gentleman......
Yeah i posted it in my earlier post.
Sir , where are we today with respect to our defense against China ?

we are still outdated and out numbered with respect to China on our border . Our border infrastructure is still inferior with respect to Chinese ...

in what way 'today' is different from 'yesterday' ???

Outdated yes,outnumbered no。

All China has alone the Sino-Indian border are 3 infantry brigades(1 mechanized and 2 mountains)、1 artillery regiment and 9 frontier regiments,totalling less than 30000 men。

There is absolutely no point in stationing a huge amount of troops in Tibet,it is simply not economical,nor is it called for。
I still have a few friends of my father in the army top brass, i will tell them how you feel they have done a disservice to the nation.:)
Please understand ever thing is not as cut and dried as it appears. Read a little on the army and its ways. making general and sweeping statements is for the naive..

I am sorry if I have offended you .
But I personally feel that to not to develop border infrastructure is a blunder ... a self defeating one .

I do not understand the logic and rationale behind such policy ...

If a deed with good intention ends up doing bad ..the overall outcome has to be considered bad .

It has been one of the major lessons of 1962 debacle and we have not learned our lesson .

Outdated yes,outnumbered no。

All China has alone the Sino-Indian border are 3 infantry brigades(1 mechanized and 2 mountains)、1 artillery regiment and 9 frontier regiments,totalling less than 30000 men。

There is absolutely no point in stationing a huge amount of troops in Tibet,it is simply not economical,nor is it called for。

I have said that they can be easily outnumbered due to China's superior logistics in event of war ...
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