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Classified 1962 war report revealed

Your link just bluntly says that IA set up 43 out posts (not 60) north of the McMahon line but where??This you call a source without any authentic data or a marked map??It may come to you as a reliable source,not to me.If late Brig. Dalvi is to be believed,IA patrols never deliberately ventured north to its perceived McMahon line,so setting up BOPs in north is a long shot.

And regarding personal attacks....report all you want,to whomever your want to.Like I give a damn!!What else can you do anyway??

Regarding your abusive language, we can always get you banned if it crosses certain norms of decency.

Regarding my link, it at least answers your question on the basis of which you were dissing/cussing on other members here. Indian Army crossed the border before the War. If you disagree, provide sources that prove otherwise.

You can also do us and yourself a favour by reading the Henderson Brooks report which has been finally outed on the net.
Do you know anything about the cold war, the cuban missile crisis and the china war ? :lol: ...... or do you swallow congress and chinese propaganda hook line and sinker ?

I suggest you read up a LOT.

Since today I always sided myself from politics.I have made my view on congress since it's birth many times in different threads and it's obvious you do not visit such threads. This is a feeling I developed before coming to this forum. What I am amazed after coming here is their opponents are no good in any sense either and quite ironically name calling, abusing ethnicity are being continued without any interruption for years. Nothing have changed. Same arrogance, abuse all over.
Since today I always sided myself from politics.I have made my view on congress since it's birth many times in different threads and it's obvious you do not visit such threads. This is a feeling I developed before coming to this forum. What I am amazed after coming here is their opponents are no good in any sense either and quite ironically name calling, abusing ethnicity are being continued without any interruption for years. Nothing have changed. Same arrogance, abuse all over.

....... so the gist is "the other" side is just as bad as the congress ? .... or the congress is just as good as the "other side" ?

...so might as well go with the congress. Did I get it right ?
Regarding your abusive language, we can always get you banned if it crosses certain norms of decency.

Regarding my link, it at least answers your question on the basis of which you were dissing/cussing on other members here. Indian Army crossed the border before the War. If you disagree, provide sources that prove otherwise.

You can also do us and yourself a favour by reading the Henderson Brooks report which has been finally outed on the net.

Like I said earlier and I say again,I don't care about what you can do.Do whatever you want to man....am not gonna come after you in future.
WRT your source (if one can classify as one) it one,it actuality acknowledges my claims that PLA patrols started intruding into Indian territory and began to threatening Indian Army positions from as far back as '61.Thanks for conforming.And what source are you talking about??I base my knowledge on books and declassified documents,research papers....and not something written by journos.Go to any university or college,ask the professors or students there.Random Internet articles are NOT considered to be valid sources unless they are from any research papers or declassified government documents.You seriously don't expect me to scan entire books and post them on net do you??You have to spend money from your pocket to get all the good 'sources'.Trust me,not everything good can be found on net.
And wrt to Henderson Brooks - P.S Bhagat report,Thanks for posting that link.But I've already read its content from Maxwell's book India's China War like almost a decade ago.These two are not really that different from each other.I've posted an ebook link in this thread if you wanna take a look at.
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Like I said earlier and I say again,I don't care about what you can do.Do whatever you want to man....am not gonna come after you in future.
WRT your source (if one can classify as one) it one,it actuality acknowledges my claims that PLA patrols started intruding into Indian territory and began to threatening Indian Army positions from as far back as '61.Thanks for conforming.And what source are you talking about??I base my knowledge on books and declassified documents,research papers....and not something written by journos.Go to any university or college,ask the professors or students there.Random Internet articles are NOT considered to be valid sources unless they are from any research papers or declassified government documents.You seriously don't expect me to scan entire books and post them on net do you??You have to spend money from your pocket to get all the good 'sources'.Trust me,not everything good can be found on net.
And wrt to Henderson Brooks - P.S Bhagat report,Thanks for posting that link.But I've already read its content from Maxwell's book India's China War like almost a decade ago.These two are not really that different from each other.I've posted an ebook link in this thread if you wanna take a look at.
So you choose not to cite any source to prove your claims and also refuse to acknowledge what someone else provides as source because it was available on the internet? If you've really read Neville Maxwell's book, you must then be knowing about our adventurism and unilateral demarcation border demarcation in Aksai Chin then. How did you choose to overlook those points?

Anyways, neither am I here to convince you on anything. My only problem against you was that you were getting aggressive and abusive on members just because they held views that differed from you. You keep discussions civil and I too won't ever bother you.
So you choose not to cite any source to prove your claims and also refuse to acknowledge what someone else provides as source because it was available on the internet? If you've really read Neville Maxwell's book, you must then be knowing about our adventurism and unilateral demarcation border demarcation in Aksai Chin then. How did you choose to overlook those points?

Anyways, neither am I here to convince you on anything. My only problem against you was that you were getting aggressive and abusive on members just because they held views that differed from you. You keep discussions civil and I too won't ever bother you.

Like I said earlier in no uncertain terms,random internet articles are not considered to be valid sources unless backed up by authentic data.
Yes Nehru the @rsehole was taken for a ride by Menon and Kaul and did try to demarcate the border in Aksai Chin without taking the Chinese into confidence.But it was not something which could not have been resolved diplomatically.Actually the Indians did try to negotiate but Mao was adamant.He claimed the entire Aksai Chin and NEFA without giving any concessions since he knew Indian Army was in no position to militarily oppose PLA.But again all these did not justify a full scale invasion from China - did it??

And it is also not right to think that the PLA invasion of 1962 was a reactive knee-jerk measure,no not at all.In fact PLA was gradually building up their forces and support cum logistics hubs and dumping their munitions infront of our forward deployed troops from as far back as early '61,they started acting in a highly assertve and aggressive manner never seen before,Chinese patrols had started to cross McMahon Line and threaten Indian positions from as far back as 1961,not only that they even started shooting and killing IA patrols from this time on.It was the PLA who drew the FIRST BLOOD,it was them who started crossing LAC and firing without any provocation even BEFORE India tried to demarcate the Aksai Chin.

And by the way,you such easily held India responsible for that disaster in your urge to win your argument,you told how India tried to demarcate Aksai Chin unilaterally;very well......but you conveniently forgot how the Chinese had constructed a fixed black top highway through your same disputed Aksai Chin region UNILATERALLY AND WITHOUT EVEN NOTIFYING INDIANS as far back as '58, (GoI came to know this only the next year) mach before India's effort to demarcate the area!!You tell me was it justified on their part??What was the rationale behind this ADVENTURISM of Chinese??And had it been justified if India would have launched an invasion in China (given India could mount on one such offensive) based on China's ADVENTURISM of effectively ceding a disputed territory??
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Oh and I just opened a map in my Neville Maxwell copy,page 360.@indischer,it seems like your author got confused.The 43 posts were NOT on North of McMahon Line as demarcated by the British and perceived by India but they were ON NORTH TO THE LAC PERCEIVED by the CHINESE.
Besides,Dhola was also on about 2-3 km north of CHINESE LAC but technically to the south of McMahon Line perceived by Indians since to us,McMahon Line ran immediate north to Thagla ridge and Dhola post was situated in Namkachu valley which was south to the Thagla ridge.But to the Chinese,LAC ran through the southern end of Namkachu valley.
You can very clearly see the rampant confusion here.I'll leave it now upto your respective judgements to decide which side was right and which side wrong.

Good night....
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