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Neville Maxwell says India was aggressor in 1962, not China

Prior to 1962 war,

US support the Dalai Lama clique with finance, weapon and training, to start an arm revolt for Tibetan independent in 1959. And they operate through Indian territory.
After the revolt failed, Dalai Lama run to India and set up a government in exile there.
Sino-Soviet split in 1960. Soviet pull out all the treaty assistance and call China on debt owed to Soviet. And in 1962, there are problem in sino-soviet border in Xinjiang.
China has just gone through a famine that starve tens of millions.
China is developing nuclear bomb that both superpower camp (US and SU and their respective allies) would like to delay/stop. There are frequent excursion of their spy plane into China nuclear test site.

The truth is, China is extremely weak and isolated and vulnerable at the time.

And India/Nehru is looking to take advantage of that. Why would there be any surprise that the provocation is deliberate?

Well, be careful what you wish, it is called a mistake only by hindsight.
You did stab us in the back though.

All your lies have been exposed by the Indian Army's own Henderson-Brooks report.

Nehru said that we were "bhai bhai" in Hindi, we never said it in Chinese.

In 1959 we began having the worst famine in Chinese history, the Great leap forward. We were collapsing from starvation and internal unrest, and surrounded by two enemy superpowers in all directions.

So what did Nehru do? Instead of helping us, he hosted our largest separatist group in 1959 after their failed violent uprising.

Then he started the Forward Policy against us, setting up military outposts far beyond the McMahon line in the eastern sector, where India does not even claim any land!

From the report:

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard

He attacked us when we were in the middle of the worst famine in our history. Even though he claimed that we were brothers. :disagree:

So it was India that backstabbed us. Nehru said we were brothers, then he started a war against us. Nothing but a back stabber.
Again you have been repeating the same thing ,tell me what has comeout which is not known.
Its a disputed territory,so if one party puts up a post you go to war,then how many times we should have gone to war,your troops cross into Indian side and camp regularly.if you where friends as you claim what would you do,you talk first then fight.
And you dont have to be a geniuss to know you cannot attack a big country by having a post.
China took that as an opertunity to divert the problems in china and pump up nationalism to divert all the problems you mentioned china was under in the post.
Again you have been repeating the same thing ,tell me what has comeout which is not known.
Its a disputed territory,so if one party puts up a post you go to war,then how many times we should have gone to war,your troops cross into Indian side and camp regularly.if you where friends as you claim what would you do,you talk first then fight.
And you dont have to be a geniuss to know you cannot attack a big country by having a post.
China took that as an opertunity to divert the problems in china and pump up nationalism to divert all the problems you mentioned china was under in the post.

Read properly.

India does NOT claim any land NORTH of the McMahon Line, India does not claim any territory in the Eastern sector.

That land is not disputed by anyone, not by India, not by anyone. Yet the Forward Policy involved setting up military outposts North of the McMahon Line, again... where India does not claim any land!

From the Henderson-Brooks report:

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard
Read properly.

India does NOT claim any land NORTH of the McMahon Line, India does not claim any territory in the Eastern sector.

That land is not disputed by anyone, not by India, not by anyone. Yet the Forward Policy involved setting up military outposts North of the McMahon Line, again... where India does not claim any land!

From the Henderson-Brooks report:

Dhola Post that triggered war was on China's side of McMahon Line | Business Standard

thats what i was telling you exactly. The report you are claiming is miltary internal probe report says post was due to misundertanding,wont you think India would have not accepted if it was not Indian side of the line if it was told.
China got an opertunity to divert the attention of chinese people from the internal problems as you mentioned in your post and pumpup nationalism its the easiest thing to do.
thats what i was telling you exactly. The report you are claiming is miltary internal probe report says post was due to misundertanding,wont you think India would have not accepted if it was not Indian side of the line if it was told.
China got an opertunity to divert the attention of chinese people from the internal problems as you mentioned in your post and pumpup nationalism its the easiest thing to do.

Pumping up nationalism? :lol:

Read your own Henderson-Brooks report, they place the responsibility for the 1962 War solely on Nehru.

Maybe you know more than your own Indian Army?
Pumping up nationalism? :lol:

Read your own Henderson-Brooks report, they place the responsibility for the 1962 War solely on Nehru.

Maybe you know more than your own Indian Army?
You have been on 62 war threads,have you come accross any Indian not blaming nehru.
You have been on 62 war threads,have you come accross any Indian not blaming nehru.

Yeah they blame him for not preparing the Armed forces.

They don't blame him for starting the war with his Forward Policy, even though he did.

And talk about not preparing the Armed forces, India is doing the same thing today:

'There is no money left': Govt delays Rafale fighter jet deal - The Times of India

Back in 1962, India actually had a larger economy than China, especially since China's GDP fell by almost 1/3 during the Great leap forward. Not to mention India had the legacy of the British Indian Army.

Today, China's GDP is now $9.3 trillion, and India's GDP is still at $1.7 trillion. Even Nehru was more prepared against China compared to the present-day India.
Yeah they blame him for not preparing the Armed forces.

They don't blame him for starting the war with his Forward Policy, even though he did.

And talk about not preparing the Armed forces, India is doing the same thing today:

'There is no money left': Govt delays Rafale fighter jet deal - The Times of India

Back in 1962, India actually had a larger economy than China, especially since China's GDP fell by almost 1/3 during the Great leap forward. Not to mention India had the legacy of the British Indian Army.

Today, China's GDP is now $9.3 trillion, and India's GDP is still at $1.7 trillion. Even Nehru was more prepared against China compared to the present-day India.

The reason he is blamed only for not preparing the armed forces is,because the chinese side was building along the disputed border and nehru belived china will never attack India and he never gave any weightage to the military leaders and their openion,but under intence pressure finally he allowed some posts to counter chinese buildup ,but with out proper equipment or backup.

And if GDP is the meassure of strength then even today wont you think,US can walkover China.
The reason he is blamed only for not preparing the armed forces is,because the chinese side was building along the disputed border and nehru belived china will never attack India and he never gave any weightage to the military leaders and their openion,but under intence pressure finally he allowed some posts to counter chinese buildup ,but with out proper equipment or backup.

And if GDP is the meassure of strength then even today wont you think,US can walkover China.

Think about it, India had a bigger GDP than China in 1962. The Great leap forward cut our GDP by 1/3 and made us incredibly weak.

Today, our GDP is $9.3 trillion vs $1.7 trillion for India. As a consequence, our military budget is far larger. In the same way, America has the largest defence budget in the world, which is why they are the sole superpower.

India has neglected every arm of their Armed forces, they are far below sanctioned squad strength for the Airforce, the Navy now has less active submarines than even Pakistan, and the land forces don't have enough equipment or ammunition to last for even a few days of fighting, according to VK Singh.

Back in 1962, China and India were similar in terms of relative strength, China might have been slightly weaker back then. Today China is multiple times more powerful than India in terms of economy and military, you are FAR less prepared against China now than Nehru ever was.
Think about it, India had a bigger GDP than China in 1962. The Great leap forward cut our GDP by 1/3 and made us incredibly weak.

Today, our GDP is $9.3 trillion vs $1.7 trillion for India. As a consequence, our military budget is far larger. In the same way, America has the largest defence budget in the world, which is why they are the sole superpower.

India has neglected every arm of their Armed forces, they are far below sanctioned squad strength for the Airforce, the Navy now has less active submarines than even Pakistan, and the land forces don't have enough equipment or ammunition to last for even a few days of fighting, according to VK Singh.

Back in 1962, China and India were similar in terms of relative strength, China might have been slightly weaker back then. Today China is multiple times more powerful than India in terms of economy and military, you are FAR less prepared against China now than Nehru ever was.
Think about it, India had a bigger GDP than China in 1962. The Great leap forward cut our GDP by 1/3 and made us incredibly weak.

Today, our GDP is $9.3 trillion vs $1.7 trillion for India. As a consequence, our military budget is far larger. In the same way, America has the largest defence budget in the world, which is why they are the sole superpower.

India has neglected every arm of their Armed forces, they are far below sanctioned squad strength for the Airforce, the Navy now has less active submarines than even Pakistan, and the land forces don't have enough equipment or ammunition to last for even a few days of fighting, according to VK Singh.

Back in 1962, China and India were similar in terms of relative strength, China might have been slightly weaker back then. Today China is multiple times more powerful than India in terms of economy and military, you are FAR less prepared against China now than Nehru ever was.
Back in 1962 china was militarly more powerful then India,India was illeqipped militarally then.
Agreed our babus have completly neglected our forces,but stll its no push over can bleed china too.lets be frank neither India and China can afford a war.and spending yes you side of the border is well connected,we are working on in at a slow phase,still the terrain is such you cannt count on heavy weaponary much.
Back in 1962 china was militarly more powerful then India,India was illeqipped militarally then.
Agreed our babus have completly neglected our forces,but stll its no push over can bleed china too.lets be frank neither India and China can afford a war.and spending yes you side of the border is well connected,we are working on in at a slow phase,still the terrain is such you cannt count on heavy weaponary much.

China has the high ground on the Tibetan Plateau, the highest mountain range on Earth. This gives us an unprecedented defensive advantage. Not just in terms of actual fighting, but in terms of radar too, since the Indian radar will come up against a sheer mountain wall and be blocked off from the events on top of the plateau.

Not to mention the fact that we have thousands and thousands of land attack cruise missiles, conventional short-range ballistic missiles, and rocket artillery (which is currently being aimed at Taiwan). One of the largest conventional missile stockpiles on Earth.

All of these platforms can reach more than 350km away, and New Delhi is only 300km from the Chinese border! Not to mention we can use these missiles to target Indian airfields and military assets all across the Indian Northeast, and essentially get rid of the air-force cover in the Indian Northeast, giving our troops more than enough room to operate, alongside our own air-force and missile force which are amongst the largest in the world.

Then last but not least, we have vastly superior infrastructure in the border regions compared to India. This means we can bring more troops and equipment to the point of conflict, and we can bring forces vastly exceeding those of India to any point along the LAC, outnumbering Indian forces at any point on the border by multiple times.
1962 War solely on Nehru.
Debated like thousands times !!!
I really don't like Nehru still blaming him only is a propaganda - exclusively ran by China and your comrades.

And about your comment on back stab !!! Really !!!!!!!
At most that was a stab. Back stab is something different.

I remember having a multipage discussion with you on 1962 and finally reaching to Buddhism and statues of Buddha in China.
Still Your eagerness to participate in such threads amaze me.

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