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Neville Maxwell says India was aggressor in 1962, not China

Debated like thousands times !!!
I really don't like Nehru still blaming him only is a propaganda - exclusively ran by China and your comrades.

And about your comment on back stab !!! Really !!!!!!!
At most that was a stab. Back stab is something different.

I remember having a multipage discussion with you on 1962 and finally reaching to Buddhism and statues of Buddha in China.
Still Your eagerness to participate in such threads amaze me.

Whenever Indians falsely accuse my country of backstabbing, I will come to provide the truth, from India's own internal Army reports. :P

It was the Forward Policy that started the Sino-Indian War, even India's own internal Army reports say the same thing.
Whenever Indians falsely accuse my country of backstabbing, I will come to provide the truth, from India's own internal Army reports. :P

It was the Forward Policy that started the Sino-Indian War, even India's own internal Army reports say the same thing.
So we are doing it again ;)
I never denied forward policy. Going by terms india was in position to claim Lahsa but we never did it. to That can term as aggression. NOT BACKSTABBING.

The term was specially used in India for the only reason that China didn't clear its intensions.
- we had good relations
- disputes could have been solved on table.
- we talked and solved many issues before that. We actually helped each other. With India doing more.
- Harbouring Mr. Lama was never against China. India never supported his political agenda. Asylum was and is purely humanitarian and historical nature.
- Element of surprise favour the aggressor NOT the defender.
- and when defender gets his feet under him aggressor must be able to over power him or run away fast !!!

And if India would have in possition to fight with China in non nulcear senario would you have said the recent Chinese incursion good reason to start a war !!!!
Not a single bullet is fired.
Who are these Fava bean and terranmarine? Opening multiple threads?
And Munshi is openly marketing his book? I thought that was against rules of the forum......
And Munshi is openly marketing his book? I thought that was against rules of the forum......

I am actually making no money from this as it is freely downloadable. The point is to make as many people around the world aware of Indian activities before Bangladesh again begins to boil later in the year.
who gives a damn about who was agressor, war broke out and few bad decisions made us loose mansarovar. And that Nehru said,'' Banjaar zameen ko rakh kar koi fayeda nahi tha, some one replied, apka sir par ek bhi baal nahi woh bhi banjaar hai toh usse rakh kar kya fayeda''
In India, there is hardly any enthusiasm against the fact that '62 was a failure both in terms of Political and Military.Lets admit it and move on. In fact India had moved on way ahead after it's '62 debacle. The sheer analysis of the blunders it made yielded indirect dividends in the later wars it had to fight on it's western front. So I see no reason to bring the topic again and again when India-China relationship has already entered into a new sphere of cooperation in Technology and trade & Commerce. Although there have been sporadic clashes in Ladakh sectors quite often but we can not ignore that every issue has been settled without a bullet fired. It shows both the government are keen to maintain peace and tranquility and look for a better prosperous future.Let see '62 war as an exceptional scenario and a dark chapter in the three thousand years old history of cultural exchange between the two ancient civilizations.
Perfectly stated. :tup:
India and China have behaved as matured partners for quite some time. And with Modi coming (hopefully) India and China will see greater cooperation. I am looking forward to it. :yay: @Chinese-Dragon
As for Nehru, anything was possible for that incompetent romantic fool.
But kids and propagandists will dig up old skeletons. From time to time. Though I want to know the Indian Government's response on the 'India's China War'.
The Indians stabbed us in the back while we were hungry and poor. Then they propagated a blatant spin for the next half century lamenting how they were betrayed by their Chinese Brother after offering the ungrateful Chinese a position on the security council!
Lies and Lies.

The Indians should pay reparations for the fallen PLA soldiers who died defending China from Indian adventurism.
The Chinese treated the Indian POWs with honour even after suffering unprovoked attacks from the Indians and fed them rice that we could not spare!
Perfectly stated. :tup:
India and China have behaved as matured partners for quite some time. And with Modi coming (hopefully) India and China will see greater cooperation. I am looking forward to it. :yay: @Chinese-Dragon
As for Nehru, anything was possible for that incompetent romantic fool.
But kids and propagandists will dig up old skeletons. From time to time. Though I want to know the Indian Government's response on the 'India's China War'.

So after decades of slandering the PRC labeling us as 'backstabbers', you will let go because it is revealed that it was India that instigated the war?
What of the hundreds of Chinese soldiers dead defending a starving homeland? What of the tarnished reputation of the PRC?
You stabbed us in the back in our darkest hour, spat vile lies about us to the world and killed hundreds of our soldiers.

Pakistan treats us like a brother and we value them because India taught us how bad our neighbourhood is.
This just came to mind - I recall that Zhou Enlai telegraphed Nehru 3 times seeking a ceasefire during the conflict. Nehru deliberately failed to respond and kept up the aggression.

China did everything possible to stop the war and even after crushing the indians, the PLA UNILATERALLY withdrew! Nothing could have stopped them from wrecking havoc on the Indian side to teach the Indians a real lesson. Instead they peacefully withdrew, fed the Indian prisoners, released them and polished their rifles.
Such honorable treatment is repaid by half a century of LIES and SLANDER.
So after decades of slandering the PRC labeling us as 'backstabbers', you will let go because it is revealed that it was India that instigated the war?
What of the hundreds of Chinese soldiers dead defending a starving homeland? What of the tarnished reputation of the PRC?
You stabbed us in the back in our darkest hour, spat vile lies about us to the world and killed hundreds of our soldiers.

Pakistan treats us like a brother and we value them because India taught us how bad our neighbourhood is.
I was not even born. I refuse to take the blame of blundering Nehru. We are suffering from him enough already :taz:
There are now several threads running on this same topic. They should be merged into this one.
I am actually making no money from this as it is freely downloadable. The point is to make as many people around the world aware of Indian activities before Bangladesh again begins to boil later in the year.
U actually tried earlier to market it , since there were no takers u are offering it for free....
The point is U can cry and write thousand books but who cares? If bangladesh boils then only the Indian cricket team will worry since they are there, rest of us ........
Any way all the best in your noble quest.
It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war: Australian journalist Neville Maxwell

TNN | Apr 2, 2014, 03.36 AM IST

Two weeks ago, the Australian journalist Neville Maxwell finally made part of the Henderson Brooks report public, by putting it up on his blog. The report was an internal Indian Army enquiry into its rout in the 1962 war with China — Maxwell was the New Delhi correspondent for The Times, London, at the time — but in the 51 years since the report was written up by Lt Gen Henderson Brooks and Brig PS Bhagat, successive Indian governments have refused to make it public. Only two copies of the report were thought to be in existence, although there was never any doubt that Maxwell had had access to the report for his 1970 book India's China War quoted extensively from it. In his first interview to the Indian media since he made the report public, the now 88-year-old Maxwell tells Parakram Rautela that he had been trying to make the report public for years but that nobody would publish it. He adds that he was only able to get hold of Volume I of the report, minus 45 pages, and that he never laid eyes on Volume II. And of course he still blames Nehru for the war, not the Chinese. Excerpts:

Q: You suggest India's official account of the cause of the 1962 border war is false. What, in your view, is the truth?

NM: By September 1962 the Indian "forward policy" of trying to force the Chinese out of territory India claimed had built up great tension in the Western (Ladakh) sector of the border, with the Chinese army just blocking it. Then the Nehru government applied the forward policy to the McMahon Line eastern sector and when the Chinese blocked that too India in effect declared war with Nehru's announcement on October 11 that the Army had been ordered to "free our territory", which meant to attack the Chinese and drive them back. As General Niranjan Prasad, commander of 4 Division, wrote later: "We at the front knew that since Nehru had said he was going to attack, the Chinese were certainly not going to wait to be attacked" — and of course they didn't. That's how the war began. The Chinese attack was both reactive, in that General Kaul had begun the Indian assault on October 10, and pre-emptive because after that failure the Indian drive had been suspended to build up strength for a resumed attack.

Q: What in your opinion were the policies, on both sides, that brought about the basic quarrel over the border?

NM: As far as the McMahon Line was concerned India inherited the dispute with China, which the British had created in the mid-1930s by seizing the Tibetan territory they re-named NEFA. The PRC government was prepared to accept that border alignment but insisted that it be re-negotiated, that is put through the usual diplomatic process, to wipe out its imperialist origins. Nehru refused, using London's false claim that the Simla Conference had already legitimised the McMahon Line to back up that refusal — that was his Himalayan blunder. Then in 1954 he compounded that mistake by laying cartographic claim to a swathe of territory in the north-west, the Aksai Chin, a claim which was beyond anything the British had ever claimed and on an area which Chinese governments had treated as their own for at least a hundred years. To make matters worse, he ruled that there should be no negotiation over that claim either! So Indian policy had created a border dispute and also ruled out the only way it could peacefully be settled, through diplomatic negotiation.

Q: Whatever the truth about the origins of the war, it's the effect on India-China relations and the deadlock since then that is important now... And there was the worry that bringing up all the bitterness of that bloody conflict may only make matters worse?

NM: Certainly not, the opposite is true I think. If the Henderson Brooks Report is read closely in India (and it's not easy reading!) people will see that political favouritism put the Army under incompetent leadership which blindly followed the Nehru government's provocative policy. It shows that all the way, from formulation to implementation of the Forward Policy, that policy was resisted by the pucca soldiers because they saw it must end in a conflict India could only lose, but the orders came from the top and in the end had to be obeyed... the authors of the report ruefully quote the poem, "theirs not to reason why... but to do or die".

Q: What made you publish the report now, and why were you selective about what you published?

NM: There's a significant gap in what I published, about 45 pages, otherwise I published all I have, which is Volume One of the Report's two volumes. The gap is there only because the time I had to copy it was limited, and when I saw I wouldn't have time to copy it all I chose to leave out a chunk in the middle rather than the end of it. As for the timing, I'd been trying to make it public for years but thought if I did it myself there'd just be attacks on me rather than concentration on the Report's contents, and to some extent that what's happening now. So a couple of years ago I made the text available to several major Indian papers on condition they didn't disclose their source, but none of them would publish it, so by this time I had to conclude that if I didn't do it myself it might never see the light of day. Now it's done without any harm whatever to national security let's hope the Indian government, this one or the next, will quickly publish both volumes of the Henderson Brooks Report without any gaps or editing.

Q: All right, but don't you see you may have made matters worse by arousing all this heated discussion just before a general election?

NM: Honestly, the elections never crossed my mind as bearing on my decision, I don't follow Indian politics closely nowadays. And as for making matters worse, absolutely not, I see the opposite as being true. The tragic irony in all this is that settlement would be easy and the way to settlement has always been open! All that is required is that the Indian government, any Indian government, reverses the Nehru refusal to negotiate. And it's possible that under the guise of just "talking", a secret process of negotiation has in fact been going on and there are signs that it may have reached agreement on basics. If so the Indian public is more likely to welcome that outcome because the myth of "Chinese aggression" has been exposed again, as the Henderson Brooks report does. I say "again" because all this, the historical and diplomatic background and what the Henderson Brooks report tells about the debacle, was exposed long ago in my 1970 book India's China War, and a revised edition of that has just come out in Delhi.

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war: Australian journalist Neville Maxwell - The Times of India

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