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Classified 1962 war report revealed

Why....because I can throw the truth at your face??Because I'm direct and blunt??Because I call a spade a spade??Because I'm straight forward and can't speak in a twisted and politically-correct manner even if it means hiding away behind useless rhetorics or saying half-truths or even shying away from telling the truth??Or is it because you simply can't handle the truth??

I dont mind blunt and honest. Unfortunately you are neither.
You are crude and offensive and your rants radiates petty anger. Control yourself.


A file photo of General V M Thapar.

2) General VM Thapar, Chief of Army Staff: The army chief is mentioned only in one place in the report where he is part of a meeting in Krishna Menon’s office. General Thapar says that the Chinese could retaliate to the forward policy in Ladakh and capture an army post in the Galwan valley and reach their 1960 claim line.

The guilty men of 1962 | idrw.org

His son Karan Thapar :D


...and his like to the Gandhi Family ....:partay: ..... now you know how Gen. Thapar got to be Army Chief :angel:


....All in the family .......:cheers:

I am no one to judge here. Brooks Handerson report and the Government's paranoid reaction are just enough to refute his claim.

PS: When some one is discussing with civility learn how to react with similar manner. Supporting such idiotic actions just proves your moral bankruptcy.

Practicing Morality in a pakistani forum ? :lol: ....... no doubt a sickular. :P

But attacking Omega under the guise of advising him shows your morality ........ Not the first time I have seen this tactic in pdf. :coffee:
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Consider your reply and what else should i do? you are hardly a mature or civil debater.

PS: my father fought in 62 , most info i have is from him and his friends , they include Gen Sunderji, also Gen S.F Rodrigues . both COAS and friends of my father . where you get your info from is debatable.

Sorry,I overlooked your post earlier.Congrats to you and respect to your old man and his good fortune that he made it back alive to be able to tell you his version.But it sure doesn't mean I have to take your words as a gospel truth.I base my claims on books written by the likes of Dalvi,Maxwell et al.And it sure hell doesn't look like you actually respect the sacrifices of our fallen soldiers or else you wouldn't have blindly accused India as being the sole perpetrator of the 1962 war and giving the Chinese a total cleanchit.While In reality the truth was exact opposite!!

If you are so sure of your sources,then why are shying away from answering a simple question of mine??
WHEN DID THE INDIAN FORCES EVER CROSSED THE LAC AND VENTURED INTO CHINESE TERRITORY,ATTACKED THEIR POSITIONS IN ORDER TO JUSTIFY THE ATTACK BY PLA??Have you any answer??Just answer this simple question and then curse me all you want to,I won't even be making a stand??I shall simply surrender.But till then......

PS: Not to get sympathy but still I would like you to listen.Not everyone is as lucky as your old man had been.The younger brother of my grandpa had also participated in that war as a Captain but I can't specify him as a source since he got blown away by a PLA 57mm RCL gun.
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Practicing Morality in a pakistani forum ? :lol: ....... no doubt a sickular. :P
Oh dear. if you find this forum immoral what are you doing here still Mr.Saint?

But attacking Omega under the guise of advising him shows your morality ........ Not the first time I have seen this tactic in pdf.
And when you are thinking that "I have attacked Omega" you should have comprehended that i was talking about his offensive language (against someone who was discussing politely) which puts my country into shame. And believe me, supporting such behavior you, pseudo nationalists have always brought more and more shame to this country.
I am no one to judge here. Brooks Handerson report and the Government's paranoid reaction are just enough to refute his claim.

PS: When some one is discussing with civility learn how to react with similar manner. Supporting such idiotic actions just proves your moral bankruptcy.

Wow dude....practising moral superiority at the cost of your own country??!!I'm sexually aroused man!!
Just hope that not all the Indians are like you.Because otherwise we are doomed.
Wow dude....practising moral superiority at the cost of your own country??!!I'm sexually aroused man!!
Just hope that not all the Indians are like you.Because otherwise we are doomed.

At the cost of own country!! That was rich :tup:
Oh dear. if you find this forum immoral what are you doing here still Mr.Saint?

And when you are thinking that "I have attacked Omega" you should have comprehended that i was talking about his offensive language (against someone who was discussing politely) which puts my country into shame. And believe me, supporting such behavior you, pseudo nationalists have always brought more and more shame to this country.

Whom did you call a pseudo nationalist you moron??It's actually those pseudo commies and guys with vested interests like yourself has brought the most harm and shame to our motherland.What have you ever done for our country to call us pseudo nationalists you piece of crap??

If you have what it takes then answer my question or go **** yourself you commue boot licker??When did the IA ever crossed into their territory so as to justify their attack on India??Answer this question.Or you will be proving that you are pseudo commie Chinese boot licker??
Whom did you call a pseudo nationalist you moron??It's actually those pseudo commies and guys with vested interests like yourself has brought the most harm and shame to our motherland.What have you ever done for our country to call us pseudo nationalists you piece of crap??

If you have what it takes then answer my question or go **** yourself you commue boot licker??When did the IA ever crossed into their territory so as to justify their attack on India??Answer this question.Or you will be proving that you are pseudo commie Chinese boot licker??

Here is an Indian Express Article which states that India set up 60 posts north of the McMahon line. Forward policy essentially meant outflanking Chinese positions.

Besides, the legitimacy of the McMahon line and the Johnson line was evident only to us. The Chinese didn't recognize treaties concluded by the British with the Tibetans.

Now, debate in a civil manner or I'll report your posts for personal attacks.

The origin of a border conflict
Whom did you call a pseudo nationalist you moron??It's actually those pseudo commies and guys with vested interests like yourself has brought the most harm and shame to our motherland.What have you ever done for our country to call us pseudo nationalists you piece of crap??

If you have what it takes then answer my question or go **** yourself you commue boot licker??When did the IA ever crossed into their territory so as to justify their attack on India??Answer this question.Or you will be proving that you are pseudo commie Chinese boot licker??

Does it change anything to me? Does it harm me anyway? But it certainly proves something comprehending which is beyond your capacity :lol:
Sorry,I overlooked your post earlier.Congrats to you and respect to your old man and his good fortune that he made it back alive to be able to tell you his version.But it sure doesn't mean I have to take your words as a gospel truth.I base my claims on books written by the likes of Dalvi,Maxwell et al.And it sure hell doesn't look like you actually respect the sacrifices of our fallen soldiers or else you wouldn't have blindly accused India as being the sole perpetrator of the 1962 war and giving the Chinese a total cleanchit.While In reality the truth was exact opposite!!

If you are so sure of your sources,then why are shying away from answering a simple question of mine??
WHEN DID THE INDIAN FORCES EVER CROSSED THE LAC AND VENTURED INTO CHINESE TERRITORY,ATTACKED THEIR POSITIONS IN ORDER TO JUSTIFY THE ATTACK BY PLA??Have you any answer??Just answer this simple question and then curse me all you want to,I won't even be making a stand??I shall simply surrender.But till then......

PS: Not to get sympathy but still I would like you to listen.Not everyone is as lucky as your old man had been.The younger brother had also participated in that war as a Captain but I can't specify him as a source since he got blown away by a PLA 57mm RCL gun.
I too have read those books and have them with me . do read them again , or go through post #128 i believe he has answered your question.
also this thread is about the Henderson brook report. i have posted the report link earlier. go through the 120 odd pages and you might find the answer.
Oh dear. if you find this forum immoral what are you doing here still Mr.Saint?

LOL......what does a health inspector do in a cockroach infested restaurant ?

And when you are thinking that "I have attacked Omega" you should have comprehended that i was talking about his offensive language (against someone who was discussing politely) which puts my country into shame. And believe me, supporting such behavior you, pseudo nationalists have always brought more and more shame to this country.

Oh...I have seen your earlier posts in this forum and your snide attacks while wearing the secular burkha. Not necessarily in this thread or today....I know what you are.

My nation is not one that shames easily..... only those with a poor self image of their nations feel that sense of psudo shame. The only thing funny is the self proclaimed "morality" of the self righteous sickularists. :lol:
LOL......what does a health inspector do in a cockroach infested restaurant ?

Oh...I have seen your earlier posts in this forum and your snide attacks while wearing the secular burkha. Not necessarily in this thread or today....I know what you are.

My nation is not one that shames easily..... only those with a poor self image of their nations feel that sense of psudo shame. The only think funny is the self proclaimed "morality" of the self righteous sickularists. :lol:

The feeling is quite mutual.:enjoy: By the way, the person I had objection with had claimed he had read Dalvi's book and still he comes to the assertion that it was China who attacked India unjustly. Do you think you guys should be taken seriously at all? :rofl:
Doesn't even make a god damn sense....not even close.

Karan thapar the congress boot licker had a father who suck up to Nehru ....... we have another congressi here who claims his father was involved in 62 war too.....Hope he's not karan thapar :P

My guess is those who were reward by Nehru and his family continue to be faithful dogs ....... what a pity their loyalty do not run as much for the nation, as it does for their benefactors family.

The feeling is quite mutual.:enjoy: By the way, the person I had objection with had claimed he had read Dalvi's book and still he comes to the assertion that it was China who attacked India unjustly. Do you think you guys should be taken seriously at all? :rofl:

Do you know anything about the cold war, the cuban missile crisis and the china war ? :lol: ...... or do you swallow congress and chinese propaganda hook line and sinker ?

I suggest you read up a LOT.
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Here is an Indian Express Article which states that India set up 60 posts north of the McMahon line. Forward policy essentially meant outflanking Chinese positions.

Besides, the legitimacy of the McMahon line and the Johnson line was evident only to us. The Chinese didn't recognize treaties concluded by the British with the Tibetans.

Now, debate in a civil manner or I'll report your posts for personal attacks.

The origin of a border conflict

Your link just bluntly says that IA set up 43 out posts (not 60) north of the McMahon line but where??This you call a source without any authentic data or a marked map??It may come to you as a reliable source,not to me.If late Brig. Dalvi is to be believed,IA patrols never deliberately ventured north to its perceived McMahon line,so setting up BOPs in north is a long shot.Heck he even gave multiple very detailed maps thoroughly showing the respective positions of two sides.I've this book,this map open in front of me right now....none of the BOPs are showing on 'north' of the McMahon Line as perceived by IA and as depicted here on this book!!I just don't seem to get where that author of your source pulled that 43 out from!!

And regarding personal attacks....report all you want,to whomever your want to.Like I give a damn!!What else can you do anyway??

Karan thapar the congress boot licker had a father who suck up to Nehru ....... we have another congressi here who claims his father was involved in 62 war too.....Hope he's not karan thapar :P

My guess is those who were reward by Nehru and his family continue to be faithful dogs ....... what a pity their loyalty do not run as much for the nation, as to their benefactor.

Do you know anything about the cold war, the cuban missile crisis and the china war ? :lol: ...... or do you swallow congress and chinese propaganda hook line and sinker ?

I suggest you read up a LOT.

Bhainso key again been baja rahein hay humlog bhai sahab.I've simply had enough with these nitwits.There is a limit to my capacity to endure stupidity of this galactic level,I'm out of here.Adios.....
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